
class MultiQubitDual(list_operators: list[Operator])[source]

Bases: MultiQubitFrame, BaseDual

Class that collects all information that any Dual over multiple qubits should specify.

This is a representation of a dual frame. Its elements are specified as a list of Operator.

Initialize from explicit operators.


list_operators (list[Operator]) – list that contains the explicit frame operators. The length of the list is the number of operators of the frame.


ValueError – if the frame operators do not have a correct shape. They should all be hermitian and of the same dimension.

Inherited Attributes


The dimension of the Hilbert space on which the effects act.


If the frame spans the entire Hilbert space.


The number of effects of the frame.


The number of outcomes of the Dual.


The number of subsystems which the frame operators act on.

For qubits, this is always \(\log_2(\)dimension\()\).


Return the list of frame operators.


Convert the internal frame operators to Pauli form.


The conversion to Pauli form can be computationally intensive.


The frame operators in Pauli form. Each frame operator is returned as a dictionary mapping Pauli labels to coefficients.


ValueError – when the frame operators could not be converted to Pauli form (e.g. when they are not N-qubit operators).


classmethod build_dual_from_frame(frame: BaseFrame, alphas: tuple[float, ...] | None = None) MultiQubitDual[source]

Construct a dual frame to another (primal) frame.

  • frame (BaseFrame) – The primal frame from which we will build the dual frame.

  • alphas (tuple[float, ...] | None) – parameters of the frame super-operator used to build the dual frame. If None, the parameters are set as the traces of each operator in the primal frame.


A dual frame to the supplied frame.

Return type:


is_dual_to(frame: BaseFrame) bool[source]

Check if self is a dual to another frame.


frame (BaseFrame) – the other frame to check duality against.


Whether self is dual to frame.

Return type:


Inherited Methods

analysis(hermitian_op: SparsePauliOp | Operator, frame_op_idx: int | set[int] | None = None) float | dict[int, float] | ndarray

Return the frame coefficients of hermitian_op.

This method implements the analysis operator \(A\) of the frame \(\{F_k\}_k\):

\[A: \mathcal{O} \mapsto \{ \mathrm{Tr}\left[F_k \mathcal{O} \right] \}_k,\]

where \(c_k = \mathrm{Tr}\left[F_k \mathcal{O} \right]\) are called the frame coefficients of the Hermitian operator \(\mathcal{O}\).

  • hermitian_op (SparsePauliOp | Operator) – a hermitian operator whose frame coefficients to compute.

  • frame_op_idx (int | set[int] | None) – label or set of labels indicating which coefficients are queried. If None, all coefficients are queried.


Frame coefficients, specified by frame_op_idx, of the Hermitian operator hermitian_op. If a specific coefficient was queried, a float is returned. If a specific set of coefficients was queried, a dictionary mapping labels to coefficients is returned. If all coefficients were queried, an array with all coefficients is returned.

  • TypeError – when the provided single or sequence of labels frame_op_idx does not have a valid type.

  • ValueError – when the dimension of the provided hermitian_op does not match the dimension of the frame operators.

Return type:

float | dict[int, float] | ndarray

classmethod from_vectors(frame_vectors: ndarray) Self

Initialize a frame from non-normalized bloch vectors.

The non-normalized Bloch vectors are given by \(|\tilde{\psi}_k \rangle = \sqrt{\gamma_k} |\psi_k \rangle\). The resulting frame operators are \(F_k = \gamma_k |\psi_k \rangle \langle \psi_k |\) where \(\gamma_k\) is the trace of the \(k\)’th frame operator.


frame_vectors (ndarray) – list of vectors \(|\tilde{\psi_k} \rangle\). The length of the list corresponds to the number of operators of the frame. Each vector is of shape \((\mathrm{dim},)\) where \(\mathrm{dim}\) is the dimension of the Hilbert space on which the frame acts.


The frame corresponding to the vectors.

Return type:


get_omegas(observable: SparsePauliOp | Operator, outcome_idx: LabelT | set[LabelT] | None = None) float | dict[LabelT, float] | ndarray

Return the decomposition weights of the provided observable.

Computes the \(\omega_k\) in

\[\mathcal{O} = \sum_{k=1}^n \omega_k M_k\]

where \(\mathcal{O}\) is the observable and \(M_k\) are the effects of the POVM of which self is the dual. The closed form for computing \(\omega_k\) is

\[\omega_k = \text{Tr}\left[\mathcal{O} D_k\right]\]

where \(D_k\) make of this dual frame (i.e. self).


In the frame theory formalism, the mapping \(A: \mathcal{O} \mapsto \{\text{Tr}\left[\mathcal{O} D_k\right]\}_k\) is referred to as the analysis operator, which is implemented by the analysis() method.

  • observable (SparsePauliOp | Operator) – the observable for which to compute the decomposition weights.

  • outcome_idx (LabelT | set[LabelT] | None) – label or set of labels indicating which decomposition weights are queried. If None, all weights are queried.


Decomposition weight(s) associated to the effect(s) specified by outcome_idx. If a specific outcome was queried, a float is returned. If a specific set of outcomes was queried, a dictionary mapping outcome labels to weights is returned. If all outcomes were queried, an array with all weights is returned.

Return type:

float | dict[LabelT, float] | ndarray