This page was generated from tut//4-Analysis//4.22-Eigenmode-matrix.ipynb.
Sweeps - Eigenmode matrix¶
You need to have a working local installation of Ansys
1. Perform the necessary imports and create a QDesign in Metal first.¶
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import qiskit_metal as metal
from qiskit_metal import designs, draw
from qiskit_metal import MetalGUI, Dict, Headings
from qiskit_metal.analyses.quantization import EPRanalysis
# Create the design in Metal
# Create a design by specifying the chip size and open Metal GUI.
design = designs.DesignPlanar({}, True)
design.chips.main.size['size_x'] = '2mm'
design.chips.main.size['size_y'] = '2mm'
gui = MetalGUI(design)
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.qubits.transmon_pocket import TransmonPocket
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.open_to_ground import OpenToGround
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.meandered import RouteMeander
In this example, the design consists of 1 qubit and 1 CPW connected to OpenToGround.¶
# Allow running the same cell here multiple times to overwrite changes
design.overwrite_enabled = True
# Remove all qcomponents from GUI.
# So as to demonstrate the quality factor outputs easily, the
#subtrate material type is being changed to FR4_epoxy from the
#default of silicon
design.chips.main.material = 'FR4_epoxy'
q1 = TransmonPocket(
options=dict(pad_width='425 um',
hfss_inductance = '17nH',
readout=dict(loc_W=+1, loc_H=+1, pad_width='200um'))))
otg = OpenToGround(design,
options=dict(pos_x='1.75mm', pos_y='0um', orientation='0'))
readout = RouteMeander(
design, 'readout',
total_length='6 mm',
hfss_wire_bonds = True,
fillet='90 um',
pin_inputs=Dict(start_pin=Dict(component='Q1', pin='readout'),
end_pin=Dict(component='open_to_ground', pin='open')),

2 Metal passes information to ‘hfss’ simulator, and gets a solution matrix.¶
# Create a separate analysis object for the combined qbit+readout.
eig_qres = EPRanalysis(design, "hfss")
Prepare data to pass as arguments for method run_sweep().
Method run_sweep() will open the simulation software if software is not open already.
### for render_design()
# Render every QComponent in QDesign.
render_qcomps = []
# Identify which kind of pins in Ansys.
# Follow details from renderer in
# QHFSSRenderer.render_design.
# No pins are open, so don't need to utilize render_endcaps.
open_terminations = []
#List of tuples of jj's that shouldn't be rendered.
#Follow details from renderer in QHFSSRenderer.render_design.
render_ignored_jjs = []
# Either calculate a bounding box based on the location of
# rendered geometries or use chip size from design class.
box_plus_buffer = True
# For simulator hfss, the setup options are :
# min_freq_ghz, n_modes, max_delta_f, max_passes, min_passes, min_converged=None,
# pct_refinement, basis_order
# If you don't pass all the arguments, the default is determined by
# QHFSSRenderer's default_options.
# If a setup named "sweeper_em_setup" exists in the project, it will be deleted,
# and a new setup will be added."sweeper_em_setup"
eig_qres.sim.setup.min_converged = 2
eig_qres.sim.setup.max_delta_f = 0.2
eig_qres.setup.junctions.jj.rect = 'JJ_rect_Lj_Q1_rect_jj'
eig_qres.setup.junctions.jj.line = 'JJ_Lj_Q1_rect_jj_'
Connect to Ansys HFSS, eigenmode solution.
Rebuild QComponents in Metal.
Render QComponents within HFSS and setup.
Delete/Clear the HFSS between each calculation of solution matrix.
Calculate solution matrix for each value in option_sweep.
Return a dict and return code. If the return code is zero, there were no errors detected.¶
The dict has: key = each value used to sweep, value = data from simulators¶
This could take minutes based size of design.¶
#Note: The method will connect to Ansys, activate_eigenmode_design(), add_eigenmode_setup().
all_sweeps, return_code = eig_qres.run_sweep(,
['10mm', '11mm', '12mm'],
INFO 08:11AM [connect_project]: Connecting to Ansys Desktop API...
INFO 08:11AM [load_ansys_project]: Opened Ansys App
INFO 08:11AM [load_ansys_project]: Opened Ansys Desktop v2020.2.0
INFO 08:11AM [load_ansys_project]: Opened Ansys Project
Folder: C:/Ansoft/
Project: Project23
INFO 08:11AM [connect_design]: No active design found (or error getting active design).
INFO 08:11AM [connect]: Connected to project "Project23". No design detected
INFO 08:11AM [connect_design]: Opened active design
Design: GetEigenModeSolution_hfss [Solution type: Eigenmode]
WARNING 08:11AM [connect_setup]: No design setup detected.
WARNING 08:11AM [connect_setup]: Creating eigenmode default setup.
INFO 08:11AM [get_setup]: Opened setup `Setup` (<class 'pyEPR.ansys.HfssEMSetup'>)
INFO 08:11AM [get_setup]: Opened setup `sweeper_em_setup` (<class 'pyEPR.ansys.HfssEMSetup'>)
INFO 08:11AM [analyze]: Analyzing setup sweeper_em_setup
08:26AM 34s INFO [get_f_convergence]: Saved convergences to C:\workspace\qiskit-metal\docs\tut\4-Analysis\hfss_eig_f_convergence.csv
Design "GetEigenModeSolution_hfss" info:
# eigenmodes 2
# variations 1
Design "GetEigenModeSolution_hfss" info:
# eigenmodes 2
# variations 1
energy_elec_all = 5.19788159957566e-25
energy_elec_substrate = 4.2287113157029e-25
EPR of substrate = 81.4%
energy_mag = 8.01738203686217e-27
energy_mag % of energy_elec_all = 1.5%
Variation 0 [1/1]
Mode 0 at 7.53 GHz [1/2]
Calculating ℰ_magnetic,ℰ_electric
(ℰ_E-ℰ_H)/ℰ_E ℰ_E ℰ_H
98.5% 2.599e-25 4.009e-27
Calculating junction energy participation ration (EPR)
method=`line_voltage`. First estimates:
junction EPR p_0j sign s_0j (p_capacitive)
Energy fraction (Lj over Lj&Cj)= 95.71%
jj 1.6736 (+) 0.0750176
WARNING: This simulation must not have converged well!!! The difference in the total cap and ind energies is larger than 10%. Proceed with caution.
Calculating Qdielectric_main for mode 0 (0/1)
p_dielectric_main_0 = 0.8135451403987578
Mode 1 at 8.86 GHz [2/2]
Calculating ℰ_magnetic,ℰ_electric
(ℰ_E-ℰ_H)/ℰ_E ℰ_E ℰ_H
1.2% 5.877e-25 5.809e-25
Calculating junction energy participation ration (EPR)
method=`line_voltage`. First estimates:
junction EPR p_1j sign s_1j (p_capacitive)
Energy fraction (Lj over Lj&Cj)= 94.17%
jj 0.0199851 (+) 0.00123759
Calculating Qdielectric_main for mode 1 (1/1)
p_dielectric_main_1 = 0.8119553568702682
WARNING 08:27AM [__init__]: <p>Error: <class 'IndexError'></p>
ERROR 08:27AM [_get_participation_normalized]: WARNING: U_tot_cap-U_tot_ind / mean = 44.4% is > 15%.
Is the simulation converged? Proceed with caution
ANALYSIS DONE. Data saved to:
C:\data-pyEPR\Project23\GetEigenModeSolution_hfss\2021-08-18 08-26-35.npz
Differences in variations:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Variation 0
Starting the diagonalization
ERROR 08:27AM [_get_participation_normalized]: WARNING: U_tot_cap-U_tot_ind / mean = 44.4% is > 15%.
Is the simulation converged? Proceed with caution
Finished the diagonalization
0 0.635168
1 0.817290
dtype: float64
Pm_norm idx =
0 True
1 False
*** P (participation matrix, not normlz.)
0 1.556815
1 0.019960
*** S (sign-bit matrix)
0 1
1 1
*** P (participation matrix, normalized.)
*** Chi matrix O1 PT (MHz)
Diag is anharmonicity, off diag is full cross-Kerr.
424 20.1
20.1 0.239
*** Chi matrix ND (MHz)
499 10.1
10.1 0.0723
*** Frequencies O1 PT (MHz)
0 7100.043062
1 8845.729528
dtype: float64
*** Frequencies ND (MHz)
0 7067.159806
1 8847.889665
dtype: float64
*** Q_coupling
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [0, 1]
Mode frequencies (MHz)¶
Numerical diagonalization
Lj | 10 |
eigenmode | |
0 | 7100.04 |
1 | 8845.73 |
Kerr Non-linear coefficient table (MHz)¶
Numerical diagonalization
0 | 1 | ||
Lj | |||
10 | 0 | 498.59 | 10.14 |
1 | 10.14 | 0.07 |
INFO 08:27AM [connect_design]: Opened active design
Design: GetEigenModeSolution_hfss [Solution type: Eigenmode]
INFO 08:27AM [get_setup]: Opened setup `sweeper_em_setup` (<class 'pyEPR.ansys.HfssEMSetup'>)
INFO 08:27AM [analyze]: Analyzing setup sweeper_em_setup
08:36AM 21s INFO [get_f_convergence]: Saved convergences to C:\workspace\qiskit-metal\docs\tut\4-Analysis\hfss_eig_f_convergence.csv
Design "GetEigenModeSolution_hfss" info:
# eigenmodes 2
# variations 1
Design "GetEigenModeSolution_hfss" info:
# eigenmodes 2
# variations 1
energy_elec_all = 1.24548064887814e-24
energy_elec_substrate = 1.01220397065148e-24
EPR of substrate = 81.3%
energy_mag = 6.56191412175113e-26
energy_mag % of energy_elec_all = 5.3%
Variation 0 [1/1]
Mode 0 at 7.47 GHz [1/2]
Calculating ℰ_magnetic,ℰ_electric
(ℰ_E-ℰ_H)/ℰ_E ℰ_E ℰ_H
94.7% 6.227e-25 3.281e-26
Calculating junction energy participation ration (EPR)
method=`line_voltage`. First estimates:
junction EPR p_0j sign s_0j (p_capacitive)
Energy fraction (Lj over Lj&Cj)= 95.78%
jj 1.61044 (+) 0.0709035
WARNING: This simulation must not have converged well!!! The difference in the total cap and ind energies is larger than 10%. Proceed with caution.
Calculating Qdielectric_main for mode 0 (0/1)
p_dielectric_main_0 = 0.8127014832090866
Mode 1 at 8.07 GHz [2/2]
Calculating ℰ_magnetic,ℰ_electric
(ℰ_E-ℰ_H)/ℰ_E ℰ_E ℰ_H
4.9% 7.606e-25 7.235e-25
Calculating junction energy participation ration (EPR)
method=`line_voltage`. First estimates:
junction EPR p_1j sign s_1j (p_capacitive)
Energy fraction (Lj over Lj&Cj)= 95.11%
jj 0.0831536 (+) 0.00427873
Calculating Qdielectric_main for mode 1 (1/1)
p_dielectric_main_1 = 0.8110869059274507
WARNING 08:36AM [__init__]: <p>Error: <class 'IndexError'></p>
ERROR 08:36AM [_get_participation_normalized]: WARNING: U_tot_cap-U_tot_ind / mean = 43.3% is > 15%.
Is the simulation converged? Proceed with caution
ERROR 08:36AM [_get_participation_normalized]: WARNING: U_tot_cap-U_tot_ind / mean = 43.3% is > 15%.
Is the simulation converged? Proceed with caution
ANALYSIS DONE. Data saved to:
C:\data-pyEPR\Project23\GetEigenModeSolution_hfss\2021-08-18 08-36-22.npz
Differences in variations:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Variation 0
Starting the diagonalization
Finished the diagonalization
0 0.639346
1 0.806611
dtype: float64
Pm_norm idx =
0 True
1 False
*** P (participation matrix, not normlz.)
0 1.503817
1 0.082799
*** S (sign-bit matrix)
0 1
1 1
*** P (participation matrix, normalized.)
*** Chi matrix O1 PT (MHz)
Diag is anharmonicity, off diag is full cross-Kerr.
394 73.4
73.4 3.42
*** Chi matrix ND (MHz)
532 18.8
18.8 0.297
*** Frequencies O1 PT (MHz)
0 7036.474625
1 8032.650030
dtype: float64
*** Frequencies ND (MHz)
0 6983.674726
1 8048.708620
dtype: float64
*** Q_coupling
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [0, 1]
Mode frequencies (MHz)¶
Numerical diagonalization
Lj | 10 |
eigenmode | |
0 | 7036.47 |
1 | 8032.65 |
Kerr Non-linear coefficient table (MHz)¶
Numerical diagonalization
0 | 1 | ||
Lj | |||
10 | 0 | 532.36 | 18.82 |
1 | 18.82 | 0.30 |
INFO 08:36AM [connect_design]: Opened active design
Design: GetEigenModeSolution_hfss [Solution type: Eigenmode]
INFO 08:37AM [get_setup]: Opened setup `sweeper_em_setup` (<class 'pyEPR.ansys.HfssEMSetup'>)
INFO 08:37AM [analyze]: Analyzing setup sweeper_em_setup
08:49AM 07s INFO [get_f_convergence]: Saved convergences to C:\workspace\qiskit-metal\docs\tut\4-Analysis\hfss_eig_f_convergence.csv
Design "GetEigenModeSolution_hfss" info:
# eigenmodes 2
# variations 1
Design "GetEigenModeSolution_hfss" info:
# eigenmodes 2
# variations 1
energy_elec_all = 1.24148729817218e-24
energy_elec_substrate = 1.00761523148401e-24
EPR of substrate = 81.2%
energy_mag = 9.86581588344368e-25
energy_mag % of energy_elec_all = 79.5%
Variation 0 [1/1]
Mode 0 at 7.33 GHz [1/2]
Calculating ℰ_magnetic,ℰ_electric
(ℰ_E-ℰ_H)/ℰ_E ℰ_E ℰ_H
20.5% 6.207e-25 4.933e-25
Calculating junction energy participation ration (EPR)
method=`line_voltage`. First estimates:
junction EPR p_0j sign s_0j (p_capacitive)
Energy fraction (Lj over Lj&Cj)= 95.93%
jj 0.349277 (+) 0.0148271
Calculating Qdielectric_main for mode 0 (0/1)
p_dielectric_main_0 = 0.8116194446511892
Mode 1 at 7.62 GHz [2/2]
Calculating ℰ_magnetic,ℰ_electric
(ℰ_E-ℰ_H)/ℰ_E ℰ_E ℰ_H
79.1% 2.755e-25 5.769e-26
Calculating junction energy participation ration (EPR)
method=`line_voltage`. First estimates:
junction EPR p_1j sign s_1j (p_capacitive)
Energy fraction (Lj over Lj&Cj)= 95.61%
jj 1.3439 (+) 0.0616636
WARNING: This simulation must not have converged well!!! The difference in the total cap and ind energies is larger than 10%. Proceed with caution.
Calculating Qdielectric_main for mode 1 (1/1)
p_dielectric_main_1 = 0.8133632043452139
WARNING 08:49AM [__init__]: <p>Error: <class 'IndexError'></p>
ERROR 08:49AM [_get_participation_normalized]: WARNING: U_tot_cap-U_tot_ind / mean = 37.6% is > 15%.
Is the simulation converged? Proceed with caution
ERROR 08:49AM [_get_participation_normalized]: WARNING: U_tot_cap-U_tot_ind / mean = 37.6% is > 15%.
Is the simulation converged? Proceed with caution
ANALYSIS DONE. Data saved to:
C:\data-pyEPR\Project23\GetEigenModeSolution_hfss\2021-08-18 08-49-08.npz
Differences in variations:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Variation 0
Starting the diagonalization
Finished the diagonalization
0 0.766393
1 0.663454
dtype: float64
Pm_norm idx =
0 True
1 True
*** P (participation matrix, not normlz.)
0 0.344174
1 1.265842
*** S (sign-bit matrix)
0 1
1 1
*** P (participation matrix, normalized.)
*** Chi matrix O1 PT (MHz)
Diag is anharmonicity, off diag is full cross-Kerr.
28.6 189
189 313
*** Chi matrix ND (MHz)
526 -492
-492 624
*** Frequencies O1 PT (MHz)
0 7209.141624
1 7215.058834
dtype: float64
*** Frequencies ND (MHz)
0 7432.783625
1 6939.798837
dtype: float64
*** Q_coupling
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [0, 1]
Mode frequencies (MHz)¶
Numerical diagonalization
Lj | 10 |
eigenmode | |
0 | 7209.14 |
1 | 7215.06 |
Kerr Non-linear coefficient table (MHz)¶
Numerical diagonalization
0 | 1 | ||
Lj | |||
10 | 0 | 526.43 | -492.01 |
1 | -492.01 | 624.37 |
dict_keys(['10mm', '11mm', '12mm'])
# For example, just one group of solution data.
dict_keys(['option_name', 'variables', 'sim_variables'])
{'option_name': 'total_length',
'variables': {'energy_elec': 5.19788159957566e-25,
'energy_elec_sub': 4.2287113157029e-25,
'energy_mag': 8.01738203686217e-27},
'sim_variables': {'sim_setup_name': 'sweeper_em_setup',
'convergence_t': Solved Elements Max Delta Freq. %
Pass Number
1 12372 NaN
2 16089 46.90700
3 20923 26.83400
4 27201 12.39700
5 35009 5.13720
6 45251 3.05090
7 58833 1.58050
8 76494 1.37040
9 99448 0.75837
10 129285 0.63878
11 168080 0.27581
12 218509 0.35048
13 284068 0.39353
14 369273 0.37846
15 480014 0.23127,
'convergence_f': re(Mode(1)) [g] re(Mode(2)) [g]
Pass []
1 5.569390 11.880396
2 4.638777 6.307600
3 5.883535 7.416275
4 6.612905 7.967902
5 6.952620 8.203356
6 7.139302 8.453635
7 7.252139 8.571936
8 7.325233 8.689408
9 7.365970 8.755306
10 7.413022 8.793678
11 7.433468 8.810855
12 7.459521 8.825424
13 7.488876 8.834471
14 7.517219 8.844294
15 7.534604 8.856040}}
{'energy_elec': 5.19788159957566e-25,
'energy_elec_sub': 4.2287113157029e-25,
'energy_mag': 8.01738203686217e-27}
Solved Elements | Max Delta Freq. % | |
Pass Number | ||
1 | 12372 | NaN |
2 | 16089 | 46.90700 |
3 | 20923 | 26.83400 |
4 | 27201 | 12.39700 |
5 | 35009 | 5.13720 |
6 | 45251 | 3.05090 |
7 | 58833 | 1.58050 |
8 | 76494 | 1.37040 |
9 | 99448 | 0.75837 |
10 | 129285 | 0.63878 |
11 | 168080 | 0.27581 |
12 | 218509 | 0.35048 |
13 | 284068 | 0.39353 |
14 | 369273 | 0.37846 |
15 | 480014 | 0.23127 |
re(Mode(1)) [g] | re(Mode(2)) [g] | |
Pass [] | ||
1 | 5.569390 | 11.880396 |
2 | 4.638777 | 6.307600 |
3 | 5.883535 | 7.416275 |
4 | 6.612905 | 7.967902 |
5 | 6.952620 | 8.203356 |
6 | 7.139302 | 8.453635 |
7 | 7.252139 | 8.571936 |
8 | 7.325233 | 8.689408 |
9 | 7.365970 | 8.755306 |
10 | 7.413022 | 8.793678 |
11 | 7.433468 | 8.810855 |
12 | 7.459521 | 8.825424 |
13 | 7.488876 | 8.834471 |
14 | 7.517219 | 8.844294 |
15 | 7.534604 | 8.856040 |
# Uncomment the next close simulation software.
# Uncomment next line if you would like to close the gui
For more information, review the Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Hardware lectures below
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Lecture Video | Lecture Notes | Lab |
Lecture Video | Lecture Notes | Lab |
Lecture Video | Lecture Notes | Lab |
Lecture Video | Lecture Notes | Lab |
Lecture Video | Lecture Notes | Lab |