
class MedianOfMeans(povm_sample: POVMPubResult, dual: BaseDual | None = None, *, num_batches: int | None = None, upper_delta_confidence: float | None = None, seed: int | Generator | None = None)[source]

Bases: POVMPostProcessor

A POVM result post-processor which uses a ‘median of means’ estimator.

Given num_shots=num_batches*batch_size samples, we partition the samples into num_batches batches. We compute the mean of each batch, \(\hat{o}_j\), and then output the median of the means, \(\hat{o} =\mathrm{median}\{\hat{o}_1, ..., \hat{o}_{\mathrm{num\_batches}}\}\). It can be shown that

\[\lvert \mathrm{Tr}[\mathcal{O} \rho] - \hat{o} \rvert \leq \epsilon \quad \textrm{with probability at least } 1-\delta \, ,\]

where \(\delta = 2 \exp{(-\mathrm{num\_batches}/2)}\) and \(\epsilon = \sqrt{\frac{34}{\mathrm{batch\_size}} } \lVert \mathcal{O} - \frac{\mathrm{Tr} [\mathcal{O}]}{2^N} \mathbb{I} \rVert_\textrm{shadow}\). For more details, see the work of H.-Y. Huang, R. Kueng, and J. Preskill, “Predicting Many Properties of a Quantum System from Very Few Measurements”, Nature Physics 16, 1050 (2020).

The interface of this post-processor is essentially identical to the one of its baseclass (see POVMPostProcessor for more details). For completeness, here is an example how to use it:

>>> from povm_toolbox.library import ClassicalShadows
>>> from povm_toolbox.sampler import POVMSampler
>>> from povm_toolbox.post_processor import MedianOfMeans
>>> from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
>>> from qiskit.primitives import StatevectorSampler
>>> from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
>>> circ = QuantumCircuit(2)
>>> _ = circ.h(0)
>>> _ =, 1)
>>> povm = ClassicalShadows(2, seed=42)
>>> sampler = StatevectorSampler(seed=42)
>>> povm_sampler = POVMSampler(sampler)
>>> job =[circ], povm=povm, shots=16)
>>> result = job.result()
>>> post_processor = MedianOfMeans(result[0], num_batches=4, seed=42)
>>> post_processor.get_expectation_value(SparsePauliOp("ZI"))  
(-0.75, 2.9154759474226504)

Initialize the median-of-means post-processor.

  • povm_sample (POVMPubResult) – a result from a POVM sampler run.

  • dual (BaseDual | None) – the Dual frame that will be used to obtain the decomposition weights of an observable when computing its expectation value. For more details, refer to get_decomposition_weights(). When this is None, the default “state-average” Dual frame will be constructed from the POVM stored in the povm_sample’s POVMPubResult.metadata.

  • num_batches (int | None) – number of batches, i.e. number of samples means, used in the median-of-means estimator. This value will be overridden if a delta_confidence argument is supplied.

  • upper_delta_confidence (float | None) – an upper bound for the confidence parameter \(\delta\) used to determine the necessary number of batches as \(\mathrm{num\_batches} = \lceil 2 \log{(2/\delta)} \rceil\). It will override any num_batches supplied argument. If both num_batches and delta_confidence are None, delta_confidence is set to 0.05. Note that this argument is actually an upper bound for the true \(\delta\)-parameter which is given by \(\delta=2 \exp(-\mathrm{num\_batches}/2)\).

  • seed (int | Generator | None) – optional seed to fix the numpy.random.Generator used to generate the batches. The user can also directly provide a random generator. If None, a random seed will be used.




The confidence parameter \(\delta=2 \exp(-\) num_batches \(/2)\).

num_batches: int

Number of batches, i.e. number of samples means, used in the median-of-means estimator.

Inherited Attributes


Return the histogram of the POVM outcomes via POVMPubResult.get_counts().


Return the Dual frame that is used.


If the dual frame is not already built, accessing this property could be computationally demanding.


Return the POVM definition that was used to sample outcomes.

Inherited Methods

get_decomposition_weights(observable: SparsePauliOp, outcome_set: set[Any]) dict[Any, float]

Get the decomposition weights of observable into the elements of povm.

Given an observable \(O\) which is in the span of a POVM (here, povm), one can write \(O\) as the weighted sum of the POVM effects, \(O = \sum_k w_k M_k\) for real weights \(w_k\) and where \(k\) labels the outcomes.

See also BaseDual.get_omegas().

  • observable (SparsePauliOp) – the observable to be decomposed into the POVM effects.

  • outcome_set (set[Any]) – set of outcome labels indicating which decomposition weights are queried. An outcome of a ProductPOVM is labeled by a tuple of integers for instance. For a MultiQubitPOVM, an outcome is simply labeled by an integer.


A dictionary mapping outcome labels to decomposition weights.

Return type:

dict[Any, float]

get_expectation_value(observable: SparsePauliOp, *, loc: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None) tuple[ndarray, ndarray] | tuple[float, float]

Return the expectation value and standard deviation of the given observable.

  • observable (SparsePauliOp) – the observable whose expectation value is queried.

  • loc (int | tuple[int, ...] | None) – this argument is relevant if multiple sets of parameter values were supplied to the sampler in the same POVMSamplerPub. The index loc then corresponds to the set of parameter values that was supplied to the sampler through the Pub. If None, the expectation value (and standard deviation) for each set of circuit parameters is returned.


A tuple of (estimated) expectation value(s) and standard deviation(s). If a single value was queried (via loc), both of these will be a float. Otherwise, they will be instances of numpy.ndarray.

Return type:

tuple[ndarray, ndarray] | tuple[float, float]