# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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"""Translator between an Ising Hamiltonian and a quadratic program"""
import math
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli, SparsePauliOp
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.base_operator import BaseOperator
from qiskit_optimization.exceptions import QiskitOptimizationError
from qiskit_optimization.problems.quadratic_program import QuadraticProgram
[ドキュメント]def to_ising(quad_prog: QuadraticProgram) -> Tuple[SparsePauliOp, float]:
"""Return the Ising Hamiltonian of this problem.
Variables are mapped to qubits in the same order, i.e.,
i-th variable is mapped to i-th qubit.
See https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/issues/1148 for details.
quad_prog: The problem to be translated.
A tuple (qubit_op, offset) comprising the qubit operator for the problem
and offset for the constant value in the Ising Hamiltonian.
QiskitOptimizationError: If an integer variable or a continuous variable exists
in the problem.
QiskitOptimizationError: If constraints exist in the problem.
# if problem has variables that are not binary, raise an error
if quad_prog.get_num_vars() > quad_prog.get_num_binary_vars():
raise QiskitOptimizationError(
"The type of all variables must be binary. "
"You can use `QuadraticProgramToQubo` converter "
"to convert integer variables to binary variables. "
"If the problem contains continuous variables, `to_ising` cannot handle it. "
"You might be able to solve it with `ADMMOptimizer`."
# if constraints exist, raise an error
if quad_prog.linear_constraints or quad_prog.quadratic_constraints:
raise QiskitOptimizationError(
"There must be no constraint in the problem. "
"You can use `QuadraticProgramToQubo` converter "
"to convert constraints to penalty terms of the objective function."
# initialize Hamiltonian.
num_vars = quad_prog.get_num_vars()
pauli_list = []
offset = 0.0
zero = np.zeros(num_vars, dtype=bool)
# set a sign corresponding to a maximized or minimized problem.
# sign == 1 is for minimized problem. sign == -1 is for maximized problem.
sense = quad_prog.objective.sense.value
# convert a constant part of the objective function into Hamiltonian.
offset += quad_prog.objective.constant * sense
# convert linear parts of the objective function into Hamiltonian.
for idx, coef in quad_prog.objective.linear.to_dict().items():
z_p = zero.copy()
weight = coef * sense / 2
z_p[idx] = True
pauli_list.append(SparsePauliOp(Pauli((z_p, zero)), -weight))
offset += weight
# create Pauli terms
for (i, j), coeff in quad_prog.objective.quadratic.to_dict().items():
weight = coeff * sense / 4
if i == j:
offset += weight
z_p = zero.copy()
z_p[i] = True
z_p[j] = True
pauli_list.append(SparsePauliOp(Pauli((z_p, zero)), weight))
z_p = zero.copy()
z_p[i] = True
pauli_list.append(SparsePauliOp(Pauli((z_p, zero)), -weight))
z_p = zero.copy()
z_p[j] = True
pauli_list.append(SparsePauliOp(Pauli((z_p, zero)), -weight))
offset += weight
if pauli_list:
# Remove paulis whose coefficients are zeros.
qubit_op = sum(pauli_list).simplify(atol=0)
# If there is no variable, we set num_nodes=1 so that qubit_op should be an operator.
# If num_nodes=0, I^0 = 1 (int).
num_vars = max(1, num_vars)
qubit_op = SparsePauliOp("I" * num_vars, 0)
return qubit_op, offset
[ドキュメント]def from_ising(
qubit_op: BaseOperator,
offset: float = 0.0,
linear: bool = False,
) -> QuadraticProgram:
r"""Create a quadratic program from a qubit operator and a shift value.
Variables are mapped to qubits in the same order, i.e.,
i-th variable is mapped to i-th qubit.
See https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/issues/1148 for details.
qubit_op: The qubit operator of the problem.
offset: The constant term in the Ising Hamiltonian.
linear: If linear is True, :math:`x^2` is treated as a linear term
since :math:`x^2 = x` for :math:`x \in \{0,1\}`.
Otherwise, :math:`x^2` is treat as a quadratic term.
The default value is False.
The quadratic program corresponding to the qubit operator.
QiskitOptimizationError: if there are Pauli Xs or Ys in any Pauli term
QiskitOptimizationError: if there are more than 2 Pauli Zs in any Pauli term
QiskitOptimizationError: if any Pauli term has an imaginary coefficient
# quantum_info
if isinstance(qubit_op, BaseOperator):
if not isinstance(qubit_op, SparsePauliOp):
qubit_op = SparsePauliOp(qubit_op)
quad_prog = QuadraticProgram()
# prepare a matrix of coefficients of Pauli terms
# `pauli_coeffs_diag` is the diagonal part
# `pauli_coeffs_triu` is the upper triangular part
pauli_coeffs_diag = [0.0] * qubit_op.num_qubits
pauli_coeffs_triu = {}
for pauli_op in qubit_op:
pauli = pauli_op.paulis[0]
coeff = pauli_op.coeffs[0]
if not math.isclose(coeff.imag, 0.0, abs_tol=1e-10):
raise QiskitOptimizationError(f"Imaginary coefficient exists: {pauli_op}")
if np.any(pauli.x):
raise QiskitOptimizationError(f"Pauli X or Y exists in the Pauli term: {pauli}")
# indices of Pauli Zs in the Pauli term
z_index = np.where(pauli.z)[0]
num_z = len(z_index)
if num_z == 0:
offset += coeff.real
elif num_z == 1:
pauli_coeffs_diag[z_index[0]] = coeff.real
elif num_z == 2:
pauli_coeffs_triu[z_index[0], z_index[1]] = coeff.real
raise QiskitOptimizationError(
f"There are more than 2 Pauli Zs in the Pauli term: {pauli}"
linear_terms = {}
quadratic_terms = {}
# For quadratic pauli terms of operator
# x_i * x_j = (1 - Z_i - Z_j + Z_i * Z_j)/4
for (i, j), weight in pauli_coeffs_triu.items():
# Add a quadratic term to the objective function of `QuadraticProgram`
# The coefficient of the quadratic term in `QuadraticProgram` is
# 4 * weight of the pauli
quadratic_terms[i, j] = 4 * weight
pauli_coeffs_diag[i] += weight
pauli_coeffs_diag[j] += weight
offset -= weight
# After processing quadratic pauli terms, only linear paulis are left
# x_i = (1 - Z_i)/2
for i, weight in enumerate(pauli_coeffs_diag):
# Add a linear term to the objective function of `QuadraticProgram`
# The coefficient of the linear term in `QuadraticProgram` is
# 2 * weight of the pauli
if linear:
linear_terms[i] = -2 * weight
quadratic_terms[i, i] = -2 * weight
offset += weight
quad_prog.minimize(constant=offset, linear=linear_terms, quadratic=quadratic_terms)
return quad_prog