Source code for povm_toolbox.sampler.povm_sampler_pub

# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping
from numbers import Integral
from typing import Union

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.primitives.containers import BindingsArrayLike
from qiskit.primitives.containers.bindings_array import BindingsArray
from qiskit.primitives.containers.sampler_pub import SamplerPub
from qiskit.primitives.containers.shape import ShapedMixin
from qiskit.transpiler import StagedPassManager

from povm_toolbox.library.metadata import POVMMetadata
from povm_toolbox.library.povm_implementation import POVMImplementation

POVMSamplerPubLike = Union[
    tuple[QuantumCircuit, BindingsArrayLike],
    tuple[QuantumCircuit, BindingsArrayLike, Union[Integral, None]],
        QuantumCircuit, BindingsArrayLike, Union[Integral, None], Union[POVMImplementation, None]
"""The type defining the Pub (Primitive Unified Bloc) structure for :meth:``."""

[docs] class POVMSamplerPub(ShapedMixin): """The Pub (Primitive Unified Bloc) input structure for :meth:``. Pub is composed of tuple (circuit, parameter_values, shots, povm_implementation). """ def __init__( self, circuit: QuantumCircuit, parameter_values: BindingsArray | None, shots: int, povm: POVMImplementation, *, validate: bool = True, ): """Initialize a sampler pub. Args: circuit: the quantum circuit to sample from. parameter_values: an optional bindings array for the parameters in the ``circuit``. shots: the specific number of shots to run with. This value takes precedence over any value supplied to a sampler. povm: the specific POVM to run with. This value takes precedence over any POVM supplied to a sampler. validate: whether to validate the input data. """ super().__init__() self._circuit = circuit self._parameter_values = parameter_values or BindingsArray() self._shots = shots self._povm = povm self._shape = self._parameter_values.shape if validate: self.validate() @property def circuit(self) -> QuantumCircuit: """The quantum circuit that is being sampled.""" return self._circuit @property def parameter_values(self) -> BindingsArray: """The bindings array of circuit parameters.""" return self._parameter_values @property def shots(self) -> int: """The number of shots being sampled.""" return self._shots @property def povm(self) -> POVMImplementation: """The POVM with which to sample.""" return self._povm
[docs] @classmethod def coerce( cls, pub: POVMSamplerPubLike, *, shots: int | None = None, povm: POVMImplementation | None = None, ) -> POVMSamplerPub: """Coerce a :class:`~povm_toolbox.sampler.POVMSamplerPubLike` object. Args: pub: An object to coerce. shots: An optional default number of shots to use if not already specified by the pub-like object. povm: An optional default POVM to use if not already specified by the pub-like object. Raises: TypeError: If a number of shots is specified but it is not a positive integer. ValueError: If the pub-like object does not specify a number of shots and no default number of shots is set or if the pub-like object does not specify a POVM and no default POVM is set. ValueError: If a tuple is supplied but its length exceeds 4, rendering the pub an invalid :class:`~povm_toolbox.sampler.POVMSamplerPubLike`. TypeError: If the pub-like object does not have a valid type. Returns: A coerced POVM sampler pub. """ if isinstance(pub, POVMSamplerPub): if pub.shots is None and shots is not None: return cls( circuit=pub.circuit, parameter_values=pub.parameter_values, shots=shots, povm=pub.povm, validate=True, ) return pub if isinstance(pub, QuantumCircuit): if shots is None or povm is None: raise ValueError( "Only a quantum circuit was submitted and either no default number" " of shots or default povm were set." ) return cls(circuit=pub, parameter_values=None, shots=shots, povm=povm, validate=True) if isinstance(pub, tuple): if len(pub) not in {1, 2, 3, 4}: raise ValueError( f"The length of pub must be 1, 2, 3 or 4, but length {len(pub)} is given." ) circuit: QuantumCircuit = pub[0] if len(pub) > 1 and pub[1] is not None: values = pub[1] if not isinstance(values, (BindingsArray, Mapping)): values = {tuple(circuit.parameters): values} parameter_values = BindingsArray.coerce(values) else: parameter_values = None pub_shots = pub[2] if len(pub) > 2 and pub[2] is not None else shots pub_povm = pub[3] if len(pub) > 3 and pub[3] is not None else povm else: raise TypeError( f"Invalid pub-like object submitted. Type {type(pub)} is not supported." ) return cls( circuit=circuit, parameter_values=parameter_values, shots=pub_shots, povm=pub_povm, validate=True, )
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """Validate the pub. Raises: TypeError: If :attr:`.circuit` is not a :class:`~qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit`. ValueError: If the pub-like object does not specify a number of shots and that default number of shots is set. TypeError: If the number of shots is specified but is not a positive integer. ValueError: If the number of parameters supplied does not correspond to the number of parameters of the circuit. ValueError: If the pub-like object does not specify a POVM and no default POVM is set. """ if not isinstance(self.circuit, QuantumCircuit): raise TypeError("circuit must be QuantumCircuit.") self.parameter_values.validate() if self.shots is None: raise ValueError( "The number of shots must be specified, either for this particular " "pub or set a default POVM for all pubs." ) if not isinstance(self.shots, int): raise TypeError("shots must be an integer") if self.shots <= 0: raise ValueError("shots must be positive") # Cross validate circuits and parameter values num_parameters = self.parameter_values.num_parameters if num_parameters != self.circuit.num_parameters: message = ( f"The number of values ({num_parameters}) does not match " f"the number of parameters ({self.circuit.num_parameters}) for the circuit." ) if num_parameters == 0: message += ( " Note that if you want to run a single pub, you need to wrap it with `[]` like " "`[(circuit, param_values)])` instead of " "`, param_values))`." ) raise ValueError(message) if self.povm is None: raise ValueError( "The POVM must be specified, either for this particular pub or " "set a default POVM for all pubs." ) if not isinstance(self.povm, POVMImplementation): raise TypeError("`povm` must be a `POVMImplementation` instance.")
[docs] def to_sampler_pub( self, pass_manager: StagedPassManager | None = None, ) -> tuple[SamplerPub, POVMMetadata]: """Convert this POVM sampler pub to a standard ``SamplerPub``. This calls :meth:`~.POVMImplementation.to_sampler_pub` of :attr:`.povm`. Args: pass_manager: An optional transpilation pass manager. After the supplied circuit has been composed with the measurement circuit, the pass manager will be used to transpile the composed circuit. Returns: A tuple of a sampler pub and a dictionary of metadata which includes the :class:`.POVMImplementation` object itself. The metadata should contain all the information necessary to extract the POVM outcomes out of raw bitstrings. """ return self.povm.to_sampler_pub( circuit=self.circuit, circuit_binding=self.parameter_values, shots=self.shots, pass_manager=pass_manager, )