
class BosonicLinearMapper(max_occupation)[fuente]#

Bases: BosonicMapper

The Linear boson-to-qubit mapping.

This mapper generates a linear encoding of the Bosonic operator bk,bk to qubit operators (linear combinations of pauli strings). In this linear encoding each bosonic mode is represented via nkmax+1 qubits, where nkmax is the max occupation of the mode (meaning the number of states used in the expansion of the mode, or equivalently the state at which the maximum excitation can take place). The mode |k is then mapped to the occupation number vector |0nkmax,0nkmax1,...,0nk+1,1nk,0nk1,...,00k

It implements the formula in Section II.C of Reference [1]:


from nk=0 to nkmax+1 where nkmax is the maximum occupation (defined by the user). In the following implementation, we explicit the operators σ+ and σ with the Pauli matrices:


The length of the qubit register is:

BosonicOp.num_modes * (BosonicLinearMapper.max_occupation + 1)

To use this mapper one can for example:

from qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers import BosonicLinearMapper
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import BosonicOp

mapper = BosonicLinearMapper(max_occupation=1)
qubit_op ={'+_0 -_0': 1}, num_modes=1))


Since this mapper truncates the maximum occupation of a bosonic state as represented in the qubit register, the commutation relation after the mapping differ from the standard ones. Please refer to Section 4, equation 22 of Reference [2] for more details


[1] A. Miessen et al., Quantum algorithms for quantum dynamics: A performance study on the spin-boson model, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043212.

[2] R. Somma et al., Quantum Simulations of Physics Problems, Arxiv


max_occupation (int) – defines the excitation space of the k-th bosonic state. Together with the number of modes required to represent the bosonic operator, it defines the minimum length of the qubit register. The minimum value is 1.



The maximum occupation of any bosonic state.


map(second_q_ops, *, register_length=None)#

Maps a second quantized operator or a list, dict of second quantized operators based on the current mapper.

  • second_q_ops (BosonicOp | List[BosonicOp | None] | Dict[str, BosonicOp]) – A second quantized operator, or list thereof.

  • register_length (int | None) – when provided, this will be used to overwrite the register_length attribute of the SparseLabelOp being mapped. This is possible because the register_length is considered a lower bound in a SparseLabelOp.


A qubit operator in the form of a SparsePauliOp, or list (resp. dict) thereof if a list (resp. dict) of second quantized operators was supplied.

Tipo del valor devuelto:

SparsePauliOp | List[SparsePauliOp | None] | Dict[str, SparsePauliOp]

classmethod mode_based_mapping(second_q_op, register_length=None)#

Utility method to map a SparseLabelOp to a qubit operator using a pauli table.

  • second_q_op (SparseLabelOp) – the SparseLabelOp to be mapped.

  • register_length (int | None) – when provided, this will be used to overwrite the register_length attribute of the operator being mapped. This is possible because the register_length is considered a lower bound.


The qubit operator corresponding to the problem-Hamiltonian in the qubit space.


QiskitNatureError – If number length of pauli table does not match the number of operator modes, or if the operator has unexpected label content

Tipo del valor devuelto:


classmethod pauli_table(register_length)#

Generates a Pauli-lookup table mapping from modes to pauli pairs.

The generated table is processed by QubitMapper.sparse_pauli_operators().


register_length (int) – the register length for which to generate the table.


A list of tuples in which the first and second Pauli operator the real and imaginary Pauli strings, respectively.

Tipo del valor devuelto:

list[tuple[qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.pauli.Pauli, qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.pauli.Pauli]]

classmethod sparse_pauli_operators(register_length)#

Generates the cached SparsePauliOp terms.

This uses QubitMapper.pauli_table() to construct a list of operators used to translate the second-quantization symbols into qubit operators.


register_length (int) – the register length for which to generate the operators.


Two lists stored in a tuple, consisting of the creation and annihilation operators, applied on the individual modes.

Tipo del valor devuelto:

tuple[list[qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.sparse_pauli_op.SparsePauliOp], list[qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.sparse_pauli_op.SparsePauliOp]]