Source code for qiskit_metal.qlibrary.couplers.tunable_coupler_01

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
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import numpy as np
from qiskit_metal import draw, Dict
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.core import BaseQubit

[docs] class TunableCoupler01(BaseQubit): """One of the tunable couplers Based off the implementation in WIP - initial test structure Inherits `BaseQubit` class Description: Creates a tunable coupler, interdigitated capacitor to ground, with a junction to ground and a coupler arm. The shapes origin is shown with 0. X the location of the SQUID. :: connection claw _____ X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | charge island | | | | | | --------------------0-------------------- .. image:: TunableCoupler01.png .. meta:: Tunable Coupler 01 Options: Convention: Values (unless noted) are strings with units included, (e.g., '30um') BaseQubit Default Options: * connection_pads: empty Dict -- Currently not used, connection count is static. (WIP) * _default_connection_pads: empty Dict -- The default values for the (if any) connection lines of the qubit. Default Options: * c_width: '400um' -- The width (x-axis) of the interdigitated charge island * l_width: '20um' -- The width of lines forming the body and arms of the charge island * l_gap: '10um' -- The dielectric gap of the charge island to ground * a_height: '60um' -- The length of the arms forming the 'fingers' of the charge island * cp_height: '15um' -- The thickness (y-axis) of the connection claw * cp_arm_length: '30um' -- The length of the 'fingers' of the connection claw (Warning: can break the component if they are too long) * cp_arm_width: '6um' -- The width of the 'fingers' of the connection claw (Warning: can break the component if too wide) * cp_gap: '6um' -- The dielectric gap of the connection claw * cp_gspace: '3um' -- How much ground remains between the connection claw and the charge island * fl_width: '5um' -- Width of the flux line * fl_gap: '3um' -- Dielectric gap of the flux line * fl_length: '10um' -- Length of the flux line for mutual inductance to the SQUID * fl_ground: '2um' -- Amount of ground between the SQUID and the flux line * _default_connection_pads: Currently empty """ default_options = Dict(c_width='400um', l_width='20um', l_gap='10um', a_height='60um', cp_height='15um', cp_arm_length='30um', cp_arm_width='6um', cp_gap='6um', cp_gspace='3um', fl_width='5um', fl_gap='3um', fl_length='10um', fl_ground='2um') component_metadata = Dict(short_name='Pocket', _qgeometry_table_path='True', _qgeometry_table_poly='True', _qgeometry_table_junction='True') TOOLTIP = """One of the tunable couplers"""
[docs] def make(self): """Builds the component.""" p = self.p #Draw the charge island btm = / 2, -p.l_width / 2, 0, p.l_width / 2) x_spot = p.c_width / 2 - p.l_width / 2 arm1 = + p.l_width / 2), p.l_width / 2, -(x_spot - p.l_width / 2), p.a_height) arm2 = * 3 / 5 + p.l_width / 2), p.l_width / 2, -((x_spot) * 3 / 5 - p.l_width / 2), p.a_height) arm3 = * 1 / 5 + p.l_width / 2), p.l_width / 2, -((x_spot) * 1 / 5 - p.l_width / 2), p.a_height) left_side = draw.shapely.ops.unary_union([btm, arm1, arm2, arm3]) cap_island = draw.shapely.ops.unary_union([ left_side, draw.shapely.affinity.scale(left_side, xfact=-1, yfact=1, origin=(0, 0)) ]) cap_subtract = cap_island.buffer(p.l_gap, cap_style=3, join_style=2) #Reference coordinates cpl_x = 1 / 5 * x_spot cpl_y = p.a_height + p.l_gap + p.cp_gap + p.cp_gspace fl_y = p.a_height + p.l_gap + p.fl_ground + p.fl_gap + p.fl_width / 2 #Draw the junction and flux line rect_jj = draw.LineString([(-cpl_x * 3, p.a_height), (-cpl_x * 3, p.a_height + p.l_gap)]) flux_line = draw.LineString([[-cpl_x * 3 - p.fl_length, fl_y], [-cpl_x * 3, fl_y], [-cpl_x * 3, fl_y + 0.01]]) #Draw the connector cpl_x = 1 / 5 * x_spot cpl_y = p.a_height + p.l_gap + p.cp_gap + p.cp_gspace con_pad = cpl_x - 1 / 5 * x_spot - p.cp_arm_width / 2, cpl_y, cpl_x + 1 / 5 * x_spot + p.cp_arm_width / 2, cpl_y + p.cp_height) con_arm_l = cpl_x - 1 / 5 * x_spot - p.cp_arm_width / 2, cpl_y - p.cp_arm_length, cpl_x - 1 / 5 * x_spot + p.cp_arm_width / 2, cpl_y) con_arm_r = cpl_x + 1 / 5 * x_spot - p.cp_arm_width / 2, cpl_y - p.cp_arm_length, cpl_x + 1 / 5 * x_spot + p.cp_arm_width / 2, cpl_y) con_body = draw.shapely.ops.unary_union([con_pad, con_arm_l, con_arm_r]) con_sub = con_body.buffer(p.cp_gap, cap_style=3, join_style=2) con_pin = draw.LineString([[cpl_x, cpl_y], [cpl_x, cpl_y + p.cp_height]]) #Rotate and translate. c_items = [ cap_island, cap_subtract, rect_jj, con_body, con_sub, flux_line, con_pin ] c_items = draw.rotate(c_items, p.orientation, origin=(0, 0)) c_items = draw.translate(c_items, p.pos_x, p.pos_y) [ cap_island, cap_subtract, rect_jj, con_body, con_sub, flux_line, con_pin ] = c_items #Add to qgeometry self.add_qgeometry('poly', { 'cap_island': cap_island, 'connector_body': con_body }, layer=p.layer) self.add_qgeometry('poly', { 'cap_subtract': cap_subtract, 'connector_sub': con_sub }, layer=p.layer, subtract=True) self.add_qgeometry('path', {'flux_line': flux_line}, width=p.fl_width, layer=p.layer) self.add_qgeometry('path', {'flux_line_sub': flux_line}, width=p.fl_width + 2 * p.fl_gap, subtract=True, layer=p.layer) self.add_qgeometry('junction', dict(rect_jj=rect_jj), width=p.l_width) #Add pin self.add_pin('Control', points=np.array(con_pin.coords), width=p.l_width, input_as_norm=True) self.add_pin('Flux', points=np.array(flux_line.coords[-2:]), width=p.l_width, input_as_norm=True)