
class RPMMetadata(povm_implementation: POVMImplementation, composed_circuit: QuantumCircuit, pvm_keys: np.ndarray)[source]

Bases: POVMMetadata

A metadata container for randomized projective measurements (RPM) POVM sampling results.


pvm_keys: np.ndarray

The keys which associate a specific result sample with the corresponding RPM parameters.

Shape of pvm_keys is assumed to be (*pv.shape, num_batches, num_qubits), where pv is the bindings array provided by the user to run with the parametrized quantum circuit supplied in the POVMSampler.run() method.

povm_implementation: POVMImplementation

The POVM implementation which produced the results to which this metadata belongs.

composed_circuit: QuantumCircuit

The quantum circuit which produced the results to which this metadata belongs.

This circuit is the composition of the quantum circuit specified by a PUB and the measurement circuit generated by the POVM implementation used. This is the quantum circuit that is eventually sent to the internal BaseSamplerV2.