Source code for qiskit_metal.qgeometries.qgeometries_handler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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"""This is the main module that defines what an element is in Qiskit Metal.

See the docstring of `QGeometryTables`

import inspect
import logging
import pandas as pd
import shapely

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Dict as Dict_
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Any, Iterable
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries

from .. import Dict
from ..draw import BaseGeometry
from qiskit_metal.draw.utility import round_coordinate_sequence

from shapely.geometry.multipolygon import MultiPolygon  #to avoid MultiPolygons
from .. import config
if not config.is_building_docs():
    from qiskit_metal.toolbox_python.utility_functions import get_range_of_vertex_to_not_fillet, data_frame_empty_typed

    from ..qlibrary.core import QComponent
    from ..designs import QDesign

__all__ = ['is_qgeometry_table', 'QGeometryTables']  # , 'ElementTypes']

# from collections import OrderedDict
# dict are ordered in Python 3.6+ by default, this is for backward compatibility

# class ElementTypes:
#     """
#     Types of qgeometry
#         positive : qgeometry that are positive mask
#         negative : qgeometry that will be subtracted from the chip ground plane
#         helper   : qgeometry that are only used in a helper capacity,
#                    such as labels or mesh rectangles
#     """
#     positive = 0
#     negative = 1
#     helper   = 2

def is_qgeometry_table(obj):
    """Check if an object is a Metal BaseElementTable, i.e., an instance of

    The problem is that the `isinstance` built-in method fails
    when this module is reloaded.

        obj (object): Test this object

        bool: True if is a Metal element
    if isinstance(obj, Dict):
        return False

    return hasattr(obj, '__i_am_qgeometry_table__')

# Dictionary that specifies the column names of various element tables.

# TODO: implement data types in construction of tables?
# TODO: when a copy over the table and manipulate ehtmee
# i seem to loose the assignments to bool etc.


    # This is for Metal API use only.
    # To add a new element type, add a new key below.
        component=str,  # Unique ID of the component to which the element belongs
        name=str,  # name of the element
        geometry=object,  # shapely object
        layer=int,  # gds type of layer
        subtract=bool,  # do we subtract from the ground place of the chip
        helper=bool,  # helper or not
        chip=str,  # chip name
        # type=str,  # metal, helper.   poly=10 or path=11
            # ADD specific renderers here, all renderes must register here.
            # hfss = dict( ... ) # pick names as hfss_name
            # hfss=dict(
            #     boundary_name=str,
            #     material=str,
            #     perfectE=bool
            # ),
            # gds=dict(
            #     type=str,
            #     color=str,
            # )

    # Specifies a path, such as a CPW.
    # Ideas: chamfer
        fillet=object,  # TODO: not decided yet how to represent this

    # Specifies a polygon
    # Ideas: chamfer
        fillet=object,  # TODO: not decided yet how to represent this
    # Specifies a junction as a 2 point line and width
    # This should provide enough information so as to
    # - render a sheet with inductance (from renderer options) + a vector for EPR
    # - generate ports (edge ports?) for Z analysis
    # - provice bounding box dimensions for the p-cell of ebeam junction layout
    #       for GDS renderer
    junction=dict(width=float, __renderers__=dict()),
    # Specifies a curved object, such as a circle. Perhaps as a buffered point
    # Not yet implemented
    # curved = dict(
    # __renderers__= dict(
    # )
    # )
"""Dictionary that specifies the column names of various element tables."""

# Class to create, store, and handle element tables.
TRUE_BOOLS = [True, 'True', 'true', 'Yes', 'yes', '1', 1]

[docs] class QGeometryTables(object): """Class to create, store, and handle element tables. A regular user would not need to create tables themselves. This is handled automatically by the design creation and plugins. Structure: A component, such as a qubit, is a collection of qgeometry. For example, an element includes a rectangle, a cpw path, or a more general polygon. An element is a row in a table. All qgeometry of a type (Path or Polygon, or otherwise) are stored in a single table of their element type. All qgeometry of the same kind are stored in a table. A renderer has to know how to handle all types of qgeometry in order to render them. For plugin developers: In the following, we provide an example that illustrates for plugin developers how to add custom qgeometry and custom element properties. For example, we will add, for a renderer called hfss, a string property called 'boundary', a bool property called 'perfectE', and a property called 'material'. For plugin developers, example use: .. code-block:: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 4,6 import qiskit_metal as metal design = metal.designs.DesignPlanar() design.qgeometry = metal.QGeometryTables(design) # return the path table - give access to .. design.qgeometry['path'] design.qgeometry.table['path'] # Define interfaces design.qgeometry.get_component( component_name, element_name, columns=all or geom or list) # get all elements for components >>> component name geometry layer type chip subtract fillet color width Now, if we want to add custom qgeometry through two fake renderers called hfss and gds: .. code-block:: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 1-15 metal.QGeometryTables.add_renderer_extension('hfss', dict( base=dict( boundary=str, perfectE=bool, material=str, ) )) metal.QGeometryTables.add_renderer_extension('gds', dict( path=dict( color=str, pcell=bool, ) )) design = metal.designs.DesignPlanar() qgeometry = metal.QGeometryTables(design) qgeometry.tables['path'] >>> component name geometry layer type chip subtract fillet color width hfss_boundary hfss_perfectE hfss_material gds_color gds_pcell """ # Dummy private attribute used to check if an instanciated object is # indeed a element table class. The problem is that the `isinstance` # built-in method fails when this module is reloaded. # Used by `is_element` to check. __i_am_qgeometry_table__ = True ELEMENT_COLUMNS = ELEMENT_COLUMNS """ Table column names to use to create. This dict should be updated by renderers. """ # For creating names of columns of renderer properties name_delimiter = '_' """ Delimiter to use when creating names of columns of renderer properties. """ def __init__(self, design: 'QDesign'): """The constructor for the `QGeometryTables` class. Args: design: Design in use """ self._design = design self._tables = Dict() # Need to call after columns are added by add_renderer_extension is run by all the renderers. # self.create_tables() @property def design(self) -> 'QDesign': """Return a reference to the parent design object.""" return self._design @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """Return the logger.""" return self._design.logger @property def tables(self) -> Dict_[str, GeoDataFrame]: """The dictionary of tables containing qgeometry. Returns: Dict_[str, GeoDataFrame]: The keys of this dictionary are also obtained from `self.get_element_types()` """ return self._tables
[docs] @classmethod def add_renderer_extension(cls, renderer_name: str, qgeometry: dict): """Add renderer element extension to ELEMENT_COLUMNS. Called when the load function of a renderer is called. Args: renderer_name (str): Name of renderer qgeometry (dict): dict of dict. Keys give element type names, such as base, poly, path, etc. """ # Make sure that the base and all other element kinds have this renderer registered for element_key in cls.ELEMENT_COLUMNS: if not renderer_name in cls.ELEMENT_COLUMNS[element_key][ '__renderers__']: cls.ELEMENT_COLUMNS[element_key]['__renderers__'][ renderer_name] = dict() # Now update the dictionaries with all qgeometry that the renderer may have for element_key, element_column_ext_dict in qgeometry.items(): # The element the render is specifying is not in the specified qgeometry; # then add it. This shouldn't really happen. # The rest of the renderer dict keys in __renderers__ are missing for # the created type. Avoid doing, else hope it works. if not element_key in cls.ELEMENT_COLUMNS: cls.ELEMENT_COLUMNS[element_key] = dict(__renderers__=dict()) # Now add qgeometry cls.ELEMENT_COLUMNS[element_key]['__renderers__'][ renderer_name].update(element_column_ext_dict)
# could use weakref memorization #
[docs] @classmethod def get_element_types(cls) -> List[str]: """Return the names of the available qgeometry to create. This does not include 'base', but is rather such as poly and path. Returns: list(str) : A list of name in self.ELEMENT_COLUMNS """ # TODO: I should probably make this a variable and memorize, only change when qgeometry are added and removed # can be slow for performance to look up each time and recalculate, since may call this often names = list(cls.ELEMENT_COLUMNS.keys()) names.remove('base') return names
[docs] def create_tables(self): """Creates the default tables once. Populates the dict 'tables' of GeoDataFrame, each with columns corresponding to the types of qgeometry defined in ELEMENT_COLUMNS. Should only be done once when a new design is created. """ self.logger.debug('Creating Element Tables.') for table_name in self.get_element_types(): # Create GeoDataFrame with correct columns and d types assert isinstance(table_name, str) assert table_name.isidentifier() # Get column names # Base names, add concrete names, then add renderer names # Base names columns_base = self.ELEMENT_COLUMNS['base'].copy() columns_base_renderers = columns_base.pop('__renderers__') # Concrete names columns_concrete = self.ELEMENT_COLUMNS[table_name].copy() columns_concrete_renderer = columns_concrete.pop('__renderers__') assert isinstance(columns_base_renderers, dict) and\ isinstance(columns_concrete_renderer, dict),\ "Please make sure that all qgeometry types have __renderers__\ which is a dictionary." # Combine all base names and renderer names columns = columns_base columns.update(columns_concrete) # add renderer columns: base and then concrete for renderer_key in columns_base_renderers: columns.update( self._prepend_renderer_names(table_name, renderer_key, columns_base_renderers)) columns.update( self._prepend_renderer_names(table_name, renderer_key, columns_concrete_renderer)) # Validate -- Throws an error if not valid self._validate_column_dictionary(table_name, columns) # Create df with correct column names table = GeoDataFrame(data_frame_empty_typed(columns)) # not used elsewhere, also the name becomes "name" for some reason = table_name # Assign self.tables[table_name] = table
def _validate_column_dictionary(self, table_name: str, column_dict: dict): """Validate A possible error here is if the user did not pass a valid data type. Throws an error if not valid. Args: table_name (str): Name of element table (e.g., 'poly') column_dict (dict): Dictionary to check Raises: TypeError: Data type '' not understood """ __pre = 'ERROR CREATING ELEMENT TABLE FOR DESIGN: \ \n ELEMENT_TABLE_NAME = {table_name}\ \n KEY = {k} \ \n VALUE = {v}\n ' # Are these assertions still holding true? for k, v in column_dict.items(): assert isinstance(k, str), __pre.format(**locals()) +\ ' Key needs to be a string!' assert k.isidentifier(), __pre.format(**locals()) +\ ' Key needs to be a valid string identifier!' assert inspect.isclass(v), __pre.format(**locals()) +\ ' Value needs to be a class!'
[docs] def get_rname(self, renderer_name: str, key: str) -> str: """Get name for renderer property. Args: renderer_name (str): Name of the renderer key (str): Key to get the name for Returns: str: The unique named used as a column in the table """ return renderer_name + self.name_delimiter + key
def _prepend_renderer_names(self, table_name: str, renderer_key: str, rdict: dict): """Prepare all the renderer names. Args: table_name (str): Unused renderer_key (str): Key to check for rdict (dict): Renderer dictionary Returns: dict: Prepared dictionary TODO: This function has arguments that are unused, fix the function or ditch the unused args """ return { self.get_rname(renderer_key, k): v for k, v in rdict.get(renderer_key, {}).items() }
[docs] def add_qgeometry( self, kind: str, component_name: str, geometry: dict, subtract: bool = False, helper: bool = False, layer: Union[int, str] = 1, # chip will be here chip: str = 'main', **other_options): """Main interface to add qgeometries. Args: kind (str): Must be in get_element_types ('path', 'poly', etc.). component_name (str): Component name. geometry (dict): Dict of shapely geometry. subtract (bool): Subtract - passed through. Defaults to False. helper (bool): Helper - passed through. Defaults to False. layer (Union[int, str]): Layer - passed through. Defaults to 1. chip (str): Chip name - passed through. Defaults to 'main'. **other_options (object): Other_options - passed through. """ # TODO: Add unit test # ensure correct types if not isinstance(subtract, bool): subtract = subtract in TRUE_BOOLS if not isinstance(helper, bool): helper = helper in TRUE_BOOLS if not (kind in self.get_element_types()): self.logger.error( f'Creator user error: Unknown element kind=`{kind}`' f'Kind must be in {self.get_element_types()}. This failed for component' f'name = `{component_name}`.\n' f' The call was with subtract={subtract} and helper={helper}' f' and layer={layer}, and options={other_options}') #Checks if (any) of the geometry are MultiPolygons, and breaks them up into #individual polygons. Rounds the coordinate sequences of those values to avoid #numerical errors. rounding_val =['PRECISION'] new_dict = Dict() for key, item in geometry.items(): if isinstance(geometry[key], MultiPolygon): temp_multi = geometry[key] shape_count = 0 for shape_temp in temp_multi.geoms: new_dict[key + '_' + str(shape_count)] = round_coordinate_sequence( shape_temp, rounding_val) shape_count += 1 else: new_dict[key] = round_coordinate_sequence(item, rounding_val) geometry = new_dict # Create options TODO: Might want to modify this (component_name -> component_id) # Give warning if length is to be fillet's and not long enough. self.check_lengths(geometry, kind, component_name, **other_options) # Create options options = dict(component=component_name, subtract=subtract, helper=helper, layer=int(layer), chip=chip, **other_options) #replaces line above to generate the options. #for keyC in design.qgeometry.tables[kind].columns: # if keyC != 'geometry': # options[keyC] = ???[keyC] -> alternative manner to pass options to the add_qgeometry function? # instead have the add_qeometry in baseComponent generate the dict? #Could we just append rather than make a new table each time? This seems slow table = self.tables[kind] # assert that all names in options are in table columns! TODO: New approach will not be wanting #to do this (maybe check that all columns are in options?) df = GeoDataFrame.from_dict(geometry, orient='index', columns=['geometry']) = 'name' df = df.reset_index() df = df.assign(**options) # Set new table. Unfortunately, this creates a new instance. Can just direct append self.tables[kind] = pd.concat([table, df], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True, sort=False, verify_integrity=False, copy=False)
[docs] def check_lengths(self, geometry: shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, kind: str, component_name: str, **other_options): """If user wants to fillet, check the line-segments to see if it is too short for fillet. Args: geometry (shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): The LineString to investigate. kind (str): Name of table, i.e. 'path', 'poly', 'junction, etc component_name (str): Is an integer id. """ if 'fillet' in other_options.keys(): fillet = other_options['fillet'] for key, geom in geometry.items(): if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.LineString): coords = list(geom.coords) qdesign_precision = range_vertex_of_short_segments = get_range_of_vertex_to_not_fillet( coords, fillet, qdesign_precision, add_endpoints=False) if len(range_vertex_of_short_segments) > 0: range_string = "" for item in range_vertex_of_short_segments: range_string += f'({ item[0]}-{item[1]}) ' text_id =[component_name]._name self.logger.warning( f'For {kind} table, component={text_id}, key={key}' f' has short segments that could cause issues with fillet. Values in {range_string} ' f'are index(es) in shapely geometry.')
[docs] def parse_value(self, value: Union[Any, List, Dict, Iterable]) -> Any: """Same as design.parse_value. See design for help. Returns: Parsed value of input. """ return
[docs] def clear_all_tables(self): """Clear all the internal tables and all else. Use when clearing a design and starting from scratch. """ self.tables.clear() self.create_tables() # remake all tables
[docs] def delete_component(self, name: str): """Delete component by name. Args: name (str): Name of component (case sensitive) """ # TODO: Add unit test # TODO: is this the best way to do this, or is there a faster way? a_comp =[name] if a_comp is not None: for table_name in self.tables: df = self.tables[table_name] self.tables[table_name] = df[df['component'] !=]
[docs] def delete_component_id(self, component_id: int): """Drop the components within the qgeometry.tables. Args: component_id (int): Unique number to describe the component. """ for table_name in self.tables: df_table_name = self.tables[table_name] # self.tables[table_name] = df_table_name.drop(df_table_name[df_table_name['component'] == component_id].index) self.tables[table_name] = df_table_name[df_table_name['component'] != component_id]
[docs] def get_component( self, name: str, table_name: str = 'all' ) -> Union[GeoDataFrame, Dict_[str, GeoDataFrame]]: """Return the table for just a given component. If all, returns a dictionary with keys as table names and tables of components as values. Args: name (str): Name of component (case sensitive). Defaults to 'all'. table_name (str): Element table name ('poly', 'path', etc.). Defaults to {'all'}. Returns: Union[GeoDataFrame, Dict_[str, GeoDataFrame]]: Either a GeoDataFrame or a dict or GeoDataFrame. Example usage: ```table = pd.concat(qgeometry.get_component('Q1')) # , axis=0``` """ if table_name == 'all': tables = {} for table_name in self.get_element_types(): tables[table_name] = self.get_component(name, table_name) return tables else: df = self.tables[table_name] a_comp =[name] if a_comp is None: # Component not found. return None else: return df[df.component ==]
# comp_id =[name].id # return df[df.component == comp_id]
[docs] def get_component_bounds(self, name: str) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Returns a tuple containing minx, miny, maxx, maxy values for the bounds of the component as a whole. Args: name (str): Component name Returns: Geometry: Bare element geometry """ gs = self.get_component_geometry(name) # Pandas GeoSeries if len(gs) == 0: return (0, 0, 0, 0) else: return gs.total_bounds
[docs] def rename_component(self, component_id: int, new_name: str): """Rename component by ID (integer) cast to string format. Args: component_id (int) : ID of component (case sensitive) new_name (str) : The new name of the component (case sensitive) """ # comp_id =[name].id component_int_id = int(component_id) a_comp =[component_int_id] if a_comp is None: return None else: # TODO: is this the best way to do this, or is there a faster way? for table_name in self.tables: table = self.tables[table_name] table.component[table.component ==] = new_name
[docs] def get_component_geometry_list(self, name: str, table_name: str = 'all' ) -> List[BaseGeometry]: """Return just the bare element geometry (shapely geometry objects) as a list, for the selected component. Args: name (str) : Name of component (case sensitive) table_name (str) : Element type ('poly', 'path', etc.). Can also be 'all' to return all. This is the default. Returns: list: List of shapley.geometry objects """ if table_name == 'all': qgeometry = [] for table in self.get_element_types(): qgeometry += self.get_component_geometry_list(name, table) else: table = self.tables[table_name] comp_id =[name].id qgeometry = table.geometry[table.component == comp_id].to_list() return qgeometry
[docs] def get_component_geometry(self, name: str) -> GeoSeries: """Returns geometry of a given component. Args: name (str) : Name of component (case sensitive) Returns: GeoSeries : Geometry of the component """ comp_id =[name].id qgeometry = {} for table_name in self.get_element_types(): table = self.tables[table_name] qgeometry[table_name] = table.geometry[table.component == comp_id] qgeometry = pd.concat(qgeometry) # when concatenating empty GeoSeries, returns Series (ugly fix) if not isinstance(qgeometry, GeoSeries): qgeometry = GeoSeries(qgeometry) return qgeometry
[docs] def get_component_geometry_dict(self, name: str, table_name: str = 'all' ) -> List[BaseGeometry]: """Return just the bare element geometry (shapely geometry objects) as a dict, with key being the names of the qgeometry and the values as the shapely geometry, for the selected component. Args: name (str) : Name of component (case sensitive) table_name (str) : Element type ('poly', 'path', etc.). Defaults to 'all'. Returns: dict: Bare element geometry """ if table_name == 'all': qgeometry = Dict() for table in self.get_element_types(): qgeometry[table] = self.get_component_geometry_list(name, table) return qgeometry # return pd.concat(qgeometry, axis=0) else: table = self.tables[table_name] # mask the rows nad get only 2 columns comp_id =[name].id df_comp_id = table.loc[table.component == comp_id, ['name', 'geometry']] df_geometry = df_comp_id.geometry df_geometry.index = return df_geometry.to_dict()
[docs] def check_element_type(self, table_name: str, log_issue: bool = True) -> bool: """Check if the name `table_name` is in the element tables. Args: table_name (str): Element type ('poly', 'path', etc.) or 'all' log_issue (bool): Throw an error in the log if name missing. Defaults to True. Returns: bool: True if the name is valid, else False """ if not table_name in self.get_element_types() or table_name in 'all': if log_issue: self.logger.error( f'Element Tables: Tried to access non-existing element table: `{table_name}`' ) return False else: return True
[docs] def get_all_unique_layers_for_all_tables(self, qcomp_ids: Union[list, None] = None ) -> list: """Get a list of all unique layer number used in all of the geometry tables. User can get for all components or a subset. Args: qcomp_ids (Union[list, None], optional): The list has integers which denote component_id. Defaults to None. Returns: list: The unique layer numbers for the list of component ids passed in argument. """ if qcomp_ids is None: qcomp_ids = [] frames = list() unique_layers = None if len(qcomp_ids) == 0: # use all components frames = [self.tables[a_df] for a_df in self.tables] else: # Use just the component ID's in qcomp_ids. for table_key in self.tables: temp_df = self.tables[table_key] mask_temp = temp_df['component'].isin(qcomp_ids) subset_temp_df = temp_df[mask_temp] frames.append(subset_temp_df) #Concat the frames and then determine the unique layer numbers. unique_layers = list( pd.concat(frames, ignore_index=True)['layer'].unique()) return unique_layers
[docs] def get_all_unique_layers(self, chip_name: str) -> list: """Returns a lit of unique layers for the given chip names. Args: chip_name (str): Name of the chip Returns: list: List of unique layers """ unique_layers = list() for table_name in table =[table_name] temp = table[table['chip'] == chip_name] layers = temp['layer'].unique().tolist() unique_layers += layers unique_layers = list(set(unique_layers)) return unique_layers