Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.driven_freq_tuning.coefficients

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"""Coefficients characterizing Stark shift."""

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any

import numpy as np

from qiskit.providers.backend import Backend
from qiskit_ibm_experiment.service import IBMExperimentService
from qiskit_ibm_experiment.exceptions import IBMApiError

from qiskit_experiments.framework.json import ExperimentDecoder
from qiskit_experiments.framework.backend_data import BackendData
from qiskit_experiments.framework.experiment_data import ExperimentData

[docs] class StarkCoefficients: """A collection of coefficients characterizing Stark shift.""" def __init__( self, pos_coef_o1: float, pos_coef_o2: float, pos_coef_o3: float, neg_coef_o1: float, neg_coef_o2: float, neg_coef_o3: float, offset: float, ): """Create new coefficients object. Args: pos_coef_o1: The first order shift coefficient on positive amplitude. pos_coef_o2: The second order shift coefficient on positive amplitude. pos_coef_o3: The third order shift coefficient on positive amplitude. neg_coef_o1: The first order shift coefficient on negative amplitude. neg_coef_o2: The second order shift coefficient on negative amplitude. neg_coef_o3: The third order shift coefficient on negative amplitude. offset: Offset frequency. """ self.pos_coef_o1 = pos_coef_o1 self.pos_coef_o2 = pos_coef_o2 self.pos_coef_o3 = pos_coef_o3 self.neg_coef_o1 = neg_coef_o1 self.neg_coef_o2 = neg_coef_o2 self.neg_coef_o3 = neg_coef_o3 self.offset = offset
[docs] def positive_coeffs(self) -> list[float]: """Positive coefficients.""" return [self.pos_coef_o3, self.pos_coef_o2, self.pos_coef_o1]
[docs] def negative_coeffs(self) -> list[float]: """Negative coefficients.""" return [self.neg_coef_o3, self.neg_coef_o2, self.neg_coef_o1]
[docs] def convert_freq_to_amp( self, freqs: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """A helper function to convert Stark frequency to amplitude. Args: freqs: Target frequency shifts to compute required Stark amplitude. Returns: Estimated Stark amplitudes to induce input frequency shifts. Raises: ValueError: When amplitude value cannot be solved. """ amplitudes = np.zeros_like(freqs) for idx, freq in enumerate(freqs): shift = freq - self.offset if np.isclose(shift, 0.0): amplitudes[idx] = 0.0 continue if shift > 0: fit = [*self.positive_coeffs(), -shift] else: fit = [*self.negative_coeffs(), -shift] amp_candidates = np.roots(fit) # Because the fit function is third order, we get three solutions here. criteria = np.all( [ # Frequency shift and tone have the same sign by definition np.sign(amp_candidates.real) == np.sign(shift), # Tone amplitude is a real value np.isclose(amp_candidates.imag, 0.0), # The absolute value of tone amplitude must be less than 1.0 + 10 mp np.abs(amp_candidates.real) < 1.0 + 10 * np.finfo(float).eps, ], axis=0, ) valid_amps = amp_candidates[criteria] if len(valid_amps) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Stark shift at frequency value of {freq} Hz is not available.") if len(valid_amps) > 1: # We assume a monotonic trend but sometimes a large third-order term causes # inflection point and inverts the trend in larger amplitudes. # In this case we would have more than one solution, but we can # take the smallest amplitude before reaching to the inflection point. before_inflection = np.argmin(np.abs(valid_amps.real)) valid_amp = float(valid_amps[before_inflection].real) else: valid_amp = float(valid_amps[0].real) amplitudes[idx] = min(valid_amp, 1.0) return amplitudes
[docs] def convert_amp_to_freq( self, amps: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """A helper function to convert Stark amplitude to frequency shift. Args: amps: Amplitude values to convert into frequency shift. Returns: Calculated frequency shift at given Stark amplitude. """ pos_fit = np.poly1d([*self.positive_coeffs(), self.offset]) neg_fit = np.poly1d([*self.negative_coeffs(), self.offset]) return np.where(amps > 0, pos_fit(amps), neg_fit(amps))
[docs] def find_min_max_frequency( self, min_amp: float, max_amp: float, ) -> tuple[float, float]: """A helper function to estimate maximum frequency shift within given amplitude budget. Args: min_amp: Minimum Stark amplitude. max_amp: Maximum Stark amplitude. Returns: Minimum and maximum frequency shift available within the amplitude range. """ trim_amps = [] for amp in [min_amp, max_amp]: if amp > 0: fit = self.positive_coeffs() else: fit = self.negative_coeffs() # Solve for inflection points by computing the point where derivative becomes zero. solutions = np.roots([deriv * coeff for deriv, coeff in zip((3, 2, 1), fit)]) inflection_points = solutions[ (solutions.imag == 0) & (np.sign(solutions) == np.sign(amp)) ] if len(inflection_points) > 0: # When multiple inflection points are found, use the most outer one. # There could be a small inflection point around amp=0, # when the first order term is significant. amp = min([amp, max(inflection_points, key=abs)], key=abs) trim_amps.append(amp) return tuple(self.convert_amp_to_freq(np.asarray(trim_amps)))
def __str__(self): # Short representation for dataframe return "StarkCoefficients(...)" def __eq__(self, other): return all( [ self.pos_coef_o1 == other.pos_coef_o1, self.pos_coef_o2 == other.pos_coef_o2, self.pos_coef_o3 == other.pos_coef_o3, self.neg_coef_o1 == other.neg_coef_o1, self.neg_coef_o2 == other.neg_coef_o2, self.neg_coef_o3 == other.neg_coef_o3, self.offset == other.offset, ] ) def __json_encode__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "class": "StarkCoefficients", "data": { "pos_coef_o1": self.pos_coef_o1, "pos_coef_o2": self.pos_coef_o2, "pos_coef_o3": self.pos_coef_o3, "neg_coef_o1": self.neg_coef_o1, "neg_coef_o2": self.neg_coef_o2, "neg_coef_o3": self.neg_coef_o3, "offset": self.offset, }, } @classmethod def __json_decode__(cls, value: dict[str, Any]) -> "StarkCoefficients": if not value.get("class", None) == "StarkCoefficients": raise ValueError("JSON decoded value for StarkCoefficients is not valid class type.") return StarkCoefficients(**value.get("data", {}))
[docs] def retrieve_coefficients_from_service( service: IBMExperimentService, backend_name: str, qubit: int, ) -> StarkCoefficients: """Retrieve StarkCoefficients object from experiment service. Args: service: IBM Experiment service instance interfacing with result database. backend_name: Name of target backend. qubit: Index of qubit. Returns: StarkCoefficients object. Raises: RuntimeError: When stark_coefficients entry doesn't exist in the service. """ try: retrieved = service.analysis_results( device_components=[f"Q{qubit}"], result_type="stark_coefficients", backend_name=backend_name, sort_by=["creation_datetime:desc"], json_decoder=ExperimentDecoder, # Returns the latest value only. IBM service returns 10 entries by default. # This could contain old data from previous version, which might not be deserialized. limit=1, ) except (IBMApiError, ValueError) as ex: raise RuntimeError( f"Failed to retrieve the result of stark_coefficients: {ex.message}" ) from ex if len(retrieved) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "Analysis result of stark_coefficients is not found in the " "experiment service. Run and save the result of StarkRamseyXYAmpScan." ) result_data_dict = retrieved[0].result_data if "_value" in result_data_dict: # In IBM Experiment service, the result_data["value"] returns # a display value for the experiment service webpage. # Original data is stored in "_value". # TODO: this must be handled by experiment service. return result_data_dict["_value"] return result_data_dict["value"]
[docs] def retrieve_coefficients_from_backend( backend: Backend, qubit: int, ) -> StarkCoefficients: """Retrieve StarkCoefficients object from the Qiskit backend. Args: backend: Qiskit backend object. qubit: Index of qubit. Returns: StarkCoefficients object. Raises: RuntimeError: When experiment service cannot be loaded from backend. """ name = BackendData(backend).name service = ExperimentData.get_service_from_backend(backend) if service is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Valid experiment service is not found for the backend {name}.") return retrieve_coefficients_from_service(service, name, qubit)