# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Qubit Mapper interface."""
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import TypeVar, Dict, Iterable, Generic, Generator
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Pauli, SparsePauliOp
from qiskit_algorithms.list_or_dict import ListOrDict as ListOrDictType
from qiskit_nature import QiskitNatureError
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import SparseLabelOp
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
T = TypeVar("T")
class _ListOrDict(Dict, Iterable, Generic[T]):
"""The ListOrDict utility class.
This is a utility which allows seamless iteration of a `list` or `dict` object.
def __init__(self, values: ListOrDictType | None = None):
values: an optional object of `list` or `dict` type.
if isinstance(values, list):
values = dict(enumerate(values))
elif values is None:
values = {}
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[tuple[int | str, T], T, None]:
"""Return the generator-iterator method."""
return self._generator()
def _generator(self) -> Generator[tuple[int | str, T], T, None]:
"""Return generator method iterating the contents of this class.
This generator yields the `(key, value)` pairs of the underlying dictionary. If this object
was constructed from a list, the keys in this generator are simply the numeric indices.
This generator also supports overriding the yielded value upon receiving any value other
than `None` from a `send` [1] instruction.
[1]: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#generator.send
for key, value in self.items():
new_value = yield (key, value)
if new_value is not None:
self[key] = new_value
def wrap(cls, objects: dict | list | T) -> tuple[_ListOrDict, type]:
"""Wraps the provided objects into a ``_ListOrDict`` instance.
objects: a dict, list or single object instance to be wrapped.
A tuple consisting of the constructed ``_ListOrDict`` and the original type that was
wrapped_type = type(objects)
if not issubclass(wrapped_type, (dict, list)):
objects = [objects]
wrapped_objects = cls(objects)
return wrapped_objects, wrapped_type
def unwrap(self, wrapped_type: type, *, suppress_none: bool = True) -> dict | Iterable | T:
"""Return the content of this class according to the initial type of the data before
the creation of the ListOrDict object.
wrapped_type: Type of the data before the creation of the ListOrDict object.
suppress_none: If None values should be suppressed from the output.
Content of the current class instance as a list, a dictionary or a single element.
def _qubit_op_type_wrapper(qubit_op: SparsePauliOp | None):
if qubit_op is None:
return None
return qubit_op
if wrapped_type == list:
if suppress_none:
return [_qubit_op_type_wrapper(op) for _, op in iter(self) if op is not None]
return [_qubit_op_type_wrapper(op) for _, op in iter(self)]
if wrapped_type == dict:
if suppress_none:
return {key: _qubit_op_type_wrapper(op) for key, op in iter(self) if op is not None}
return {key: _qubit_op_type_wrapper(op) for key, op in iter(self)}
# only other case left is that it was a single operator to begin with:
return _qubit_op_type_wrapper(list(iter(self))[0][1])
[documentos]class QubitMapper(ABC):
"""The interface for implementing methods which map from a ``SparseLabelOp`` to a
qubit operator in the form of a ``SparsePauliOp``.
def _map_single(
self, second_q_op: SparseLabelOp, *, register_length: int | None = None
) -> SparsePauliOp:
"""Maps a :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.SparseLabelOp`
to a ``SparsePauliOp``.
second_q_op: the ``SparseLabelOp`` to be mapped.
register_length: when provided, this will be used to overwrite the ``register_length``
attribute of the operator being mapped. This is possible because the
``register_length`` is considered a lower bound in a ``SparseLabelOp``.
The qubit operator corresponding to the problem-Hamiltonian in the qubit space.
return self.mode_based_mapping(second_q_op, register_length=register_length)
[documentos] def map(
second_q_ops: SparseLabelOp | ListOrDictType[SparseLabelOp],
register_length: int | None = None,
) -> SparsePauliOp | ListOrDictType[SparsePauliOp]:
"""Maps a second quantized operator or a list, dict of second quantized operators based on
the current mapper.
second_q_ops: A second quantized operator, or list thereof.
register_length: when provided, this will be used to overwrite the ``register_length``
attribute of the ``SparseLabelOp`` being mapped. This is possible because the
``register_length`` is considered a lower bound in a ``SparseLabelOp``.
A qubit operator in the form of a ``SparsePauliOp``, or list (resp. dict) thereof if a
list (resp. dict) of second quantized operators was supplied.
wrapped_second_q_ops, wrapped_type = _ListOrDict.wrap(second_q_ops)
qubit_ops: _ListOrDict = _ListOrDict()
for name, second_q_op in iter(wrapped_second_q_ops):
qubit_ops[name] = self._map_single(second_q_op, register_length=register_length)
returned_ops = qubit_ops.unwrap(wrapped_type)
# Note the output of the mapping will never be None for standard mappers other than the
# TaperedQubitMapper.
return returned_ops
[documentos] @classmethod
def pauli_table(cls, register_length: int) -> list[tuple[Pauli, Pauli]]:
"""Generates a Pauli-lookup table mapping from modes to pauli pairs.
The generated table is processed by :meth:`.QubitMapper.sparse_pauli_operators`.
register_length: the register length for which to generate the table.
A list of tuples in which the first and second Pauli operator the real and imaginary
Pauli strings, respectively.
[documentos] @classmethod
def sparse_pauli_operators(
cls, register_length: int
) -> tuple[list[SparsePauliOp], list[SparsePauliOp]]:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Generates the cached :class:`.SparsePauliOp` terms.
This uses :meth:`.QubitMapper.pauli_table` to construct a list of operators used to
translate the second-quantization symbols into qubit operators.
register_length: the register length for which to generate the operators.
Two lists stored in a tuple, consisting of the creation and annihilation operators,
applied on the individual modes.
times_creation_op = []
times_annihilation_op = []
for paulis in cls.pauli_table(register_length):
real_part = SparsePauliOp(paulis[0], coeffs=[0.5])
imag_part = SparsePauliOp(paulis[1], coeffs=[0.5j])
# The creation operator is given by 0.5*(X - 1j*Y)
creation_op = real_part - imag_part
# The annihilation operator is given by 0.5*(X + 1j*Y)
annihilation_op = real_part + imag_part
return (times_creation_op, times_annihilation_op)
[documentos] @classmethod
def mode_based_mapping(
second_q_op: SparseLabelOp,
register_length: int | None = None,
) -> SparsePauliOp:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Utility method to map a ``SparseLabelOp`` to a qubit operator using a pauli table.
second_q_op: the `SparseLabelOp` to be mapped.
register_length: when provided, this will be used to overwrite the ``register_length``
attribute of the operator being mapped. This is possible because the
``register_length`` is considered a lower bound.
The qubit operator corresponding to the problem-Hamiltonian in the qubit space.
QiskitNatureError: If number length of pauli table does not match the number
of operator modes, or if the operator has unexpected label content
if register_length is None:
register_length = second_q_op.register_length
times_creation_op, times_annihilation_op = cls.sparse_pauli_operators(register_length)
# make sure ret_op_list is not empty by including a zero op
ret_op_list = [SparsePauliOp("I" * register_length, coeffs=[0])]
for terms, coeff in second_q_op.terms():
# 1. Initialize an operator list with the identity scaled by the `coeff`
ret_op = SparsePauliOp("I" * register_length, coeffs=np.array([coeff]))
# Go through the label and replace the fermion operators by their qubit-equivalent, then
# save the respective Pauli string in the pauli_str list.
for term in terms:
char = term[0]
if char == "":
position = int(term[1])
if char == "+":
ret_op = ret_op.compose(times_creation_op[position], front=True).simplify()
elif char == "-":
ret_op = ret_op.compose(times_annihilation_op[position], front=True).simplify()
# catch any disallowed labels
raise QiskitNatureError(
f"FermionicOp label included '{char}'. Allowed characters: I, N, E, +, -"
sparse_op = SparsePauliOp.sum(ret_op_list).simplify()
return sparse_op