Source code for qiskit_metal._gui.main_window

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
"""GUI front-end interface for Qiskit Metal in PySide2."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

import logging
import os
import webbrowser
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List

from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, QTimer
from PySide2.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QAction, QDialog, QDockWidget, QFileDialog,
                               QLabel, QMainWindow, QMessageBox, QVBoxLayout)
from PySide2.QtCore import QSortFilterProxyModel
from qiskit_metal._gui.widgets.qlibrary_display.delegate_qlibrary import \
from qiskit_metal._gui.widgets.qlibrary_display.file_model_qlibrary import \
from qiskit_metal._gui.widgets.qlibrary_display.proxy_model_qlibrary import \

from .. import config, qlibrary
from ..designs.design_base import QDesign
from .elements_window import ElementsWindow
from .net_list_window import NetListWindow
from .main_window_base import (QMainWindowBaseHandler, QMainWindowExtensionBase,
from .main_window_ui import Ui_MainWindow
from .renderer_gds_gui import RendererGDSWidget
from .renderer_hfss_gui import RendererHFSSWidget
from .renderer_q3d_gui import RendererQ3DWidget
from .utility._handle_qt_messages import slot_catch_error
from .utility._toolbox_qt import doShowHighlighWidget
from .widgets.all_components.table_model_all_components import \
from .widgets.build_history.build_history_scroll_area import \
from .widgets.create_component_window import parameter_entry_window as pew
from .widgets.edit_component.component_widget import ComponentWidget
from .widgets.plot_widget.plot_window import QMainWindowPlot
from .widgets.variable_table import PropertyTableWidget

if not config.is_building_docs():

    from ..renderers.renderer_mpl.mpl_canvas import PlotCanvas

class QMainWindowExtension(QMainWindowExtensionBase):
    """This contains all the functions that the gui needs to call directly from
    the UI.

    This class extends the `QMainWindowExtensionBase` class.

    To access the GUI Handler above this, call:
        self.handler = gui

        QMainWindow (QMainWindow): Main window

    def __init__(self):
        self.gds_gui = None  # type: RendererGDSWidget
        self.hfss_gui = None  # type: RendererHFSSWidget
        self.q3d_gui = None  # type: RendererQ3DWidget

    def design(self) -> 'QDesign':
        """Return the design.

            QDesign: The design

    def gui(self) -> 'MetalGUI':
        """Returns the MetalGUI."""
        return self.handler

    def _set_element_tab(self, yesno: bool):
        """Set which part of the element table is in use.

            yesno (bool): True for View, False for Elements

        if yesno:

    def show_renderer_gds(self):
        """Handles click on GDS Renderer action."""
        self.gds_gui = RendererGDSWidget(self, self.gui)

    def show_renderer_hfss(self):
        """Handles click on HFSS Renderer action."""
        self.hfss_gui = RendererHFSSWidget(self, self.gui)

    def show_renderer_q3d(self):
        """Handles click on Q3D Renderer action."""
        self.q3d_gui = RendererQ3DWidget(self, self.gui)

    def delete_all_components(self):
        """Delete all components."""
        ret = QMessageBox.question(
            'Delete all components?',
            "Are you sure you want to clear all Metal components?",
            buttons=(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No))
        if ret == QMessageBox.Yes:
  'Delete all components.')
            if self.component_window:

    def save_design_copy(self):
        """Saves a separate copy of design under a different name"""
        filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
            'Select a new location to save Metal design to',
   + '',

        # save python script to file path
        pyscript =
        #check whether filename is empty or not. Save file only when filename is non-empty.
        if len(filename):
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:

    def save_design(self, _=None):
        """Handles click on save design."""
            # get file path
            filename =
            if not filename:
                    self, 'Warning', 'This  will save a script '
                    'that needs to be copied into a jupyter notebook to run.'
                    'The "Load" button has not yet been implemented.')

                filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
                    'Select a new location to save Metal design to',
           + '',
       = filename
            # save python script to file path
            pyscript =
            #check whether filename is empty or not. Save file only when filename is non-empty.
            if len(filename):
                with open(filename, 'w') as f:

                #make it clear it's saving
                saving_dialog = QDialog(self)
                v = QVBoxLayout()
                QTimer.singleShot(200, saving_dialog.close)
  'No design present.')
            QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', 'No design present! Can'
                                't save')

    def load_design(self, _):
        """Handles click on loading metal design."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def full_refresh(self, _=None):
        """Handles click on Refresh."""
            r'Force refresh of all widgets (does not rebuild components)...')

    def rebuild(self, _=None):
        """Handles click on Rebuild."""
            r'Rebuilding all components in the model (and refreshing widgets)...'

    def create_build_log_window(self, _=None):
        """"Handles click on Build History button."""

    def open_web_help(self, _=None):
        """"Handles click on Build History button."""'',

    def set_force_close(self, ison: bool):
        """Set method for force_close

            ison (bool): value
        self.force_close = ison

    def closeEvent(self, event):
        """whenever a window is closed.

        Passed an event which we can choose to accept or reject.

        if self.force_close:

        will_close = self.ok_to_close()
        if will_close:

    def ok_to_close(self):
        """Determine if it ok to continue.

            bool: True to continue, False otherwise
        reply = QMessageBox.question(
            self, "Qiskit Metal", "Save unsaved changes to design?",
            QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel)

        if reply == QMessageBox.Cancel:
            return False
        elif reply == QMessageBox.Yes:
            wait = self.save_design()
            return True
        return True

[docs] class MetalGUI(QMainWindowBaseHandler): """Qiskit Metal Main GUI. This class extends the `QMainWindowBaseHandler` class. The GUI can be controlled by the user using the mouse and keyboard or API for full control. Args: QMainWindowBase (QMainWindowBase): Base window """ __UI__ = Ui_MainWindow _QMainWindowClass = QMainWindowExtension _img_logo_name = 'metal_logo.png' _stylesheet_default = 'metal_dark' # This is somewhat outdated _dock_names = [ 'dockComponent', 'dockConnectors', 'dockDesign', 'dockLog', 'dockLibrary', 'dockVariables' ] def __init__(self, design: QDesign = None): """ Args: design (QDesign, optional): Pass in the design that the GUI should handle. Defaults to None. """ from .utility._handle_qt_messages import QtCore, _qt_message_handler QtCore.qInstallMessageHandler(_qt_message_handler) self.qApp = kick_start_qApp() if not self.qApp: logging.error("Could not start Qt event loop using QApplication.") super().__init__() # use set_design = None # type: QDesign # UIs self.plot_win = None # type: QMainWindowPlot self.elements_win = None # type: ElementsWindow self.net_list_win = None # type: NetListWindow self.component_window = ComponentWidget(self, self.ui.dockComponent) self.variables_window = PropertyTableWidget(self, gui=self) self.build_log_window = None self._setup_component_widget() self._setup_plot_widget() self._setup_design_components_widget() self._setup_elements_widget() self._setup_variables_widget() self._ui_adjustments_final() self._setup_library_widget() self._setup_net_list_widget() # Show and raise # self.qApp.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1) # - don't think I need this here, it doesn't help to show and raise # - need to call from different thread. QTimer.singleShot(150, self._raise) if design: self.set_design(design) else: self._set_enabled_design_widgets(False) def _raise(self): """Raises the window to the top.""" self.main_window.raise_() # Give keyboard focus. # On Windows, will change the color of the taskbar entry to indicate that the # window has changed in some way. self.main_window.activateWindow() def _set_enabled_design_widgets(self, enabled: bool = True): """Make rebuild and all the other main button disabled. Args: enabled (bool): True to enable, False to disable the design widgets. Defaults to True. """ def setEnabled(parent, widgets): for widgetname in widgets: if hasattr(parent, widgetname): widget = getattr(parent, widgetname) # type: QWidget if widget: widget.setEnabled(enabled) else: self.logger.error(f'GUI issue: wrong name: {widgetname}') widgets = [ 'actionSave', 'action_full_refresh', 'actionRebuild', 'actionDelete_All', 'dockComponent', 'dockLibrary', 'dockDesign', 'dockConnectors' ] setEnabled(self.ui, widgets) widgets = ['component_window', 'elements_win', 'net_list_win'] setEnabled(self, widgets)
[docs] def set_design(self, design: QDesign): """Core function to set a new design. Args: design (QDesign): A qiskit metal design, such as a planar one. The design contains all components and elements """ = design self._set_enabled_design_widgets(True) self.plot_win.set_design(design) self.elements_win.force_refresh() self.net_list_win.force_refresh() if self.main_window.gds_gui: self.main_window.gds_gui.set_design(design) if self.main_window.hfss_gui: self.main_window.hfss_gui.set_design(design) if self.main_window.q3d_gui: self.main_window.q3d_gui.set_design(design) self.variables_window.set_design(design) # Refresh self.refresh()
def _setup_logger(self): """Setup the logger.""" super()._setup_logger() logger = logging.getLogger('metal') self._log_handler_design = self.create_log_handler('metal', logger)
[docs] def refresh_design(self): """Refresh design properties associated with the GUI.""" self.update_design_name()
[docs] def update_design_name(self): """Update the design name.""" if design_name = self.main_window.setWindowTitle(self.config.main_window.title + f' — {design_name}')
def _ui_adjustments(self): """Any touchups to the loaded ui that need be done soon.""" # QTextEditLogger self.ui.log_text.img_path = Path(self.path_imgs) self.ui.log_text.dock_window = self.ui.dockLog # Add a second label to the status bar status_bar = self.main_window.statusBar() self.statusbar_label = QLabel(status_bar) self.statusbar_label.setText('') status_bar.addWidget(self.statusbar_label) # Docks # Left handside self.main_window.splitDockWidget(self.ui.dockDesign, self.ui.dockComponent, Qt.Vertical) self.main_window.tabifyDockWidget(self.ui.dockDesign, self.ui.dockLibrary) self.main_window.tabifyDockWidget(self.ui.dockLibrary, self.ui.dockConnectors) self.main_window.tabifyDockWidget(self.ui.dockConnectors, self.ui.dockVariables) self.ui.dockDesign.raise_() self.main_window.resizeDocks([self.ui.dockDesign], [350], Qt.Horizontal) # Log self.ui.dockLog.parent().resizeDocks([self.ui.dockLog], [120], Qt.Vertical) # toolBarView additions self._add_additional_qactions_tool_bar_view() # Tab positions self.ui.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) def _ui_adjustments_final(self): """Any touchups to the loaded ui that need be done after all the base and main ui is loaded.""" if self.component_window: self.component_window.setCurrentIndex(0) def _add_additional_qactions_tool_bar_view(self): """Programatically add the side toolbar buttons for showing/hiding the main docks such as create coomponent, edit one, log dock, etc.""" toolbar = self.ui.toolBarView toolbarInsertBefore = self.ui.actionToggleDocks # insert before this action DOCKS = [(self.ui.dockLibrary, r":/design"), (self.ui.dockDesign, r":/component"), (None, '-----'), (self.ui.dockVariables, r":/variables"), (self.ui.dockConnectors, r":/connectors"), (self.ui.dockLog, r":/log"), (None, '-----')] for row in DOCKS: dock = row[0] iconName = row[1] if iconName == '-----': toolbar.insertSeparator(toolbarInsertBefore) continue # Icons icon = QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(iconName), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) # Function call & monkey patch class instance dock.doShow = doShowHighlighWidget.__get__(dock, type(dock)) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return # QT Action with trigger, embed in toolbar action = QAction('', dock, triggered=dock.doShow) action.setIcon(icon) dock.actionShow = action # save action # insert action in toolbar toolbar.insertAction(toolbarInsertBefore, action) def _set_element_tab(self, yesno: bool): """Set the elements tabl to Elements or View. Args: yesno (bool): True for elements, False for view """ if yesno: self.ui.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.ui.tabQGeometry) else: self.ui.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.ui.mainViewTab) def _setup_component_widget(self): """Setup the components widget.""" if self.component_window: self.ui.dockComponent.setWidget(self.component_window) def _setup_variables_widget(self): """Setup the variables widget.""" self.ui.dockVariables.setWidget(self.variables_window) # hookup to delete action self.ui.btn_comp_del.clicked.connect( self.ui.tableComponents.delete_selected_rows) self.ui.btn_comp_rename.clicked.connect( self.ui.tableComponents.rename_row) self.ui.btn_comp_zoom.clicked.connect(self.btn_comp_zoom_fx) def _setup_plot_widget(self): """Create main Window Widget Plot.""" self.plot_win = QMainWindowPlot(self, self.main_window) # Add to the tabbed main view self.ui.mainViewTab.layout().addWidget(self.plot_win) # add highlight function obj = self.ui.mainViewTab obj.doShow = doShowHighlighWidget.__get__(obj, type(obj)) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return # Move the dock self._move_dock_to_new_parent(self.ui.dockLog, self.plot_win) self.ui.dockLog.parent().resizeDocks([self.ui.dockLog], [120], Qt.Vertical) def _move_dock_to_new_parent(self, dock: QDockWidget, new_parent: QMainWindow, dock_location=Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea): """The the doc to a different parent window. Args: dock (QDockWidget): Dock to move new_parent (QMainWindow): New parent window dock_location (Qt dock location): Location of the dock. Defaults to Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea. """ dock.setParent(new_parent) new_parent.addDockWidget(dock_location, dock) dock.setFloating(False) dock.setMaximumHeight(99999) def _setup_elements_widget(self): """Create main Window Elements Widget.""" self.elements_win = ElementsWindow(self, self.main_window) # Component filter self.ui.tabQGeometry.sort_model = QSortFilterProxyModel() self.ui.tabQGeometry.sort_model.setSourceModel(self.elements_win.model) self.ui.tabQGeometry.sort_model.setFilterKeyColumn(1) self.elements_win.ui.tableElements.setModel( self.ui.tabQGeometry.sort_model) self.elements_win.ui.tableElements.setSortingEnabled(True) # Add a text changed event to the QGeometry/Component/Layer text boxes self.elements_win.ui.lineEdit.textChanged.connect( self.elements_lineEdit_onChanged) self.elements_win.ui.lineEdit_2.textChanged.connect( self.elements_lineEdit_2_onChanged) # Add to the tabbed main view self.ui.tabQGeometry.layout().addWidget(self.elements_win)
[docs] def elements_lineEdit_onChanged(self, text): """ Text changed event for QGeometry/Component text box Args: text: Text typed in the filter box. """ self.ui.tabQGeometry.sort_model.setFilterKeyColumn(1) self.ui.tabQGeometry.sort_model.setFilterWildcard(text)
[docs] def elements_lineEdit_2_onChanged(self, text): """ Text changed event for QGeometry/Layer text box Args: text: Text typed in the filter box. """ self.ui.tabQGeometry.sort_model.setFilterKeyColumn(3) self.ui.tabQGeometry.sort_model.setFilterWildcard(text)
def _setup_net_list_widget(self): """Create main Window Elements Widget.""" self.net_list_win = NetListWindow(self, self.main_window) self.ui.tabNetList.sort_model = QSortFilterProxyModel() self.ui.tabNetList.sort_model.setSourceModel(self.net_list_win.model) self.net_list_win.ui.tableElements.setModel( self.ui.tabNetList.sort_model) self.net_list_win.ui.tableElements.setSortingEnabled(True) # Add to the tabbed main view self.ui.tabNetList.layout().addWidget(self.net_list_win) def _setup_design_components_widget(self): """Design components. Table model that shows the summary of the components of a design in a table with their names, classes, and modules """ model = QTableModel_AllComponents(self, logger=self.logger, tableView=self.ui.tableComponents) # Add Sort/Filter logic to the components table self.ui.proxyModel = QSortFilterProxyModel() self.ui.proxyModel.setSourceModel(model) # search all columns self.ui.proxyModel.setFilterKeyColumn(-1) self.ui.tableComponents.setSortingEnabled(True) self.ui.tableComponents.setModel(self.ui.proxyModel) # Add a text changed event to the filter text box self.ui.filter_text_design.textChanged.connect( self.filter_text_design_onChanged)
[docs] def filter_text_design_onChanged(self, text): """ Text changed event for filter_text_design Args: text: Text typed in the filter box. """ self.ui.proxyModel.setFilterWildcard(text)
def _create_new_component_object_from_qlibrary(self, full_path: str): """ Must be defined outside of _setup_library_widget to ensure self == MetalGUI and will retain opened ScrollArea Args: relative_index: QModelIndex of the desired QComponent file in the Qlibrary GUI display """ try: self.param_window = pew.create_parameter_entry_window( self, full_path, self.main_window) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( f"Unable to open param entry window due to Exception: {e} ") def _setup_library_widget(self): """ Sets up the GUI's QLibrary display in Model-View-Controler framework For debug use: view = gui.main_window.ui.dockLibrary_tree_view model = gui.ui.dockLibrary.proxy_library_model model0 = gui.ui.dockLibrary.library_model """ dock = self.ui.dockLibrary # -------------------------------------------------- # Model # getting absolute path of Qlibrary folder init_qlibrary_abs_path = os.path.abspath(qlibrary.__file__) qlibrary_abs_path = init_qlibrary_abs_path.split('')[0] self.QLIBRARY_ROOT = qlibrary_abs_path self.QLIBRARY_FOLDERNAME = qlibrary.__name__ # create model for Qlibrary directory dock.library_model = QFileSystemLibraryModel(self.path_imgs) dock.library_model.setRootPath(self.QLIBRARY_ROOT) # QSortFilterProxyModel #QSortFilterProxyModel: sorting items, filtering out items, or both. maps the original model indexes to new indexes, allows a given source model to be restructured as far as views are concerned without requiring any transformations on the underlying data, and without duplicating the data in memory. dock.proxy_library_model = LibraryFileProxyModel() dock.proxy_library_model.setSourceModel(dock.library_model) dock.proxy_library_model.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) dock.proxy_library_model.setRecursiveFilteringEnabled(True) # -------------------------------------------------- # View view = self.ui.dockLibrary_tree_view view.setModel(dock.proxy_library_model) view.setRootIndex( dock.proxy_library_model.mapFromSource( dock.library_model.index(dock.library_model.rootPath()))) # try empty one if no work view.setItemDelegate(LibraryDelegate(self.main_window)) view.itemDelegate().tool_tip_signal.connect(view.setToolTip) view.qlibrary_filepath_signal.connect( self._create_new_component_object_from_qlibrary) # view.viewport().setAttribute(Qt.WA_Hover, True) view.viewport().setMouseTracking(True) view.resizeColumnToContents(0) libraryRootPath = Path(dock.library_model.rootPath()) / "qubits" stringLibraryRootPath = str(libraryRootPath) view.expand( dock.proxy_library_model.mapFromSource( dock.library_model.index(stringLibraryRootPath))) # Add a text changed event to the filter text box self.ui.dockLibrary_filter.textChanged.connect( self.dockLibrary_filter_onChanged)
[docs] def dockLibrary_filter_onChanged(self, text): """ Text changed event for filter_text_design Args: text: Text typed in the filter box. """ view = self.ui.dockLibrary_tree_view dock = self.ui.dockLibrary dock.proxy_library_model.filter_text = text dock.proxy_library_model.setFilterWildcard(text) view.setRootIndex( dock.proxy_library_model.mapFromSource( dock.library_model.index(dock.library_model.rootPath()))) if len(text) >= 1 and dock.proxy_library_model.rowCount() > 0: view.expandAll() else: view.collapseAll()
################################################ # UI
[docs] def toggle_docks(self, do_hide: bool = None): """Show or hide the full plot-area widget / show or hide all docks. Args: do_hide (bool): Hide or show. Defaults to None -- toggle. """ self.main_window.toggle_all_docks(do_hide) self.qApp.processEvents( ) # Process all events, so that if we take screenshot next it won't be partially updated
################################################ # Plotting
[docs] def get_axes(self, num: int = None): """Return access to the canvas axes. If num is specified, returns the n-th axis. Args: num (int, optional): If num is specified, returns the n-th axis. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Axes] or Axes: Of the canvas """ axes = self.plot_win.canvas.axes if num is not None: axes = axes[num] return axes
@property def axes(self) -> List['Axes']: """Returns the axes.""" return self.plot_win.canvas.axes @property def figure(self): """Return axis to the figure of the canvas.""" return self.plot_win.canvas.figure @property def canvas(self) -> 'PlotCanvas': """Get access to the canvas that handles the figure and axes, and their main functions. Returns: PlotCanvas: The canvas """ return self.plot_win.canvas
[docs] def rebuild(self, autoscale: bool = False): """ Rebuild all components in the design from scratch and refresh the gui. """ self.refresh() if autoscale: self.autoscale()
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refreshes everything. Overkill in general. * Refreshes the design names in the gui * Refreshes the table models * Replots everything Warning: This does *not* rebuild the components. For that, call rebuild. """ # Global level self.refresh_design() # Table models self.ui.tableComponents.model().sourceModel().refresh() # Redraw plots self.refresh_plot()
[docs] def refresh_plot(self): """Redraw only the plot window contents.""" self.plot_win.replot()
[docs] def autoscale(self): """Shortcut to autoscale all views.""" self.plot_win.auto_scale()
######################################################### # COMPONENT FUNCTIONS
[docs] def edit_component(self, name: str): """Set the component to be examined by the component widget. Args: name (str): Name of component to exmaine. """ if self.component_window: self.component_window.set_component(name)
[docs] def highlight_components(self, component_names: List[str]): """Hihglight a list of components. Args: component_names (List[str]): List of component names to highlight """ self.canvas.highlight_components(component_names)
[docs] def zoom_on_components(self, components: List[str]): """Zoom to the components. Args: components (List[str]): List of components to zoom to """ bounds = self.canvas.find_component_bounds(components) self.canvas.zoom_to_rectangle(bounds)
[docs] def btn_comp_zoom_fx(self): """ Zooms in display on selected QComponent """ names = self.ui.tableComponents.name_of_selected_qcomponent() self.zoom_on_components(names)
[docs] @slot_catch_error() def gui_create_build_log_window(self, _=None): """Creates a separate window that displays the recent successful/fails of all components for the design. Args: _ (object, optional): Default parameters for slot - used to call from action """ self.build_log_window = BuildHistoryScrollArea(