Source code for povm_toolbox.sampler.povm_sampler

# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import time
from import Iterable

from qiskit.primitives import BaseSamplerV2
from qiskit.primitives.containers.sampler_pub import SamplerPub
from qiskit.transpiler import StagedPassManager

from povm_toolbox.library.metadata import POVMMetadata
from povm_toolbox.library.povm_implementation import POVMImplementation

from .povm_sampler_job import POVMSamplerJob
from .povm_sampler_pub import POVMSamplerPub, POVMSamplerPubLike

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class POVMSampler: """A :class:`~qiskit.primitives.base.base_sampler.BaseSamplerV2`-compatible interface for sampling POVMs. This class does not implement the Sampler primitive interface as a subclass but rather takes an existing instance of a Sampler primitive as its input. In this way, it is trivial for the end-user to switch between simulated or hardware-executed POVM sampling jobs. Here is a simple example to get you started: >>> from povm_toolbox.library import ClassicalShadows >>> from povm_toolbox.sampler import POVMSampler >>> from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit >>> from qiskit.primitives import StatevectorSampler >>> circ = QuantumCircuit(2) >>> _ = circ.h(0) >>> _ =, 1) >>> povm = ClassicalShadows(2, seed=42) >>> sampler = StatevectorSampler(seed=42) >>> povm_sampler = POVMSampler(sampler) >>> job =[circ], povm=povm, shots=16) >>> result = job.result() Now, if you want to execute your experiments on real hardware, you can simply replace the :class:`~qiskit.primitives.StatevectorSampler` above by a :class:`~qiskit_ibm_runtime.SamplerV2`: .. code:: python from qiskit_ibm_runtime import SamplerV2 sampler = SamplerV2(...) """ def __init__( self, sampler: BaseSamplerV2, ) -> None: """Initialize the POVM Sampler. Args: sampler: the :class:`~qiskit.primitives.base.base_sampler.BaseSamplerV2` that is used to collect the POVM samples. """ self.sampler = sampler """The :class:`~qiskit.primitives.base.base_sampler.BaseSamplerV2` that is used to collect the POVM samples."""
[docs] def run( self, pubs: Iterable[POVMSamplerPubLike], *, shots: int | None = None, povm: POVMImplementation | None = None, pass_manager: StagedPassManager | None = None, ) -> POVMSamplerJob: """Run and collect samples from each pub. Args: pubs: An iterable of :class:`~povm_toolbox.sampler.POVMSamplerPubLike` objects. For example, a list of circuits or tuples ``(circuit, parameter_values, shots, povm)``. shots: The total number of shots to sample for each pub that does not specify its own shots. If ``None``, the default number of shots of the :attr:`.sampler` is used. povm: A POVM implementation to sample from for each pub that does not specify it own POVM. If ``None``, each pub has to specify its own POVM. pass_manager: An optional transpilation pass manager. For each pub, after its circuit has been composed with the measurement circuit, the pass manager will be used to transpile the composed circuit. Returns: The POVM sampler job object. """ t1_outer = time.time()"Running POVM jobs") coerced_sampler_pubs: list[SamplerPub] = [] metadata: list[POVMMetadata] = [] for idx, pub in enumerate(pubs): t1_inner = time.time()"Preparing pub #{idx}") povm_sampler_pub = POVMSamplerPub.coerce(pub=pub, shots=shots, povm=povm) sampler_pub, pub_metadata = povm_sampler_pub.to_sampler_pub(pass_manager=pass_manager) coerced_sampler_pubs.append(sampler_pub) metadata.append(pub_metadata) t2_inner = time.time()"Finished preparation #{idx}. Took {t2_inner - t1_inner:.6f}s") job = povm_job = POVMSamplerJob(job, metadata) t2_outer = time.time()"Ran job. Took {t2_outer - t1_outer:.6f}s") return povm_job