Source code for qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.pathfinder

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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import heapq
import numpy as np
from qiskit_metal import Dict
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.core import QRoutePoint
from .anchored_path import RouteAnchors
from qiskit_metal.toolbox_metal import math_and_overrides as mao
from collections import OrderedDict
from qiskit_metal.toolbox_metal.exceptions import QiskitMetalDesignError

[docs] class RoutePathfinder(RouteAnchors): """ Non-meandered CPW class that combines A* pathfinding algorithm with simple 1-, 2-, or S-shaped segment checks and user-specified anchor points. 1. A* heap modified to prioritize paths with shortest length_travelled + Manhattan distance to destination. 2. Checks if connect_simple is valid each time we pop from the heap. If so, use it, otherwise proceed with A*. 3. Tweaks connect_simple to account for end anchor direction in determining which CPW (elbow or S-segment) to use. .. meta:: Route Pathfinder RouteAnchors Default Options: * anchors: OrderedDict -- Intermediate anchors only; doesn't include endpoints * advanced: Dict * avoid_collision: 'false' -- true/false, defines if the route needs to avoid collisions Default Options: * step_size: '0.25mm' -- Length of the step for the A* pathfinding algorithm * advanced: Dict * avoid_collision: 'true' -- true/false, defines if the route needs to avoid collisions """ default_options = Dict(step_size='0.25mm', advanced=Dict(avoid_collision='true')) """Default options""" TOOLTIP = """ Non-meandered CPW class that combines A* pathfinding algorithm with simple 1-, 2-, or S-shaped segment checks and user-specified anchor points."""
[docs] def connect_astar_or_simple(self, start_pt: QRoutePoint, end_pt: QRoutePoint) -> list: """Connect start and end via A* algo if connect_simple doesn't work. Args: start_direction (np.array): Vector indicating direction of starting point start (np.array): 2-D coordinates of first anchor end (np.array): 2-D coordinates of second anchor Returns: List of vertices of a CPW going from start to end Raises: QiskitMetalDesignError: If the connect_simple() has failed. """ start_direction = start_pt.direction start = start_pt.position end_direction = end_pt.direction end = end_pt.position step_size = self.parse_options().step_size starting_dist = sum( abs(end - start)) # Manhattan distance between start and end key_starting_point = (starting_dist, start[0], start[1]) pathmapper = {key_starting_point: [starting_dist, [start]]} # pathmapper maps tuple(total length of the path from self.start + Manhattan distance to destination, coordx, coordy) to [total length of # path from self.start, path] visited = set( ) # maintain record of points we've already visited to avoid self-intersections visited.add(tuple(start)) # TODO: add to visited all of the current points in the route, to prevent self intersecting priority_queue = list() # A* priority queue. Implemented as heap priority_queue.append(key_starting_point) # Elements in the heap are ordered by the following: # 1. The total length of the path from self.start + Manhattan distance to destination # 2. The x coordinate of the latest point # 3. The y coordinate of the latest point while priority_queue: tot_dist, x, y = heapq.heappop( priority_queue ) # tot_dist is the total length of the path from self.start + Manhattan distance to destination length_travelled, current_path = pathmapper[(tot_dist, x, y)] # Look in forward, left, and right directions a fixed distance away. # If the line segment connecting the current point and this next one does # not collide with any bounding boxes in design.components, add it to the # list of neighbors. neighbors = list() if len(current_path) == 1: # At starting point -> initial direction is start direction direction = start_direction else: # Beyond starting point -> look at vector difference of last 2 points along path direction = current_path[-1] - current_path[-2] # The dot product between direction and the vector connecting the current # point and a potential neighbor must be non-negative to avoid retracing. # Check if connect_simple works at each iteration of A* try: simple_path = self.connect_simple( QRoutePoint(np.array([x, y]), direction), QRoutePoint(end, end_direction)) except QiskitMetalDesignError: simple_path = None # try the pathfinder algorithm pass if simple_path is not None: current_path.extend(simple_path) return current_path for disp in [ np.array([0, 1]), np.array([0, -1]), np.array([1, 0]), np.array([-1, 0]) ]: # Unit displacement in 4 cardinal directions if, direction) >= 0: # Ignore backward direction curpt = current_path[-1] nextpt = curpt + step_size * disp if self.unobstructed([curpt, nextpt]): neighbors.append(nextpt) for neighbor in neighbors: if tuple(neighbor) not in visited: new_remaining_dist = sum(abs(end - neighbor)) new_length_travelled = length_travelled + step_size new_path = current_path + [neighbor] if new_remaining_dist < 10**-8: # Destination has been reached within acceptable error tolerance (errors due to rounding in Python) return new_path[:-1] + [ end ] # Replace last element of new_path with end since they're basically the same heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (new_length_travelled + new_remaining_dist, neighbor[0], neighbor[1])) pathmapper[(new_length_travelled + new_remaining_dist, neighbor[0], neighbor[1])] = [ new_length_travelled, new_path ] visited.add(tuple(neighbor)) return [ ] # Shouldn't actually reach here - if it fails, there's a convergence issue
[docs] def make(self): """Generates path from start pin to end pin.""" p = self.parse_options() anchors = p.anchors # Set the CPW pins and add the points/directions to the lead-in/out arrays self.set_pin("start") self.set_pin("end") # Align the lead-in/out to the input options set from the user start_point = self.set_lead("start") end_point = self.set_lead("end") self.intermediate_pts = OrderedDict() for arc_num, coord in anchors.items(): arc_pts = self.connect_astar_or_simple(self.get_tip(), QRoutePoint(coord)) if arc_pts is None: self.intermediate_pts[arc_num] = [coord] else: self.intermediate_pts[arc_num] = np.concatenate( [arc_pts, [coord]], axis=0) arc_pts = self.connect_astar_or_simple(self.get_tip(), end_point) if arc_pts is not None: self.intermediate_pts[len(anchors)] = np.array(arc_pts) # concatenate all points, transforming the dictionary into a single numpy array self.trim_pts() self.intermediate_pts = np.concatenate(list( self.intermediate_pts.values()), axis=0) # Make points into elements self.make_elements(self.get_points())