Source code for qiskit_metal.analyses.core.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
import inspect
from typing import Any, Union

from copy import deepcopy
from qiskit_metal import logger, Dict
from qiskit_metal.analyses.sweep_and_optimize.sweeper import Sweeper

[docs] class QAnalysis(ABC): """`QAnalysis` is the core class from which all Metal analysis classes are derived. The class defines the user interface for working with analysis. For front-end user: * Manipulates the setup dictionary to fine-tune the analysis parameters. For creator user: * Creates a class that inherits this or the QSimulation classes. * Implements the `run` and `run_***` methods to define the analysis procedures. * Defines the methods to communicate with the QRenderers. (see QSimulation) * Defines default_setup, which describes the parameteric interface to the analysis class. Default Setup: Nested default setup parameters can be overwritten with the setup_update method, or directly by using the dot operator enabled by the Dict type. """ default_setup = Dict() """Default setup.""" data_labels = list() """Default data labels.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new Analysis object with a setup derived from the default_setup Dict. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._setup, self._supported_data_labels = self._gather_from_all_children( ) # first self.clear_data() self._variables = Dict() # Keep a reference to Sweeper class. self._sweeper = None def _initialize_sweep(self): """Create a new instance of Sweeper """ self._sweeper = Sweeper(self) @property def logger(self): """Returns the logger.""" return logger
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Abstract method. Must be implemented by the subclass. Use as an alias for the main analysis method. Call the main analysis method run_***(). Subclass implementation of run() must: * always call the main analysis method(s) named `run_***()`. * never implement the analysis, which should be instead in the method run_***(). `run_***()` must always call self.save_run_args(`*args`, `**kwargs`) to save the inputs. Example: :: def run(self, *args, **kwargs): self.run_sim(*args, **kwargs) def run_sim(self, *args, **kwargs): self.save_run_args(*args, **kwargs) <......> Make sure the name of the method `run_***()` does not conflict with that of another QAnalysis subclass, in case you expect them to be both inherited from the same subclass. """
[docs] def run_sweep(self, *args, **kwargs): """User requests sweeper based on arguments from Sweeper.run_sweep(). """ if not self._sweeper: self._initialize_sweep() all_sweep, return_code = self._sweeper.run_sweep(*args, **kwargs) return all_sweep, return_code
[docs] def save_run_args(self, **kwargs): """Intended to be used to store the kwargs passed to the run() method, for repeatability and for later identification of the QAnalysis instance. """ = None = Dict(kwargs)
[docs] def set_data(self, data_name: str, data: Any): """Stores data in a structure for later retrieval. Could be output, intermediate or even input data. Current implementation uses Dict() Args: data_name (str): Label for the data. Used a storage key. data (Any): Free format """ if data_name not in self._supported_data_labels: self.logger.warning( 'No %s in the list of supported variables. The variable will still be added. ' 'However, make sure this was not a typo', {data_name}) self._variables[data_name] = data
[docs] def get_data(self, data_name: str = None): """Retrieves the analysis module data. Returns `None` if nothing is found. Args: data_name (str, optional): Label to query for data. If not specified, the entire dictionary is returned. Defaults to None. Returns: Any: The data associated with the label, or the entire list of labels and data. """ if data_name is None: return self._variables return self._variables[data_name]
[docs] def get_data_labels(self) -> list: """Retrieves the list of data labels currently set. Returns `None` if nothing is found. Returns: list: list of data names """ return self._variables.keys()
@property def supported_data(self): """Getter: Set that contains the names of the variables supported from the analysis. Returns: set: list of supported variable names. """ return self._supported_data_labels
[docs] def clear_data(self, data_name: Union[str, list] = None): """Clear data. Can optionally specify one or more labels to delete those labels and data. Args: data_name (Union[str, list], optional): Can list specific labels to clean. Defaults to None. """ if data_name is None: self._variables = Dict() else: if isinstance(data_name, str): self._variables[data_name] = None else: for name in data_name: if name in self._variables[name]: del self._variables[name]
[docs] def print_run_args(self): """Prints the args and kwargs that were used in the last run() of this Analysis instance. """ print("This analysis object run with the following kwargs:\n" f"{}\n")
@property def setup(self): """Getter: Dictionary intended to be used to modify the analysis behavior. Returns: Dict: Current setup. """ return self._setup @setup.setter def setup(self, setup_dict): """Setter: Dictionary intended to be used to modify the analysis behavior. You can only pass to this method those settings that are already defined in the default_setup list. Non specified keys, will be assigned the default_setup value. Args: setup_dict (Dict): Define the settings to change. The rest will be set to defaults. """ if isinstance(setup_dict, dict): # first reset the setup self._setup, _ = self._gather_from_all_children() # then apply specified variables self.setup_update(**setup_dict) else: print("The analysis setup has to be defined as a dictionary")
[docs] def setup_update(self, section: str = None, **kwargs): """Intended to modify multiple setup settings at once, while retaining previous settings. If you intend to change a single setting, the better way is: `setup.setting1 = value`. Args: section (str): Setup section that contains the setup keys to update. """ if section in self._setup or section is None: unsupported_keys = list() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if section is None: s = self._setup else: s = self._setup[section] if k in s: s[k] = v else: unsupported_keys.append(k) if unsupported_keys: print( f'the parameters {unsupported_keys} are unsupported, so they have been ignored' ) else: print( f'the section {section} does not exist in this analysis setup')
@classmethod def _gather_from_all_children(cls): """From the QAnalysis core class, traverse the child classes to gather the default_setup and data_labels for each child class. For default_setup: If the same key is found twice, the youngest child will be picked. Returns: (dict, set): dict = setup, set = supported_data_labels """ setup_from_children = Dict() labels_from_children = set() parents = inspect.getmro(cls) # len-2: is not expected to have default_setup and data_labels. for child in parents[len(parents) - 2::-1]: # The template default options are in the attribute `default_setup`. if hasattr(child, 'default_setup'): setup_from_children.update(deepcopy(child.default_setup)) # The data_labels are in the attribute `data_labels`. if hasattr(child, 'data_labels'): labels_from_children.update(child.data_labels) return setup_from_children, labels_from_children