
class POVMSamplerPub(circuit: QuantumCircuit, parameter_values: BindingsArray | None, shots: int, povm: POVMImplementation, *, validate: bool = True)[source]

Bases: ShapedMixin

The Pub (Primitive Unified Bloc) input structure for POVMSampler.run().

Pub is composed of tuple (circuit, parameter_values, shots, povm_implementation).

Initialize a sampler pub.

  • circuit (QuantumCircuit) – the quantum circuit to sample from.

  • parameter_values (BindingsArray | None) – an optional bindings array for the parameters in the circuit.

  • shots (int) – the specific number of shots to run with. This value takes precedence over any value supplied to a sampler.

  • povm (POVMImplementation) – the specific POVM to run with. This value takes precedence over any POVM supplied to a sampler.

  • validate (bool) – whether to validate the input data.



The quantum circuit that is being sampled.


The bindings array of circuit parameters.


The POVM with which to sample.


The number of shots being sampled.

Inherited Attributes



classmethod coerce(pub: povm_toolbox.sampler.POVMSamplerPubLike, *, shots: int | None = None, povm: POVMImplementation | None = None) POVMSamplerPub[source]

Coerce a POVMSamplerPubLike object.

  • pub (povm_toolbox.sampler.POVMSamplerPubLike) – An object to coerce.

  • shots (int | None) – An optional default number of shots to use if not already specified by the pub-like object.

  • povm (POVMImplementation | None) – An optional default POVM to use if not already specified by the pub-like object.

  • TypeError – If a number of shots is specified but it is not a positive integer.

  • ValueError – If the pub-like object does not specify a number of shots and no default number of shots is set or if the pub-like object does not specify a POVM and no default POVM is set.

  • ValueError – If a tuple is supplied but its length exceeds 4, rendering the pub an invalid POVMSamplerPubLike.

  • TypeError – If the pub-like object does not have a valid type.


A coerced POVM sampler pub.

Return type:


to_sampler_pub(pass_manager: StagedPassManager | None = None) tuple[SamplerPub, POVMMetadata][source]

Convert this POVM sampler pub to a standard SamplerPub.

This calls to_sampler_pub() of povm.


pass_manager (StagedPassManager | None) – An optional transpilation pass manager. After the supplied circuit has been composed with the measurement circuit, the pass manager will be used to transpile the composed circuit.


A tuple of a sampler pub and a dictionary of metadata which includes the POVMImplementation object itself. The metadata should contain all the information necessary to extract the POVM outcomes out of raw bitstrings.

Return type:

tuple[SamplerPub, POVMMetadata]

validate() None[source]

Validate the pub.

  • TypeError – If circuit is not a QuantumCircuit.

  • ValueError – If the pub-like object does not specify a number of shots and that default number of shots is set.

  • TypeError – If the number of shots is specified but is not a positive integer.

  • ValueError – If the number of parameters supplied does not correspond to the number of parameters of the circuit.

  • ValueError – If the pub-like object does not specify a POVM and no default POVM is set.