# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
""" The Unitary Vibrational Coupled-Cluster Ansatz. """
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Sequence
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.library import EvolvedOperatorAnsatz
from qiskit_nature import QiskitNatureError
from qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers import QubitMapper, TaperedQubitMapper
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import SparseLabelOp, VibrationalOp
from .utils.vibration_excitation_generator import generate_vibration_excitations
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[documentos]class UVCC(EvolvedOperatorAnsatz):
This trial wavefunction is a Unitary Vibrational Coupled-Cluster ansatz.
This method constructs the requested excitations based on a
:class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.circuit.library.VSCF` reference state by default. When setting
up a ``VQE`` algorithm using this ansatz and initial state, it is likely you will also want to
use a :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms.initial_points.VSCFInitialPoint` that has been
configured using the corresponding ansatz parameters. This can be done as follows:
.. code-block:: python
qubit_mapper = JordanWignerMapper()
uvcc = UVCC([2, 2], 'sd', qubit_mapper)
vscf_initial_point = VSCFInitialPoint()
vscf_initial_point.ansatz = uvcc
initial_point = vscf_initial_point.to_numpy_array()
vqe = VQE(Estimator(), uvcc, SLSQP(), initial_point=initial_point)
For more information, see Ollitrault Pauline J., Chemical science 11 (2020): 6842-6855.
"s": 1,
"d": 2,
"t": 3,
"q": 4,
def __init__(
num_modals: list[int] | None = None,
excitations: str
| int
| list[int]
| Callable[
[int, tuple[int, int]],
list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]],
| None = None,
qubit_mapper: QubitMapper | None = None,
reps: int = 1,
initial_state: QuantumCircuit | None = None,
) -> None:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
num_modals: A list defining the number of modals per mode. E.g. for a 3 modes system
with 4 modals per mode ``num_modals = [4, 4, 4]``.
excitations: This can be any of the following types:
:`str`: Contains the types of excitations. Allowed characters are: ``'s'`` for
singles, ``'d'`` for doubles, ``'t'`` for triples, and ``'q'`` for quadruples.
:`int`: A single, positive integer which denotes the number of excitations
(``1 == 's'``, ``2 == 'd'``, etc.).
:`list[int]`: A list of positive integers generalizing the above to multiple numbers
of excitations (``[1, 2] == 'sd'``, etc.).
:`Callable`: A function which is used to generate the excitations.
The callable must take the *keyword* argument ``num_modals``
(with identical type to that explained above) and must return a
``list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]]``. For more information on
how to write such a callable refer to the default method :meth:`~qiskit_nature.\
qubit_mapper: The :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers.QubitMapper` which takes care
of mapping to a qubit operator.
reps: The number of repetitions of basic module.
initial_state: A ``QuantumCircuit`` object to prepend to the circuit. Note that this
setting does *not* influence the ``excitations``. When relying on the default
generation method (i.e. not providing a ``Callable`` to ``excitations``), these will
always be constructed with respect to a
:class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.circuit.library.VSCF` reference state. When setting
up a ``VQE`` algorithm using this ansatz and initial state, it is likely you will
also want to use a
:class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms.initial_points.VSCFInitialPoint` that has
been configured using the corresponding ansatz parameters.
self._qubit_mapper = qubit_mapper
self._num_modals = num_modals
self._excitations = excitations
super().__init__(reps=reps, initial_state=initial_state)
# To give read access to the actual excitation list that UVCC is using.
self._excitation_list: list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]] | None = None
# We cache these, because the generation may be quite expensive (depending on the generator)
# and the user may want quick access to inspect these. Also, it speeds up testing for the
# same reason!
self._excitation_ops: list[SparseLabelOp] | None = None
# Our parent, EvolvedOperatorAnsatz, sets qregs when it knows the
# number of qubits, which it gets from the operators. Getting the
# operators here will build them if configuration already allows.
# This will allow the circuit to be fully built/valid when it's
# possible at this stage.
_ = self.operators
def qubit_mapper(self) -> QubitMapper | None:
"""The qubit operator mapper."""
return self._qubit_mapper
def qubit_mapper(self, mapper: QubitMapper) -> None:
"""Sets the qubit operator mapper."""
self._operators = None
self._qubit_mapper = mapper
def num_modals(self) -> list[int] | None:
"""The number of modals."""
return self._num_modals
def num_modals(self, num_modals: list[int]) -> None:
"""Sets the number of modals."""
self._operators = None
self._num_modals = num_modals
def excitations(self) -> str | int | list[int] | Callable | None:
"""The excitations."""
return self._excitations
def excitations(self, exc: str | int | list[int] | Callable) -> None:
"""Sets the excitations."""
self._operators = None
self._excitations = exc
def excitation_list(self) -> list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]] | None:
"""The excitation list that UVCC is using."""
if self._excitation_list is None:
# If the excitation_list is None build it out alongside the operators if the ucc config
# checks out ok, otherwise it will be left as None to be built at some later time.
_ = self.operators
return self._excitation_list
def operators(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-overridden-method
"""The operators that are evolved in this circuit.
list: The operators to be evolved contained in this ansatz or
None if the configuration is not complete
# Overriding the getter to build the operators on demand when they are
# requested, if they are still set to None.
operators = super(UVCC, self.__class__).operators.__get__(self)
if operators is None or operators == [None]:
# If the operators are None build them out if the uvcc config checks out ok, otherwise
# they will be left as None to be built at some later time.
if self._check_uvcc_configuration(raise_on_failure=False):
# The qubit operators are cached by `EvolvedOperatorAnsatz` class. We only generate
# them from the `SparseLabelOp`s produced by the generators, if they're not
# already present. This behavior also enables the adaptive usage of the `UVCC` class
# by algorithms such as `AdaptVQE`.
excitation_ops = self.excitation_ops()
logger.debug("Converting second-quantized into qubit operators...")
# Convert operators according to saved state in mapper from the conversion of the
# main operator since these need to be compatible. If Z2 Symmetry tapering was done
# it may be that one or more excitation operators do not commute with the symmetry.
# The converted operators are maintained at the same index by the mapper
# inserting ``None`` as the result if an operator did not commute. To ensure that
# the ``excitation_list`` is transformed identically to the operators, we retain
# ``None`` for non-commuting operators in order to manually remove them in unison.
if isinstance(self.qubit_mapper, TaperedQubitMapper):
operators = self.qubit_mapper.map_clifford(excitation_ops)
operators = self.qubit_mapper.taper_clifford(operators, suppress_none=False)
operators = self.qubit_mapper.map(excitation_ops)
return super(UVCC, self.__class__).operators.__get__(self)
def _filter_operators(self, operators):
valid_operators, valid_excitations = [], []
for op, ex in zip(operators, self._excitation_list):
if op is not None:
self._excitation_list = valid_excitations
self.operators = valid_operators
def _invalidate(self):
self._excitation_ops = None
def _check_configuration(self, raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> bool:
# Check our local config is valid first. The super class will check the
# operators by getting them, and if we detect they are still None they
# will be built so that its valid check will end up passing in that regard.
if not self._check_uvcc_configuration(raise_on_failure):
return False
return super()._check_configuration(raise_on_failure)
def _check_uvcc_configuration(self, raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> bool:
# Check the local config, separated out that it can be checked via build
# or ahead of building operators to make sure everything needed is present.
if self.num_modals is None:
if raise_on_failure:
raise ValueError("The number of modals cannot be 'None`.")
return False
if any(b < 0 for b in self.num_modals):
if raise_on_failure:
raise ValueError(
"The number of modals cannot contain negative values but is ",
return False
if self.excitations is None:
if raise_on_failure:
raise ValueError("The excitations cannot be `None`.")
return False
if self.qubit_mapper is None:
if raise_on_failure:
raise ValueError("The qubit_mapper cannot be `None`.")
return False
return True
[documentos] def excitation_ops(self) -> list[SparseLabelOp]:
"""Parses the excitations and generates the list of operators.
QiskitNatureError: if invalid excitations are specified.
The list of generated excitation operators.
if self._excitation_ops is not None:
return self._excitation_ops
excitation_list = self._get_excitation_list()
logger.debug("Converting excitations into SparseLabelOps...")
excitation_ops = self._build_vibration_excitation_ops(excitation_list)
self._excitation_list = excitation_list
self._excitation_ops = excitation_ops
return excitation_ops
def _get_excitation_list(self) -> list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]]:
generators = self._get_excitation_generators()
logger.debug("Generating excitation list...")
excitations = []
for gen in generators:
gen( # pylint: disable=not-callable
return excitations
def _get_excitation_generators(self) -> list[Callable]:
logger.debug("Gathering excitation generators...")
generators: list[Callable] = []
if isinstance(self.excitations, str):
for exc in self.excitations:
elif isinstance(self.excitations, int):
elif isinstance(self.excitations, list):
for exc in self.excitations: # type: ignore
elif callable(self.excitations):
generators = [self.excitations]
raise QiskitNatureError(f"Invalid excitation configuration: {self.excitations}")
return generators
def _build_vibration_excitation_ops(self, excitations: Sequence) -> list[VibrationalOp]:
"""Builds all possible excitation operators with the given number of excitations for the
specified number of particles distributed in the number of orbitals.
excitations: the list of excitations.
The list of excitation operators in the second quantized formalism.
operators = []
for exc in excitations:
label = []
for occ in exc[0]:
label.append(f"+_{VibrationalOp.build_dual_index(self.num_modals, occ)}")
for unocc in exc[1]:
label.append(f"-_{VibrationalOp.build_dual_index(self.num_modals, unocc)}")
op = VibrationalOp({" ".join(label): 1}, self.num_modals)
op -= op.adjoint()
# we need to account for an additional imaginary phase in the exponent accumulated from
# the first-order trotterization routine implemented in Qiskit
op *= 1j # type: ignore
return operators