Design 100 qubits programmatically


A working local installation of Ansys

N_x by N_y grid of qubits

A simple example of generating a large grid of qubits.

Using TransmonPocket and RouteMeander, we can generate a large, varied grid array of qubits. This is not a practical design given the lack of readouts or control lines to the qubits, just an example for how to make a design algorithmically.

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import qiskit_metal as metal
from qiskit_metal import designs, MetalGUI
from qiskit_metal import Dict, Headings
design = designs.DesignPlanar()
gui = MetalGUI(design)
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.qubits.transmon_pocket import TransmonPocket
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.meandered import RouteMeander
design.overwrite_enabled = True


We can vary how big we want the grid to be by changing N_x/N_y (number of qubits along the x/y axis). Be careful as very large arrays can take a fair bit of time to generate. We modify the chip size so it contains all of the qubits.

N_x =4
N_y =3
design.chips.main.size.size_x = str((N_x+1) * 3)+'mm'
design.chips.main.size.size_y = str((N_y+1) * 3)+'mm'

design.chips.main.size.center_x = str((N_x-1) * 1.5)+'mm'
design.chips.main.size.center_y = str((N_y-0.5) * 1.5)+'mm'

First we generate the qubits. We use some simple math to generate the offset pattern in order to make the bus resonators easier to connect.

#Loop to generate and draw the qubits
for x in range(N_x):
    for y in range(N_y):
        options = dict(pos_x= str(x*3000)+'um', pos_y = str(y*3000 + (x%2)*1500)+'um', orientation = "-90",
                      connection_pads = dict(
                            B0 = dict(loc_W=-1, loc_H=-1, pad_width='75um'),
                            B1  = dict(loc_W=-1, loc_H=+1, pad_width='120um'),
                            B2  = dict(loc_W=+1, loc_H=-1, pad_width='120um'),
                            B3 = dict(loc_w = +1, loc_H = +1, pad_width='90um')))



Next, we generate the route meanders. As we used consistent naming schemes for the qubits and pins, we can loop through them with out issue. We also have the length vary based on which qubit is being connected, such that no qubit should be connected to two resonators of the same frequency.

for x in range(N_x):
    for y in range(N_y):
        #"upward" connection, avoids drawing connectors for 'top' row. Changes connector length by +/-50um to avoid frequency collisions
        if y<(N_y-1):
            connectorAD = RouteMeander(design,'CU_'+str(x)+'_'+str(y),options = dict(total_length = str(7+(y%2)*0.5)+'mm',
                                                                                    fillet = "99um",lead=dict(
                                                                                    meander = dict(asymmetry='-700um'),
                                                                                    pin_inputs = dict(
                                                                                            component ='Q_'+str(x)+'_'+str(y),
                                                                                            pin = 'B0'),

        #"sideways" connection, avoids drawing for far right col, and for top qubit in odd col. Changes connector length by +/- 25um
        #to avoid frequency collisions
        if x<(N_x-1) and (not(x%2 and y==(N_y-1))):
            connectorBC = RouteMeander(design,'CS_'+str(x)+'_'+str(y),options= dict(total_length = str(6+(y%2)*0.5)+'mm',
                                                                                    fillet = "99um",lead=Dict(
                                                                                    meander = Dict(asymmetry='-200um'),
                                                                                    pin_inputs = Dict(
                                                                                            component ='Q_'+str(x)+'_'+str(y),
                                                                                            pin = 'B1'),



We can quickly check if we have designed the qubits well with an LOM analysis. First we select the design that we want to analyse and the tool to use for any simulation.

from qiskit_metal.analyses.quantization import LOManalysis
c1 = LOManalysis(design, "q3d")

You can review and update the Analysis default setup following the examples in the next two cells.

{'name': 'Setup',
 'reuse_selected_design': True,
 'reuse_setup': True,
 'freq_ghz': 5.0,
 'save_fields': False,
 'enabled': True,
 'max_passes': 15,
 'min_passes': 2,
 'min_converged_passes': 2,
 'percent_error': 0.5,
 'percent_refinement': 30,
 'auto_increase_solution_order': True,
 'solution_order': 'High',
 'solver_type': 'Iterative'}

Let’s change the name of the setup and increase the maximum number of passes.

[13]: = 'LOM'
c1.sim.setup.max_passes = 14

#To change multiple settings use the following method:
#c1.sim.setup_update(name = 'LOM', max_passes = 14)


{'name': 'LOM',
 'reuse_selected_design': True,
 'reuse_setup': True,
 'freq_ghz': 5.0,
 'save_fields': False,
 'enabled': True,
 'max_passes': 14,
 'min_passes': 2,
 'min_converged_passes': 2,
 'percent_error': 0.5,
 'percent_refinement': 30,
 'auto_increase_solution_order': True,
 'solution_order': 'High',
 'solver_type': 'Iterative'}

For our analysis we will pick the first qubit, Q_0_0, making sure to apply open terminations to the connection pads. The default bounding box is sufficient for a simple analysis. By passing the parameter components to the method, the design is rendered automatically. Not passing it skips the rendering and tries to run the analysis on the latest design. If a design is not found, the full metal design is rendered.

[14]:['Q_0_0'], open_terminations=[('Q_0_0', 'B0'), ('Q_0_0', 'B1'), ('Q_0_0', 'B2'), ('Q_0_0', 'B3')])
INFO 09:14PM [connect_project]: Connecting to Ansys Desktop API...
INFO 09:14PM [load_ansys_project]:      Opened Ansys App
INFO 09:14PM [load_ansys_project]:      Opened Ansys Desktop v2020.2.0
INFO 09:14PM [load_ansys_project]:      Opened Ansys Project
        Folder:    C:/Users/LocalAdmin/Documents/Ansoft/
        Project:   Project3
INFO 09:14PM [connect_design]: No active design found (or error getting active design).
INFO 09:14PM [connect]:          Connected to project "Project3". No design detected
INFO 09:14PM [connect_design]:  Opened active design
        Design:    Design_q3d [Solution type: Q3D]
WARNING 09:14PM [connect_setup]:        No design setup detected.
WARNING 09:14PM [connect_setup]:        Creating Q3D default setup.
INFO 09:14PM [get_setup]:       Opened setup `Setup`  (<class 'pyEPR.ansys.AnsysQ3DSetup'>)
INFO 09:14PM [get_setup]:       Opened setup `LOM`  (<class 'pyEPR.ansys.AnsysQ3DSetup'>)
INFO 09:14PM [analyze]: Analyzing setup LOM
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp_hlqtijq.txt, C, , LOM:LastAdaptive, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 1, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpm6o1w2x7.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 1, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8li0tjtq.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 2, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpupxqipgp.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 3, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpkjbblmmc.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 4, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp239ustm9.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 5, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp77k7odfy.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 6, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpbga72yox.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 7, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmppkxuaoh7.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 8, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpan3h64py.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 9, False
INFO 09:15PM [get_matrix]: Exporting matrix data to (C:\Users\LOCALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmperxra0to.txt, C, , LOM:AdaptivePass, "Original", "ohm", "nH", "fF", "mSie", 5000000000, Maxwell, 10, False

We then use the results of that simulation to complete a LOM analysis. The input values should be modified based on the simulation passes and the set frequencies of the resonators.

c1.setup.junctions = Dict({'Lj': 12.31, 'Cj': 2})
c1.setup.freq_readout = 6.6
c1.setup.freq_bus = [6.0, 6.2,6.4]

[4, 5] [6 0 1 2]
Predicted Values

Transmon Properties
f_Q 4.738954 [GHz]
EC 233.980931 [MHz]
EJ 13.273404 [GHz]
alpha -265.921577 [MHz]
dispersion 2.961037 [KHz]
Lq 12.305036 [nH]
Cq 82.785499 [fF]
T1 38.984271 [us]

**Coupling Properties**

tCqbus1 -14.941228 [fF]
gbus1_in_MHz -171.865495 [MHz]
χ_bus1 -4.093768 [MHz]
1/T1bus1 3932.655118 [Hz]
T1bus1 40.470099 [us]

tCqbus2 1.214466 [fF]
gbus2_in_MHz 12.829544 [MHz]
χ_bus2 -0.046240 [MHz]
1/T1bus2 4.837406 [Hz]
T1bus2 32900.886145 [us]

tCqbus3 7.440809 [fF]
gbus3_in_MHz 81.008269 [MHz]
χ_bus3 -1.413122 [MHz]
1/T1bus3 143.085528 [Hz]
T1bus3 1112.306360 [us]

tCqbus4 -0.961558 [fF]
gbus4_in_MHz -10.815462 [MHz]
χ_bus4 -0.019950 [MHz]
1/T1bus4 1.964458 [Hz]
T1bus4 81017.238470 [us]
Bus-Bus Couplings
gbus1_2 30.753259 [MHz]
gbus1_3 54.127186 [MHz]
gbus1_4 37.699733 [MHz]
gbus2_3 13.610983 [MHz]
gbus2_4 18.527072 [MHz]
gbus3_4 16.145313 [MHz]
fQ EC EJ alpha dispersion gbus chi_in_MHz χr MHz gr MHz
1 5.044089 267.10336 13.273404 -306.945764 11.079517 [-161.15808571895315, 9.870283884905112, 71.93... [-5.621652036035947, -0.05004703405751782, -1.... 5.621652 161.158086
2 4.95129 256.767469 13.273404 -294.059523 7.54795 [-146.4624487976284, 6.691015658791751, 73.940... [-4.035714553638353, -0.01892349474338407, -1.... 4.035715 146.462449
3 4.872128 248.132548 13.273404 -283.352888 5.376871 [-155.3563666804045, 10.251305545805131, 74.91... [-4.042454405786888, -0.037933542547650835, -1... 4.042454 155.356367
4 4.846487 245.371362 13.273404 -279.940522 4.805843 [-160.4881170954147, 9.098286776764787, 76.290... [-4.157072524571879, -0.02843345284637578, -1.... 4.157073 160.488117
5 4.804421 240.879201 13.273404 -274.400635 3.986857 [-163.84899918863601, 10.723100629455065, 77.9... [-4.080058098970338, -0.03646057667869494, -1.... 4.080058 163.848999
6 4.782051 238.509452 13.273404 -271.484001 3.604898 [-166.45252998445875, 11.937440533798032, 78.9... [-4.079413824028787, -0.04333548934732217, -1.... 4.079414 166.452530
7 4.762294 236.427395 13.273404 -268.92477 3.295459 [-168.75220986791896, 12.216219488988354, 79.9... [-4.0778710744752615, -0.04375451018537349, -1... 4.077871 168.752210
8 4.749929 235.129578 13.273404 -267.331082 3.114259 [-170.2243348027099, 12.30778022628425, 80.502... [-4.078025496422903, -0.043416356394959575, -1... 4.078025 170.224335
9 4.738954 233.980931 13.273404 -265.921577 2.961037 [-171.86549487771424, 12.829544193035785, 81.0... [-4.093768494072426, -0.04623997642648877, -1.... 4.093768 171.865495

Once you are done with your analysis, please close it with close(). This will free up resources currently occupied by qiskit-metal to communiate with the tool.


GDS Render

chip_gds = design.renderers.gds
chip_gds.options['no_cheese']['buffer'] = '50um'
chip_gds.options['path_filename'] = '../../resources/Fake_Junctions.GDS'

We can close the GUI now that we have finished the design.


For more information, review the Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Hardware lectures below

  • Superconducting Qubits I: Quantizing a Harmonic Oscillator, Josephson Junctions Part 1
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits I: Quantizing a Harmonic Oscillator, Josephson Junctions Part 2
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits I: Quantizing a Harmonic Oscillator, Josephson Junctions Part 3
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits II: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, Readout and Calibration Methods Part 1
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits II: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, Readout and Calibration Methods Part 2
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits II: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, Readout and Calibration Methods Part 3
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab