Source code for qiskit_metal.qlibrary.sample_shapes.circle_caterpillar

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
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"""This is the CircleCaterpillar module."""

from shapely.geometry import CAP_STYLE, JOIN_STYLE
from qiskit_metal import draw  # , Dict
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.core import QComponent
#from qiskit_metal import is_true

[docs] class CircleCaterpillar(QComponent): """A single configurable circle. Inherits QComponent class. .. image:: CircleCaterpillar.png .. meta:: Circle Caterpillar Default Options: * segments: '5' * distance: '1.2' * radius: '300um' * resolution: '16' * cap_style: 'round' -- Valid options are 'round', 'flat', 'square' * subtract: 'False' * helper: 'False' """ default_options = dict( segments='5', distance='1.2', radius='300um', resolution='16', cap_style='round', # round, flat, square # join_style = 'round', # round, mitre, bevel # General subtract='False', helper='False') """Default drawing options""" TOOLTIP = """A single configurable circle"""
[docs] def make(self): """The make function implements the logic that creates the geometry (poly, path, etc.) from the qcomponent.options dictionary of parameters, and the adds them to the design, using qcomponent.add_qgeometry(...), adding in extra needed information, such as layer, subtract, etc.""" p = self.p # p for parsed parameters. Access to the parsed options. # create the geometry caterpillar = [ draw.Point(p.pos_x - p.radius * i * p.distance, p.pos_y).buffer( p.radius, resolution=int(p.resolution), cap_style=getattr(CAP_STYLE, p.cap_style), #join_style = getattr(JOIN_STYLE, p.join_style) ) for i in range(int(p.segments)) ] caterpillar = draw.union(caterpillar) poly = draw.Polygon([(0, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.25, 0.5)]) poly = draw.translate(poly, p.pos_x, p.pos_y) poly = draw.rotate(poly, angle=65) caterpillar = draw.subtract(caterpillar, poly) # rect = draw.rectangle(p.radius*0.75, p.radius*0.23, # xoff=p.pos_x+p.radius*0.3, # yoff=p.pos_y+p.radius*0.4) #caterpillar = draw.subtract(caterpillar, rect) # print(caterpillar) # add qgeometry #self.add_qgeometry('poly', {'mount': rect}) self.add_qgeometry('poly', {'caterpillar': caterpillar})
# subtract=p.subtract, # helper=p.helper, layer=p.layer, chip=p.chip)