# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from qiskit_metal import Dict
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.core import QRoute
from qiskit_metal.toolbox_metal import math_and_overrides as mao
class RouteFramed(QRoute):
"""A non-meandered sample_shapes CPW that is auto-generated between 2 components.
Designed to avoid self-collisions and collisions with components it is
attached to.
This class extends the `QComponent` class.
.. meta::
Routed Frame
1. Components are situated along xy axes in 2 dimensions. No rotation is allowed (yet). Their bounding boxes may
not overlap, though they may be situated at arbitrary x and y provided these conditions are met.
2. Pins point normal to qubits ("directly outward") and either in the x or y directions. They must not protrude
from the exact corner of a component. [This last assumption has implications for 2-segment connections.]
3. Intersection of CPWs with themselves or the qubits they stem from is prohibited. Intersection with other
components/CPWs has not yet been considered.
4. Components may not share an edge; a nonzero gap must be present between 2 adjacent qubits.
5. CPWs must be attached to protruding leads via terminations head-on, not from the sides.
component_metadata = Dict(short_name='cpw')
"""Component metadata"""
TOOLTIP = """A non-meandered basic CPW that is auto-generated between 2 components."""
def make(self):
"""Use user-specified parameters and geometric orientation of
components to determine whether the CPW connecting the pins on either
end requires 1, 2, or 3 segments. Preference given to shorter paths and
paths that flow with the leadin and leadout directions rather than
turning immediately at 90 deg.
Keepout region along x and y directions specified for CPWs that
wrap around outer perimeter of overall bounding box of both
self.__pts = [] # list of 2D numpy arrays containing vertex locations
p = self.p # parsed options
w = p.trace_width
leadstart = p.lead.start_straight
leadend = p.lead.end_straight
keepoutx = 0.2
keepouty = 0.2
# Set the CPW pins and add the points/directions to the lead-in/out arrays
# Align the lead-in/out to the input options set from the user
meander_start_point = self.set_lead("start")
meander_end_point = self.set_lead("end")
n1 = meander_start_point.direction
n2 = meander_end_point.direction
m1 = meander_start_point.position
m2 = meander_end_point.position
component_start = p.pin_inputs['start_pin']['component']
component_end = p.pin_inputs['end_pin']['component']
# Coordinates of bounding box for each individual component
minx1, miny1, maxx1, maxy1 = self.design.components[
minx2, miny2, maxx2, maxy2 = self.design.components[
# Coordinates of overall bounding box which includes both components
minx, miny = min(minx1, minx2), min(miny1, miny2)
maxx, maxy = max(maxx1, maxx2), max(maxy1, maxy2)
# Normdot is dot product of normal vectors
normdot = mao.dot(n1, n2)
if normdot == -1:
# Modify CPW endpoints to include mandatory w / 2 leadin plus user defined leadin
m1ext = m1 + n1 * (w / 2 + leadstart)
m2ext = m2 + n2 * (w / 2 + leadend)
# Alignment is between displacement of modified positions (see above) and normal vector
alignment = mao.dot((m2ext - m1ext) / norm(m2ext - m1ext), n1)
if alignment == 1:
# Normal vectors point directly at each other; no obstacles in between
# Connect with single segment; generalizes to arbitrary angles with no snapping
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(1)
elif alignment > 0:
# Displacement partially aligned with normal vectors
# Connect with antisymmetric 3-segment CPW
if n1[1] == 0:
# Normal vectors horizontal
if minx2 < maxx1:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(3, 0,
(minx2 + maxx1) / 2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(3, 0,
(minx1 + maxx2) / 2)
# Normal vectors vertical
if miny2 < maxy1:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(3, 1,
(miny2 + maxy1) / 2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(3, 1,
(miny1 + maxy2) / 2)
elif alignment == 0:
# Displacement orthogonal to normal vectors
# Connect with 1 segment
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(1)
elif alignment < 0:
# Normal vectors on opposite sides of squares
if n1[1] == 0:
# Normal vectors horizontal
if maxy1 < miny2:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(3, 1,
(maxy1 + miny2) / 2)
elif maxy2 < miny1:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(3, 1,
(maxy2 + miny1) / 2)
# Gap running only vertically -> must wrap around with shorter of 2 possibilities
# pts_top represents 3-segment CPW running along top edge of overall bounding box
# pts_bott represents 3-segment CPW running along bottom edge of overall bounding box
pts_top = self.connect_frame(3, 1, maxy + keepouty)
pts_bott = self.connect_frame(3, 1, miny - keepouty)
if self.totlength(pts_top) < self.totlength(pts_bott):
self.__pts = pts_top
self.__pts = pts_bott
# Normal vectors vertical
if maxx1 < minx2:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(3, 0,
(maxx1 + minx2) / 2)
elif maxx2 < minx1:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(3, 0,
(maxx2 + minx1) / 2)
# Gap running only horizontally -> must wrap around with shorter of 2 possibilities
# pts_left represents 3-segment CPW running along left edge of overall bounding box
# pts_right represents 3-segment CPW running along right edge of overall bounding box
pts_left = self.connect_frame(3, 0, minx - keepoutx)
pts_right = self.connect_frame(3, 0, maxx + keepoutx)
if self.totlength(pts_left) < self.totlength(pts_right):
self.__pts = pts_left
self.__pts = pts_right
elif normdot == 0:
# Normal vectors perpendicular to each other
if (m1[0] in [minx, maxx]) and (m2[1] in [miny, maxy]):
# Both pins on perimeter of overall bounding box, but not at corner
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
elif (m1[1] in [miny, maxy]) and (m2[0] in [minx, maxx]):
# Both pins on perimeter of overall bounding box, but not at corner
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
elif (m1[0] not in [minx, maxx]) and (m2[0] not in [
minx, maxx
]) and (m1[1] not in [miny, maxy]) and (m2[1] not in [miny, maxy]):
# Neither pin lies on perimeter of overall bounding box
# Always possible to connect with at most 2 segments
if (m1[0] == m2[0]) or (m1[1] == m2[1]):
# Connect directly with 1 segment
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(1)
# Connect with 2 segments
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
elif (m1[0] in [minx, maxx]) or (m1[1] in [miny, maxy]):
# Pin 1 lies on boundary of overall bounding box but pin 2 does not
if m1[0] in [minx, maxx]:
# Pin 1 on left or right boundary, pointing left or right, respectively
if n2[1] > 0:
# Pin 2 pointing up
if miny1 > maxy2:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(
3, 1, maxy + keepouty)
# Pin 2 pointing down
if miny2 > maxy1:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(
3, 1, miny - keepouty)
elif m1[1] in [miny, maxy]:
# Pin 1 on bottom or top boundary, pointing down or up, respectively
if n2[0] < 0:
# Pin 2 pointing left
if minx2 > maxx1:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(
3, 0, minx - keepoutx)
# Pin 2 pointing right
if minx1 > maxx2:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(
3, 0, maxx + keepoutx)
elif (m2[0] in [minx, maxx]) or (m2[1] in [miny, maxy]):
# Pin 2 lies on boundary of overall bounding box but pin 1 does not
if m2[0] in [minx, maxx]:
# Pin 2 on left or right boundary, pointing left or right, respectively
if n1[1] > 0:
# Pin 1 pointing up
if miny2 > maxy1:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(
3, 1, maxy + keepouty)
# Pin 1 pointing down
if miny1 > maxy2:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(
3, 1, miny - keepouty)
elif m2[1] in [miny, maxy]:
# Pin 2 on bottom or top boundary, pointing down or up, respectively
if n1[0] < 0:
# Pin 1 pointing left
if minx1 > maxx2:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(
3, 0, minx - keepoutx)
# Pin 1 pointing right
if minx2 > maxx1:
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(
3, 0, maxx + keepoutx)
# Normal vectors pointing in same direction
if ((m1[0] == m2[0]) or
(m1[1] == m2[1])) and (mao.dot(n1, m2 - m1) == 0):
# Connect directly with 1 segment
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(1)
elif n1[1] == 0:
# Normal vectors horizontal
if (m1[1] > maxy2) or (m2[1] > maxy1):
# Connect with 2 segments
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
# Must wrap around with shorter of the 2 following possibilities:
# pts_top represents 3-segment CPW running along top edge of overall bounding box
# pts_bott represents 3-segment CPW running along bottom edge of overall bounding box
pts_top = self.connect_frame(3, 1, maxy + keepouty)
pts_bott = self.connect_frame(3, 1, miny - keepouty)
if self.totlength(pts_top) < self.totlength(pts_bott):
self.__pts = pts_top
self.__pts = pts_bott
# Normal vectors vertical
if (m1[0] > maxx2) or (m2[0] > maxx1):
# Connect with 2 segments
self.__pts = self.connect_frame(2)
# Must wrap around with shorter of the 2 following possibilities:
# pts_left represents 3-segment CPW running along left edge of overall bounding box
# pts_right represents 3-segment CPW running along right edge of overall bounding box
pts_left = self.connect_frame(3, 0, minx - keepoutx)
pts_right = self.connect_frame(3, 0, maxx + keepoutx)
if self.totlength(pts_left) < self.totlength(pts_right):
self.__pts = pts_left
self.__pts = pts_right
self.intermediate_pts = self.__pts
# Make points into elements
def connect_frame(self, segments: int, constaxis=0, constval=0) -> list:
"""Generate the list of 2D coordinates comprising a CPW between
startpin and endpin.
startpin (str): Name of startpin
endpin (str): Name of endpin
width (float): Width of CPW in mm
segments (int): Number of segments in the CPW, not including leadin and leadout. Ranges from 1 to 3.
leadstart (float): Length of first CPW segment originating at startpin
leadend (float): Length of final CPW segment ending at endpin
constaxis (int, optional): In the case of 3 segment CPWs, the constant axis of the line that both
leadin and leadout must connect to. Example: If x = 3, the constant axis (x) is 0. Defaults to 0.
constval (int, optional): In the case of 3 segment CPWs, the constant numerical value of the line
that both leadin and leadout must connect to. Example: If x = 3, the constant value is 3. Defaults to 0.
List: [np.array([x0, y0]), np.array([x1, y1]), np.array([x2, y2])] where xi, yi are vertices of CPW.
start = self.head.get_tip()
end = self.tail.get_tip()
if segments == 1:
# Straight across or up and down; no additional points necessary
midcoords = []
elif segments == 2:
# Choose between 2 diagonally opposing corners so that CPW doesn't trace back on itself
corner1 = np.array([(start.position)[0], (end.position)[1]])
corner2 = np.array([(end.position)[0], (start.position)[1]])
startc1 = mao.dot(corner1 - (start.position), start.direction)
endc1 = mao.dot(corner1 - (end.position), end.direction)
startc2 = mao.dot(corner2 - (start.position), start.direction)
endc2 = mao.dot(corner2 - (end.position), end.direction)
# If both pins' normal vectors point towards one of the corners, pick that corner
if (startc1 > 0) and (endc1 > 0):
midcoords = [corner1]
elif (startc2 > 0) and (endc2 > 0):
midcoords = [corner2]
elif min(startc1, endc1) >= 0:
midcoords = [corner1]
midcoords = [corner2]
elif segments == 3:
# Connect start and end to long segment at constaxis
# 2 additional intermediate points needed to achieve this
if constaxis == 0:
# Middle segment lies on the line x = c for some constant c
midcoord_start = np.array([constval, (start.position)[1]])
midcoord_end = np.array([constval, (end.position)[1]])
# Middle segment lies on the line y = d for some constant d
midcoord_start = np.array([(start.position)[0], constval])
midcoord_end = np.array([(end.position)[0], constval])
midcoords = [midcoord_start, midcoord_end]
startpts = [start.position]
endpts = [end.position]
return startpts + midcoords + endpts
def totlength(self, pts: list) -> float:
"""Get total length of all line segments in a given CPW."""
return sum(norm(pts[i] - pts[i - 1]) for i in range(1, len(pts)))