How to copy a QComponent

Start by importing QisKit Metal:

import qiskit_metal as metal
from qiskit_metal import designs, draw
from qiskit_metal import MetalGUI, Dict #, open_docs

Then let’s fire up the GUI:

design = designs.DesignPlanar()
gui = MetalGUI(design)

Now we’ll put one transmon at the origin:

# Let's start by putting a transmon at the origin:
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.qubits.transmon_pocket import TransmonPocket
design.overwrite_enabled = True
q1 = TransmonPocket(design, 'Q1')

First, we’ll copy the component and then manually modify the coordinates to be at (1,0) instead of (0,0):

# Now let's copy the transmon at the origin and put it at position (0,1):
q1_copy = design.copy_qcomponent(q1, 'Q1_copy')

Now, we’ll copy the original component and in the same step we’ll move the copy to (-1,0) by passing a dictionary to the “copy_qcomponent” command:

# Now let's copy the transmon at the origin and put it at position (0,-1):
q1_anothercopy = design.copy_qcomponent(q1,'Q1_another_copy', dict(pos_x='-1.0mm'))

We can copy multiple components at once using the “copy_multiple_qcomponents” command. Here’s an example that copies the three components we’ve just created (Q1 and the two copies: Q1_copy and Q1_another_copy) and moves them up by 2.0mm each:

# Now let's copy all three components at the same time, moving them up by +2mm in the y-direction:
newcopies = design.copy_multiple_qcomponents([q1, q1_copy, q1_anothercopy], ['Q3', 'Q4', 'Q5'], [dict(pos_y='1.0mm'), dict(pos_y='2.0mm'), dict(pos_y='3.0mm')])

Note that we can also copy multiple QComponents without passing dictionaries. In this case, the copied QComponents will sit on top of of the original QComponents in the layout:

# Example of copying without giving any dictionary values; qcomponents will sit on top of the originals!
newcopies2 = design.copy_multiple_qcomponents([q1, q1_copy, q1_anothercopy], ['Q6', 'Q7', 'Q8'])

Note also that we can copy multiple QComponents but only give a dictionary to one of them. The other two dictionaries still need to exist but can be empty:

# Copy the three original components but only give a dictionary for the first one; other two dictionaries still need to exist but can be empty:
newcopies3 = design.copy_multiple_qcomponents([q1, q1_copy, q1_anothercopy], ['Q9', 'Q10', 'Q11'], [dict(pos_y='-1.0mm'), dict(), dict()])

For more information, review the Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Hardware lectures below

  • Superconducting Qubits I: Quantizing a Harmonic Oscillator, Josephson Junctions Part 1
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits I: Quantizing a Harmonic Oscillator, Josephson Junctions Part 2
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits I: Quantizing a Harmonic Oscillator, Josephson Junctions Part 3
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits II: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, Readout and Calibration Methods Part 1
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits II: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, Readout and Calibration Methods Part 2
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab
  • Superconducting Qubits II: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, Readout and Calibration Methods Part 3
Lecture Video Lecture Notes Lab