Source code for qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.anchored_path

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Anchored path."""

import numpy as np

from collections import OrderedDict
from qiskit_metal import Dict
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.core import QRoute, QRoutePoint
from qiskit_metal.toolbox_metal import math_and_overrides as mao
from qiskit_metal.toolbox_metal.exceptions import QiskitMetalDesignError
from import Mapping
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from shapely.geometry import CAP_STYLE
import geopandas as gpd

def intersecting(a: np.array, b: np.array, c: np.array, d: np.array) -> bool:
    """Returns whether segment ab intersects or overlaps with segment cd, where
    a, b, c, and d are all coordinates.

    .. meta::
        Anchored Path

        a (np.array): Coordinate
        b (np.array): Coordinate
        c (np.array): Coordinate
        d (np.array): Coordinate

        bool: True if intersecting, False otherwise

    x0_start, y0_start = a
    x0_end, y0_end = b
    x1_start, y1_start = c
    x1_end, y1_end = d
    if (x0_start == x0_end) and (x1_start == x1_end):
        # 2 vertical lines intersect only if they completely overlap at some point(s)
        if x0_end == x1_start:
            # Same x-intercept -> potential overlap, so check y coordinate
            # Distinct, non-overlapping segments if and only if min y coord of one is above max y coord of the other
            return not ((min(y0_start, y0_end) > max(y1_start, y1_end)) or
                        (min(y1_start, y1_end) > max(y0_start, y0_end)))
        return False  # Parallel lines with different x-intercepts don't overlap
    elif (x0_start == x0_end) or (x1_start == x1_end):
        # One segment is vertical, the other is not
        # Express non-vertical line in the form of y = mx + b and check y value
        if x1_start == x1_end:
            # Exchange names; the analysis below assumes that line 0 is the vertical one
            x0_start, x0_end, x1_start, x1_end = x1_start, x1_end, x0_start, x0_end
            y0_start, y0_end, y1_start, y1_end = y1_start, y1_end, y0_start, y0_end
        m = (y1_end - y1_start) / (x1_end - x1_start)
        b = (x1_end * y1_start - x1_start * y1_end) / (x1_end - x1_start)
        if min(x1_start, x1_end) <= x0_start <= max(x1_start, x1_end):
            if min(y0_start, y0_end) <= m * x0_start + b <= max(
                    y0_start, y0_end):
                return True
        return False
        # Neither line is vertical; check slopes and y-intercepts
        b0 = (y0_start * x0_end - y0_end * x0_start) / (
            x0_end - x0_start)  # y-intercept of line 0
        b1 = (y1_start * x1_end - y1_end * x1_start) / (
            x1_end - x1_start)  # y-intercept of line 1
        if (x1_end - x1_start) * (y0_end - y0_start) == (x0_end - x0_start) * (
                y1_end - y1_start):
            # Lines have identical slopes
            if b0 == b1:
                # Same y-intercept -> potential overlap, so check x coordinate
                # Distinct, non-overlapping segments if and only if min x coord of one exceeds max x coord of the other
                return not ((min(x0_start, x0_end) > max(x1_start, x1_end)) or
                            (min(x1_start, x1_end) > max(x0_start, x0_end)))
            return False  # Parallel lines with different y-intercepts don't overlap
            # Lines not parallel so must intersect somewhere -> examine slopes m0 and m1
            m0 = (y0_end - y0_start) / (x0_end - x0_start)  # slope of line 0
            m1 = (y1_end - y1_start) / (x1_end - x1_start)  # slope of line 1
            x_intersect = (b1 - b0) / (m0 - m1
                                      )  # x coordinate of intersection point
            if min(x0_start, x0_end) <= x_intersect <= max(x0_start, x0_end):
                if min(x1_start, x1_end) <= x_intersect <= max(
                        x1_start, x1_end):
                    return True
            return False

[docs] class RouteAnchors(QRoute): """Creates and connects a series of anchors through which the Route passes. QRoute Default Options: * pin_inputs: Dict * start_pin: Dict -- Component and pin string pair. Define which pin to start from * component: '' -- Name of component to start from, which has a pin * pin: '' -- Name of pin used for pin_start * end_pin=Dict -- Component and pin string pair. Define which pin to start from * component: '' -- Name of component to end on, which has a pin * pin: '' -- Name of pin used for pin_end * fillet: '0' * lead: Dict * start_straight: '0mm' -- Lead-in, defined as the straight segment extension from start_pin. Defaults to 0.1um. * end_straight: '0mm' -- Lead-out, defined as the straight segment extension from end_pin. Defaults to 0.1um. * start_jogged_extension: '' -- Lead-in, jogged extension of lead-in. Described as list of tuples * end_jogged_extension: '' -- Lead-out, jogged extension of lead-out. Described as list of tuples * total_length: '7mm' * trace_width: 'cpw_width' -- Defines the width of the line. Defaults to 'cpw_width'. Default Options: * anchors: OrderedDict -- Intermediate anchors only; doesn't include endpoints * advanced: Dict * avoid_collision: 'false' -- true/false, defines if the route needs to avoid collisions. Defaults to 'false'. """ component_metadata = Dict(short_name='cpw') """Component metadata""" default_options = Dict( anchors=OrderedDict( ), # Intermediate anchors only; doesn't include endpoints # Example: {1: np.array([x1, y1]), 2: np.array([x2, y2])} # startpin -> startpin + leadin -> anchors -> endpin + leadout -> endpin advanced=Dict(avoid_collision='false')) """Default options""" TOOLTIP = """Creates and connects a series of anchors through which the Route passes.""" from shapely.ops import unary_union from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import CAP_STYLE, JOIN_STYLE
[docs] def unobstructed_close_up(self, segment: list, component_name: str) -> bool: """Checks whether the given component's perimeter intersects or overlaps a given segment. Args: segment (list): 2 vertices, in the form [np.array([x0, y0]), np.array([x1, y1])] component_name (str): Alphanumeric component name Returns: bool: True is no obstacles """ # transform path to polygons paths_converted = [] paths =[component_name].qgeometry_table('path') for _, row in paths.iterrows(): paths_converted.append(row['geometry'].buffer( row['width'] / 2, cap_style=CAP_STYLE.flat)) # merge all the polygons polygons =[component_name].qgeometry_list('poly') boundary = gpd.GeoSeries(unary_union(polygons + paths_converted)) boundary_coords = list(boundary.geometry.exterior[0].coords) if any( intersecting(segment[0], segment[1], boundary_coords[i], boundary_coords[i + 1]) for i in range(len(boundary_coords) - 1)): # At least 1 intersection with the actual component contour; do not proceed! return False # All clear, no intersections return True
[docs] def unobstructed(self, segment: list) -> bool: """Check that no component's bounding box in intersects or overlaps a given segment. Args: segment (list): 2 vertices, in the form [np.array([x0, y0]), np.array([x1, y1])] Returns: bool: True is no obstacles """ # assumes rectangular bounding boxes for component in if component == continue xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax =[ component].qgeometry_bounds() # p, q, r, s are corner coordinates of each bounding box p, q, r, s = [ np.array([xmin, ymin]), np.array([xmin, ymax]), np.array([xmax, ymin]), np.array([xmax, ymax]) ] if any( intersecting(segment[0], segment[1], k, l) for k, l in [(p, q), (p, r), (r, s), (q, s)]): # At least 1 intersection with the component bounding box. Check the actual contour. if not self.unobstructed_close_up(segment, component): # At least 1 intersection with the actual component contour; do not proceed! return False # All clear, no intersections return True
[docs] def connect_simple(self, start_pt: QRoutePoint, end_pt: QRoutePoint) -> np.ndarray: """Try connecting start and end with single or 2-segment/S-shaped CPWs if possible. Args: start_pt (QRoutePoint): QRoutePoint of the start end_pt (QRoutePoint): QRoutePoint of the end Returns: List of vertices of a CPW going from start to end Raises: QiskitMetalDesignError: If the connect_simple() has failed. """ avoid_collision = self.parse_options().advanced.avoid_collision start_direction = start_pt.direction start = start_pt.position end_direction = end_pt.direction end = end_pt.position # end_direction originates strictly from endpoint + leadout (NOT intermediate stopping anchors) self.assign_direction_to_anchor(start_pt, end_pt) stop_direction = end_pt.direction if (start[0] == end[0]) or (start[1] == end[1]): # Matching x or y coordinates -> check if endpoints can be connected with a single segment if, end - start) >= 0: # Start direction and end - start for CPW must not be anti-aligned if (end_direction is None) or ( - start, end_direction) <= 0): # If leadout + end has been reached, the single segment CPW must not be aligned with its direction return np.empty((0, 2), float) else: # If the endpoints don't share a common x or y value: # designate them as 2 corners of an axis aligned rectangle # and check if both start and end directions are aligned with # the displacement vectors between start/end and # either of the 2 remaining corners ("perfect alignment"). corner1 = np.array([start[0], end[1]]) # x coordinate matches with start corner2 = np.array([end[0], start[1]]) # x coordinate matches with end if avoid_collision: # Check for collisions at the outset to avoid repeat work startc1end = bool( self.unobstructed([start, corner1]) and self.unobstructed([corner1, end])) startc2end = bool( self.unobstructed([start, corner2]) and self.unobstructed([corner2, end])) else: startc1end = startc2end = True if (, corner1 - start) > 0) and startc1end: # corner1 is "in front of" the start_pt if (end_direction is None) or (, corner1 - end) >= 0): # corner1 is also "in front of" the end_pt return np.expand_dims(corner1, axis=0) elif (, corner2 - start) > 0) and startc2end: # corner2 is "in front of" the start_pt if (end_direction is None) or (, corner2 - end) >= 0): # corner2 is also "in front of" the end_pt return np.expand_dims(corner2, axis=0) # In notation below, corners 3 and 4 correspond to # the ends of the segment bisecting the longer rectangle formed by start and end # while the segment formed by corners 5 and 6 bisect the shorter rectangle if stop_direction[ 0]: # "Wide" rectangle -> vertical middle segment is more natural corner3 = np.array([(start[0] + end[0]) / 2, start[1]]) corner4 = np.array([(start[0] + end[0]) / 2, end[1]]) corner5 = np.array([start[0], (start[1] + end[1]) / 2]) corner6 = np.array([end[0], (start[1] + end[1]) / 2]) else: # "Tall" rectangle -> horizontal middle segment is more natural corner3 = np.array([start[0], (start[1] + end[1]) / 2]) corner4 = np.array([end[0], (start[1] + end[1]) / 2]) corner5 = np.array([(start[0] + end[0]) / 2, start[1]]) corner6 = np.array([(start[0] + end[0]) / 2, end[1]]) if avoid_collision: startc3c4end = bool( self.unobstructed([start, corner3]) and self.unobstructed([corner3, corner4]) and self.unobstructed([corner4, end])) startc5c6end = bool( self.unobstructed([start, corner5]) and self.unobstructed([corner5, corner6]) and self.unobstructed([corner6, end])) else: startc3c4end = startc5c6end = True if (, stop_direction) < 0) and ( start_direction, corner3 - start) > 0) and startc3c4end: if (end_direction is None) or (, corner4 - end) > 0): # Perfectly aligned S-shaped CPW return np.vstack((corner3, corner4)) # Relax constraints and check if imperfect 2-segment or S-segment works, # where "imperfect" means 1 or more dot products of directions # between successive segments is 0; otherwise return an empty list if (, corner1 - start) >= 0) and startc1end: if (end_direction is None) or (, corner1 - end) >= 0): return np.expand_dims(corner1, axis=0) if (, corner2 - start) >= 0) and startc2end: if (end_direction is None) or (, corner2 - end) >= 0): return np.expand_dims(corner2, axis=0) if (, corner3 - start) >= 0) and startc3c4end: if (end_direction is None) or (, corner4 - end) >= 0): return np.vstack((corner3, corner4)) if (, corner5 - start) >= 0) and startc5c6end: if (end_direction is None) or (, corner6 - end) >= 0): return np.vstack((corner5, corner6)) raise QiskitMetalDesignError( "connect_simple() has failed. This might be due to one of two reasons. " f"1. Either one of the start point {start} or the end point {end} " "provided are inside the bounding box of another QComponent. " "Please move the point, or setup a \"lead\" to exit the QComponent area. " "2. none of the 4 routing possibilities of this algorithm " "(^|_, ^^|, __|, _|^) can complete. Please use Pathfinder instead")
[docs] def free_manhattan_length_anchors(self): """Computes the free-flight manhattan distance between start_pt and end_pt passing through all of the given anchor points. Returns: float: Total length connecting all points in order """ anchors = self.parse_options().anchors reference = [self.head.get_tip().position] reference.extend(list(anchors.values())) reference.append(self.tail.get_tip().position) length = 0 for i in range(1, len(reference)): length += abs(reference[i][0] - reference[i - 1][0]) + abs(reference[i][1] - reference[i - 1][1]) return length
[docs] def trim_pts(self): """Crops the sequence of points to concatenate. For example, if a segment between two anchors has no points, then the segment is eliminated (only anchor points will do). Modified directly the self.intermediate_pts, thus nothing is returned. """ if isinstance(self.intermediate_pts, Mapping): keys_to_delete = set() for key, value in self.intermediate_pts.items(): if value is None: keys_to_delete.add(key) try: # value is a list if not value: keys_to_delete.add(key) except ValueError: # value is a numpy if not value.size: keys_to_delete.add(key) for key in keys_to_delete: del self.intermediate_pts[key]
[docs] def make(self): """Generates path from start pin to end pin.""" p = self.parse_options() anchors = p.anchors # Set the CPW pins and add the points/directions to the lead-in/out arrays self.set_pin("start") self.set_pin("end") # Align the lead-in/out to the input options set from the user start_point = self.set_lead("start") end_point = self.set_lead("end") self.intermediate_pts = OrderedDict() for arc_num, coord in anchors.items(): arc_pts = self.connect_simple(self.get_tip(), QRoutePoint(coord)) if arc_pts is None: self.intermediate_pts[arc_num] = [coord] else: self.intermediate_pts[arc_num] = np.concatenate( [arc_pts, [coord]], axis=0) arc_pts = self.connect_simple(self.get_tip(), end_point) if arc_pts is not None: self.intermediate_pts[len(anchors)] = np.array(arc_pts) # concatenate all points, transforming the dictionary into a single numpy array self.trim_pts() self.intermediate_pts = np.concatenate(list( self.intermediate_pts.values()), axis=0) # Make points into elements self.make_elements(self.get_points())