# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
"""The Vibrational Operator."""
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Collection, Mapping
from typing import Iterator, Sequence, Tuple
import logging
import operator
import itertools
import numpy as np
from qiskit_nature.exceptions import QiskitNatureError
from ._bits_container import _BitsContainer
from .polynomial_tensor import PolynomialTensor
from .sparse_label_op import _TCoeff, SparseLabelOp, _to_number
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[documentos]class VibrationalOp(SparseLabelOp):
r"""N-mode vibrational operator.
A ``VibrationalOp`` represents a weighted sum of vibrational creation/annihilation operator terms.
These terms are encoded as sparse labels, strings consisting of a space-separated list of
expressions. Each expression must look like :code:`[+-]_<mode_index>_<modal_index>`, where the
:code:`<mode_index>` and :code:`<modal_index>` are non-negative integers representing the index
of the vibrational mode and modal, respectively, where the ``+`` (creation) or ``-`` (annihilation)
operation is to be performed.
A ``VibrationalOp`` is initialized with a dictionary, mapping terms to their respective
.. code-block:: python
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import VibrationalOp
op = VibrationalOp(
"+_0_0 -_0_0": 1.0,
"+_0_1 -_0_1": 1.0,
"+_1_0 -_1_0": -1.0,
"+_1_1 -_1_1": -1.0,
num_modals=[2, 2]
By default, this way of initializing will create a full copy of the dictionary of coefficients.
If you have very restricted memory resources available, or would like to avoid the additional
copy, the dictionary will be stored by reference if you disable ``copy`` like so:
.. code-block:: python
some_big_data = {
"+_0_0 -_0_0": 1.0,
"+_0_1 -_0_1": 1.0,
# ...
op = VibrationalOp(
num_modals=[2, 2],
.. note::
It is the users' responsibility, that in the above scenario, :code:`some_big_data` is not
changed after initialization of the ``VibrationalOp``, since the operator contents are not
guaranteed to remain unaffected by such changes.
If :code:`num_modals` is not provided then the maximum :code:`modal_index` per
mode will determine the :code:`num_modals` for that mode.
.. code-block:: python
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import VibrationalOp
op = VibrationalOp(
"+_0_0 -_0_0": 1.0,
"+_0_1 -_0_1": 1.0,
"+_1_0 -_1_0": -1.0,
"+_1_1 -_1_1": -1.0,
This class supports the following basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, scalar
multiplication, operator multiplication, and adjoint.
For example,
.. code-block:: python
VibrationalOp({"+_1_0": 1}, num_modals=[2, 2]) + VibrationalOp({"+_0_0": 1}, num_modals=[2, 2])
.. code-block:: python
sum(VibrationalOp({label: 1}, num_modals=[1, 1, 1]) for label in ["+_0_0", "-_1_0", "+_2_0 -_2_0"])
Scalar multiplication
.. code-block:: python
0.5 * VibrationalOp({"+_1_0": 1}, num_modals=[1, 1])
Operator multiplication
.. code-block:: python
op1 = VibrationalOp({"+_0_0 -_1_0": 1}, num_modals=[1, 1])
op2 = VibrationalOp({"-_0_0 +_0_0 +_1_0": 1}, num_modals=[1, 1])
print(op1 @ op2)
Tensor multiplication
.. code-block:: python
op = VibrationalOp({"+_0_0 -_1_0": 1}, num_modals=[1, 1])
print(op ^ op)
.. code-block:: python
VibrationalOp({"+_0_0 -_1_0": 1j}, num_modals=[1, 1]).adjoint()
Instances of ``VibrationalOp`` are iterable. Iterating a ``VibrationalOp`` yields (term, coefficient)
pairs describing the terms contained in the operator.
.. note::
A VibrationalOp can contain :class:`qiskit.circuit.ParameterExpression` objects as
# a valid pattern consists of a single "+" or "-" operator followed by "_" and a mode index
# followed by "_" and a modal index, possibly appearing multiple times and separated by a space
_OPERATION_REGEX = re.compile(r"([\+\-]_\d+_\d+\s)*[\+\-]_\d+_\d+(?!\s)")
def __init__(
data: Mapping[str, _TCoeff],
num_modals: Sequence[int] | None = None,
copy: bool = True,
validate: bool = True,
) -> None:
data: the operator data, mapping string-based keys to numerical values.
num_modals: number of modals - described by a sequence of integers where each integer
describes the number of modals in the corresponding mode; the total number of modals
defines the ``register_length``.
copy: when set to False the `data` will not be copied and the dictionary will be
stored by reference rather than by value (which is the default; ``copy=True``). Note,
that this requires you to not change the contents of the dictionary after
constructing the operator. This also implies ``validate=False``. Use with care!
validate: when set to False the ``data`` keys will not be validated. Note, that the
SparseLabelOp base class, makes no assumption about the data keys, so will not
perform any validation by itself. Only concrete subclasses are encouraged to
implement a key validation method. Disable this setting with care!
QiskitNatureError: when an invalid key is encountered during validation.
self.num_modals = num_modals
super().__init__(data, copy=copy, validate=validate)
def num_modals(self) -> Sequence[int] | None:
"""The number of modals for each mode on which this operator acts.
This is an optional sequence of integers which are considered lower bounds. That means that
mathematical operations acting on two or more operators will result in a new operator with
the maximum number of modals for each mode involved in any of the operators.
# to ensure future flexibility, the type here is Sequence. However, the current
# implementation ensures it will always be a list.
return self._num_modals
def num_modals(self, num_modals: Sequence[int] | None):
self._num_modals = list(num_modals) if num_modals is not None else None
def register_length(self) -> int:
if self._num_modals is None:
num_modals: list[int] = []
for key in self._data:
for term in key.split():
_, mode_index_str, modal_index_str = term.split("_")
mode_index = int(mode_index_str)
modal_index = int(modal_index_str)
if mode_index + 1 > len(num_modals):
num_modals += [0] * (mode_index + 1 - len(num_modals))
if modal_index > num_modals[mode_index] - 1:
num_modals[mode_index] = modal_index + 1
return sum(num_modals)
return sum(self.num_modals)
def _new_instance(
self, data: Mapping[str, _TCoeff], *, other: VibrationalOp | None = None
) -> VibrationalOp:
num_modals = self.num_modals
if other is not None:
other_num_modals = other.num_modals
def pad_to_length(a, b):
if len(a) < len(b):
a, b = b, a
return a, b + [0] * (len(a) - len(b))
def elementwise_max(a, b):
return [max(i, j) for i, j in zip(*pad_to_length(a, b))]
if num_modals is not None and other_num_modals is not None:
num_modals = elementwise_max(num_modals, other_num_modals)
return self.__class__(data, copy=False, num_modals=num_modals)
def _validate_keys(self, keys: Collection[str]) -> None:
num_modals = self._num_modals if self._num_modals is not None else []
for key in keys:
# 0. explicitly allow the empty key
if key == "":
# Validate overall key structure
if not re.fullmatch(VibrationalOp._OPERATION_REGEX, key):
raise QiskitNatureError(f"{key} is not a valid VibrationalOp label.")
coeff_labels_split = key.split()
for label in coeff_labels_split:
_, mode_index_str, modal_index_str = label.split("_")
mode_index = int(mode_index_str)
modal_index = int(modal_index_str)
if mode_index + 1 > len(num_modals):
num_modals += [0] * (mode_index + 1 - len(num_modals))
if modal_index > num_modals[mode_index] - 1:
num_modals[mode_index] = modal_index + 1
self.num_modals = num_modals
def _validate_polynomial_tensor_key(cls, keys: Collection[str]) -> None:
allowed = re.compile(r"(_\+\-)*")
for key in keys:
if not re.fullmatch(allowed, key):
raise QiskitNatureError(
f"The key '{key}' is invalid. PolynomialTensor keys must be multiples of the "
"'_+-' character sequence, for them to be expandable into a VibrationalOp."
[documentos] @classmethod
def from_polynomial_tensor(cls, tensor: PolynomialTensor) -> VibrationalOp:
data: dict[str, _TCoeff] = {}
def _reshape_index(index):
new_index = []
for idx in range(0, len(index), 3):
new_index.extend([index[idx], index[idx + 1], index[idx], index[idx + 2]])
return new_index
for key in tensor:
if key == "":
data[""] = tensor[key].item()
mat = tensor[key]
label_template = mat.label_template.format(*key.replace("_", ""))
for value, index in mat.coord_iter():
data[label_template.format(*_reshape_index(index))] = value
return cls(data)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
data_str = f"{dict(self.items())}"
return "VibrationalOp(" f"{data_str}, " f"num_modals={self.num_modals}, " ")"
def __str__(self) -> str:
pre = (
"Vibrational Operator\n"
f"number modes={len(self.num_modals)}, number modals={self.num_modals}, "
f"number terms={len(self)}\n"
ret = " " + "\n+ ".join(
[f"{coeff} * ( {label} )" if label else f"{coeff}" for label, coeff in self.items()]
return pre + ret
[documentos] def terms(self) -> Iterator[tuple[list[tuple[str, int]], _TCoeff]]:
"""Provides an iterator analogous to :meth:`items` but with the labels already split into
pairs of operation characters and indices.
A tuple with two items; the first one being a list of pairs of the form (char, int)
where char is either ``+`` or ``-`` and the integer corresponds to the vibrational mode and
modal index on which the operator gets applied; the second item of the returned tuple is
the coefficient of this term.
num_modals = self.num_modals
partial_sum_modals = [0] + list(itertools.accumulate(num_modals, operator.add))
for label in iter(self):
if not label:
yield ([], self[label])
terms = [self._build_register_label(lbl, partial_sum_modals) for lbl in label.split()]
yield (terms, self[label])
[documentos] @classmethod
def from_terms(cls, terms: Sequence[tuple[list[tuple[str, int]], _TCoeff]]) -> VibrationalOp:
raise NotImplementedError()
def _permute_term(
self, term: list[tuple[str, int]], permutation: Sequence[int]
) -> list[tuple[str, int]]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def _build_register_label(self, label: str, partial_sum_modals: list[int]) -> tuple[str, int]:
op, mode_index, modal_index = label.split("_")
index = partial_sum_modals[int(mode_index)] + int(modal_index)
return (op, index)
[documentos] def compose(self, other: VibrationalOp, qargs=None, front: bool = False) -> VibrationalOp:
if not isinstance(other, VibrationalOp):
raise TypeError(
f"Unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'VibrationalOp' and '{type(other).__name__}'"
if front:
return self._tensor(self, other, offset=False)
return self._tensor(other, self, offset=False)
[documentos] def tensor(self, other: VibrationalOp) -> VibrationalOp:
return self._tensor(self, other)
[documentos] def expand(self, other: VibrationalOp) -> VibrationalOp:
return self._tensor(other, self)
def _tensor(cls, a: VibrationalOp, b: VibrationalOp, *, offset: bool = True) -> VibrationalOp:
shift = len(a.num_modals) if offset else 0
new_data: dict[str, _TCoeff] = {}
for a_labels, a_coeff in a.items():
for b_labels, b_coeff in b.items():
if b_labels == "":
new_label = a_labels
b_terms = [lbl.split("_") for lbl in b_labels.split()]
new_b_label = " ".join(f"{op}_{int(i)+shift}_{j}" for op, i, j in b_terms)
new_label = f"{a_labels} {new_b_label}".strip()
if new_label in new_data:
new_data[new_label] += a_coeff * b_coeff
new_data[new_label] = a_coeff * b_coeff
new_op = a._new_instance(new_data, other=b)
if offset:
new_op.num_modals = [*a.num_modals, *b.num_modals]
return new_op
[documentos] def transpose(self) -> VibrationalOp:
data = {}
trans = "".maketrans("+-", "-+")
for label, coeff in self.items():
data[" ".join(lbl.translate(trans) for lbl in reversed(label.split()))] = coeff
return self._new_instance(data)
[documentos] def normal_order(self) -> VibrationalOp:
"""Convert to the equivalent operator in normal order.
The normal order for this operator is defined as follows:
- creation (``+``) operations are applied before annihilation (``-``) ones
- operators are ordered by index within each of the operator type groups
Returns a new operator (the original operator is not modified).
.. note::
The operations encoded by a ``VibrationalOp`` are fully commutative, which means that
re-ordering of individual terms does **not** result in a phase shift.
The normal ordered operator.
ordered_op = VibrationalOp.zero()
for label, coeff in self.items():
terms = []
for lbl in label.split():
char, mode, modal = lbl.split("_")
terms.append((char, int(mode), int(modal)))
ordered_op += self._normal_order(terms, coeff)
# after successful normal ordering, we remove all zero coefficients
return self._new_instance(
label: coeff
for label, coeff in ordered_op.items()
if not np.isclose(_to_number(coeff), 0.0, atol=self.atol)
def _normal_order(self, terms: list[tuple[str, int, int]], coeff: _TCoeff) -> VibrationalOp:
if not terms:
return self._new_instance({"": coeff})
ordered_op = VibrationalOp.zero()
# perform insertion sorting
for i in range(1, len(terms)):
for j in range(i, 0, -1):
right = terms[j]
left = terms[j - 1]
if right[0] == "+" and left[0] == "-":
# swap terms where an annihilation operator is left of a creation operator
terms[j - 1] = right
terms[j] = left
if right[1] == left[1] and right[2] == left[2]:
# if their indices are identical, we incur an additional term because of:
# a_i a_i^\dagger = 1 + a_i^\dagger a_i
new_terms = terms[: (j - 1)] + terms[(j + 1) :]
# we can do so by recursion on this method
ordered_op += self._normal_order(new_terms, coeff)
elif right[0] == left[0]:
# when we have identical neighboring operators, differentiate two cases:
# on identical index, this is an invalid operation which evaluates to
# zero: e.g. +_0_0 +_0_0 = 0
if right[1] == left[1] and right[2] == left[2]:
# thus, we bail on this recursion call
return ordered_op
# otherwise, if the left index is higher than the right one, swap the terms
elif left[1] > right[1] or (left[1] == right[1] and left[2] > right[2]):
terms[j - 1] = right
terms[j] = left
new_label = " ".join(f"{term[0]}_{term[1]}_{term[2]}" for term in terms)
ordered_op += self._new_instance({new_label: coeff})
return ordered_op
[documentos] def index_order(self) -> VibrationalOp:
"""Convert to the equivalent operator with the terms of each label ordered by index.
Returns a new operator (the original operator is not modified).
.. note::
You can use this method to achieve the most aggressive simplification of an operator
without changing the operation order per index. :meth:`simplify` does *not* reorder the
terms and, thus, cannot deduce ``-_0_0 +_1_0`` and ``+_1_0 -_0_0 +_0_0 -_0_0`` to be
identical labels. Calling this method will reorder the latter label to
``-_0_0 +_0_0 -_0_0 +_1_0``, after which :meth:`simplify` will be able to correctly
collapse these two labels into one.
The index ordered operator.
data = defaultdict(complex) # type: dict[str, _TCoeff]
for label, coeff in self.items():
terms = []
for lbl in label.split():
char, mode, modal = lbl.split("_")
terms.append((char, int(mode), int(modal)))
label, coeff = self._index_order(terms, coeff)
data[label] += coeff
# after successful index ordering, we remove all zero coefficients
return self._new_instance(
label: coeff
for label, coeff in data.items()
if not np.isclose(_to_number(coeff), 0.0, atol=self.atol)
def _index_order(
self, terms: list[tuple[str, int, int]], coeff: _TCoeff
) -> tuple[str, _TCoeff]:
if not terms:
return "", coeff
# perform insertion sorting
for i in range(1, len(terms)):
for j in range(i, 0, -1):
right = terms[j]
left = terms[j - 1]
if left[1] > right[1] or (left[1] == right[1] and left[2] > right[2]):
terms[j - 1] = right
terms[j] = left
new_label = " ".join(f"{term[0]}_{term[1]}_{term[2]}" for term in terms)
return new_label, coeff
[documentos] def simplify(self, atol: float | None = None) -> VibrationalOp:
"""Simplify the operator.
The simplifications implemented by this method should be:
- to eliminate terms whose coefficients are close (w.r.t. ``atol``) to 0.
- to combine the coefficients which correspond to equivalent terms (see also the note below)
.. note::
:meth:`simplify` should be used to simplify terms whose coefficients are close to zero,
up to the specified numerical tolerance. It still differs slightly from :meth:`chop`
because that will chop real and imaginary part components individually.
.. note::
The meaning of "equivalence" between multiple terms depends on the specific operator
subclass. As a restriction this method is required to preserve the order of appearance of
the different components within a term. This avoids some possibly unexpected edge cases.
However, this also means that some equivalencies cannot be detected. Check for other
methods of a specific subclass which may affect the order of terms and can allow for
further simplifications to be implemented. For example, check out :meth:`index_order`.
This method returns a new operator (the original operator is not modified).
atol: Absolute numerical tolerance. The default behavior is to use ``self.atol``.
The simplified operator.
atol = self.atol if atol is None else atol
data = defaultdict(complex) # type: dict[str, _TCoeff]
# TODO: use parallel_map to make this more efficient (?)
for label, coeff in self.items():
label, coeff = self._simplify_label(label, coeff)
data[label] += coeff
simplified_data = {
label: coeff
for label, coeff in data.items()
if not np.isclose(_to_number(coeff), 0.0, atol=self.atol)
return self._new_instance(simplified_data)
def _simplify_label(self, label: str, coeff: _TCoeff) -> tuple[str, _TCoeff]:
bits = _BitsContainer[Tuple[int, int]]()
# Since Python 3.7, dictionaries are guaranteed to be insert-order preserving. We use this
# to our advantage, to implement an ordered set, which allows us to preserve the label order
# and only remove canceling terms.
new_label: dict[str, None] = {}
for lbl in label.split():
char, mode_index, modal_index = lbl.split("_")
idx = (int(mode_index), int(modal_index))
char_b = char == "+"
if idx not in bits:
# we store all relevant information for each register index in 4 bits:
# 1. True if a `+` has been applied on this index
# 2. True if a `-` has been applied on this index
# 3. True if a `+` was applied first, False if a `-` was applied first
# 4. True if the last added operation on this index was `+`, False if `-`
bits[idx] = int(f"{char_b:b}{not char_b:b}{char_b:b}{char_b:b}", base=2)
# and we insert the encountered label into our ordered set
new_label[lbl] = None
elif bits.get_last(idx) == char_b:
# we bail, if we apply the same operator as the last one
return "", 0
elif bits.get_plus(idx) and bits.get_minus(idx):
# If both, `+` and `-`, have already been applied, we cancel the opposite to the
# current one (i.e. `+` will cancel `-` and vice versa).
# 1. we construct the reversed label which is the key we need to pop
pop_lbl = f"{'-' if char_b else '+'}_{idx[0]}_{idx[1]}"
# 2. we perform the information update by:
# a) popping the key we just canceled out
# b) updating the bits container
bits.set_plus_or_minus(idx, not char_b, False)
# c) and updating the last bit to the current char
bits.set_last(idx, char_b)
# else, we simply set the bit of the currently applied char
bits.set_plus_or_minus(idx, char_b, True)
# and track it in our ordered set
new_label[lbl] = None
# we also update the last bit to the current char
bits.set_last(idx, char_b)
return " ".join(new_label), coeff
[documentos] @staticmethod
def build_dual_index(num_modals: Sequence[int], index: int) -> str:
r"""Convert a single expanded index into a dual mode and modal index string.
num_modals: The number of modals - described by a list of integers where each integer
describes the number of modals in the corresponding mode; the total number of modals
defines the ``register_length``.
index: The expanded (register) index.
The dual index label.
ValueError: If the index is greater than the sum of num_modals.
for mode_index, num_modals_per_mode in enumerate(num_modals):
if index < num_modals_per_mode:
return f"{mode_index}_{index}"
index -= num_modals_per_mode
raise ValueError("Invalid index: index > sum(num_modals) - 1.")