Optimization algorithms (qiskit_optimization.algorithms
Algorithms for optimization problems.
Base classes for algorithms and results#
An abstract class for optimization algorithms in Qiskit optimization module. |
An abstract class that implements multi start optimization and should be sub-classed by other optimizers. |
A base class for optimization results. |
A base abstract class for aggregates results |
Algorithms and results#
ADMMOptimization Result. |
An implementation of the ADMM-based heuristic. |
Defines a set of parameters for ADMM optimizer. |
Internal computation state of the ADMM implementation. |
The SciPy COBYLA optimizer wrapped as an Qiskit |
The CPLEX optimizer wrapped as an Qiskit |
Goemans-Williamson algorithm to approximate the max-cut of a problem. |
Contains results of the Goemans-Williamson algorithm. |
A result object for Grover Optimization methods. |
Uses Grover Adaptive Search (GAS) to find the minimum of a QUBO function. |
The Gurobi optimizer wrapped as an Qiskit |
Defines whether the intermediate results of |
Aggregates the results by averaging the probability of each sample. |
Minimum Eigen Optimizer Result. |
A wrapper for minimum eigen solvers. |
Termination status of an optimization algorithm. |
Recursive Eigen Optimizer Result. |
A meta-algorithm that applies a recursive optimization. |
The MILP optimizer from Scipy wrapped as a Qiskit |
SLSQP optimization result, defines additional properties that may be returned by the optimizer. |
The SciPy SLSQP optimizer wrapped as an Qiskit |
A sample of an optimization solution. |
A meta-algorithm that uses a pre-solver to solve a relaxed version of the problem. |
A factory that produces quantum circuits for the QAOA implementation. |
Quantum Random Access Optimization (qiskit_optimization.algorithms.qrao) |