Source code for qiskit_metal.analyses.sweep_and_optimize.sweeper

from qiskit_metal import Dict
from typing import Tuple, Union

[docs] class Sweeper(): """The methods allow users to sweep a variable in a components's options. Need access to renderers which are registered in QDesign.""" def __init__(self, parent): """Connect to the QAnalysis child we sweeping can happen. Args: parent (QAnalysis): Will not be just QAnalysis, but a child or grandchild, etc. of QAnalysis. """ # Reference to the instance (or child or grandchild) of QAnalysis. self.parent = parent #For easy access, make a reference to QDesign. if hasattr(self.parent, 'sim'): = elif hasattr(self.parent, 'design'): = else: = None
[docs] def run_sweep(self, *args, **kwarg) -> Tuple[Dict, int]: """Ansys will be opened, if not already open, with an inserted project. A design will be inserted by this method. There are two ways to pass arguments. You can use the previous run or use updated arguments. With both scenarios, qcomp_name, option_name, and option_sweep must be passed. For the previous run, the arguments are all but the three required. Args: qcomp_name (str): A component that contains the option to be swept. option_name (str): The option within qcomp_name to sweep. option_sweep (list): Each entry in the list is a value for option_name. qcomp_render (list): The component to render to simulation software. open_terminations (list): Identify which kind of pins. Follow the details from renderer QQ3DRenderer.render_design, or QHFSSRenderer.render_design. port_list (list): List of tuples of jj's that shouldn't be rendered. Follow details from renderer in QHFSSRenderer.render_design. jj_to_port (list): List of junctions (qcomp, qgeometry_name, impedance, draw_ind) to render as lumped ports or as lumped port in parallel with a sheet inductance. Follow details from renderer in QHFSSRenderer.render_design. ignored_jjs (Union[list,None]): This is not used by all renderers, just hfss. design_name(str): Name of design (workspace) to use in project. box_plus_buffer(bool): Render the entire chip or create a box_plus_buffer around the components which are rendered. Returns: Tuple[Dict, int]: The dict key is each value of option_sweep, the value is the solution-data for each sweep. The int is the observation of searching for data from arguments as defined below. * 0 Have list of capacitance matrix. * 1 qcomp_name not registered in design. * 2 option_name is empty. * 3 option_name is not found as key in Dict. * 4 option_sweep is empty, need at least one entry. * 5 last key in option_name is not in Dict. * 6 need to have at least three arguments """ #Dict of all swept information. all_sweep = Dict() previous_run = Dict() clean_kwargs = Dict() use_previous_run = False # Decide if we use the previous run based on inputs given. if len(args) == 3 and len(kwarg) == 0: use_previous_run = True # Do not populate the previous_run if more than minimum required is passed. if hasattr(self.parent, 'sim'): if previous_run = elif previous_run = if len(args) >= 3: option_path, a_value, check_result = self.error_check_sweep_input( args[0], args[1], args[2]) else: return all_sweep, 6 if check_result != 0: return all_sweep, check_result if len(args) > 3: clean_kwargs['components'] = args[3] if len(args) > 4: clean_kwargs['open_terminations'] = args[4] if 'design_name' in kwarg: #means use_previous_run=False clean_kwargs['name'] = kwarg['design_name'] del kwarg['design_name'] else: clean_kwargs['name'] = "Sweep_default" if use_previous_run and 'box_plus_buffer' not in previous_run: clean_kwargs['box_plus_buffer'] = True if not use_previous_run and 'box_plus_buffer' not in kwarg: clean_kwargs['box_plus_buffer'] = True all_dicts = {**previous_run, **clean_kwargs, **kwarg} all_sweep, check_result = self.iterate_option_sweep( args, all_dicts=all_dicts, option_path=option_path, a_value=a_value, all_sweep=all_sweep) return all_sweep, check_result
[docs] def iterate_option_sweep(self, args: list, all_dicts: Dict, option_path: list, a_value: Dict, all_sweep: Dict) -> Tuple[Dict, int]: """Iterate through the values that user gave in option_sweep. Args: args (Dict): Holds the three mandatory arguments in an expected sequence. all_dicts (Dict): User arguments manipulated to account for using previous_run. option_path (list): The list has traversed the option Dict. a_value (Dict): Has the value from the dictionary of the searched key. all_sweep (Dict): Will be populated during the iteration. Returns: Tuple[Dict, int]: The dict key is each value of option_sweep, the value is the solution-data for each sweep. The int is the observation of searching for data from arguments as defined below. * 0 Have list of capacitance matrix. * 5 last key in option_name is not in Dict. """ for _, item in enumerate(args[2]): # Last item in list. if option_path[-1] in a_value.keys(): a_value[option_path[-1]] = item else: f'Key="{option_path[-1]}" is not in dict.') return all_sweep, 5 try:**all_dicts) except Exception as ex: template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) f'For class {self.parent.__class__.__name__}, ' f'option_name={".".join(option_path)}, key={item}, ' f'run() did not execute as expected: {message}') self.populate_all_sweep(all_sweep, item, args[1]) return all_sweep, 0
# ####### Populate all_sweep
[docs] def populate_all_sweep(self, all_sweep: Dict, item: str, option_name: str): """Populate the Dict passed in all_sweep from QAnalysis. Args: all_sweep (Dict): Reference to hold each item which corresponds to option_name. item (str): The value of each item that we want to sweep in option_name. option_name (str): The option of QComponent that we want to sweep. """ sweep_values = Dict() sweep_values['option_name'] = option_name sweep_values['variables'] = self.parent._variables if hasattr(self.parent, 'sim'): sweep_values['sim_variables'] = self.parent.sim._variables all_sweep[item] = sweep_values
# ####### Error checking user input.
[docs] def error_check_sweep_input(self, qcomp_name: str, option_name: str, option_sweep: list) -> Tuple[list, Dict, int]: """ Implement error checking of data for sweeping. Args: qcomp_name (str): Component that contains the option to be swept. option_name (str): The option within qcomp_name to sweep. option_sweep (list): Each entry in the list is a value for option_name. Returns: Tuple[list, Dict, int]: The list has traversed the option Dict. addict.addict.Dict has the value from the dictionary of the searched key. The int is the observation of searching for data from arguments. * 0 Error not detected in the input-data. * 1 qcomp_name not registered in design. * 2 option_name is empty. * 3 option_name is not found as key in Dict. * 4 option_sweep is empty, need at least one entry. """ option_path = None a_value = None if len(option_sweep) == 0: return option_path, a_value, 4 if option_name: option_path = option_name.split('.') else: return option_path, a_value, 2 if qcomp_name in qcomp_options =[qcomp_name].options else: return option_path, a_value, 1 a_value = qcomp_options # All but the last item in list. for name in option_path[:-1]: if name in a_value: a_value = self.option_value(a_value, name) else:'Key="{name}" is not in dict.') return option_path, a_value, 3 return option_path, a_value, 0
[docs] @classmethod def option_value(cls, a_dict: Dict, search: str) -> str: """Get value from dict based on key. This method is used for unknown depth, dict search, within a dict. Args: a_dict (Dict): Dictionary to get values from search (str): String to search for Returns: str: Value from the dictionary of the searched term. """ value = a_dict[search] return value