Source code for povm_toolbox.quantum_info.product_povm

# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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from __future__ import annotations

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from qiskit.visualization.utils import matplotlib_close_if_inline

from .base import BasePOVM
from .multi_qubit_povm import MultiQubitPOVM
from .product_dual import ProductDual
from .product_frame import ProductFrame

[docs] class ProductPOVM(ProductFrame[MultiQubitPOVM], BasePOVM): r"""Class to represent a set of product POVM operators. A product POVM :math:`M` is made of local POVMs :math:`M1, M2, ...` acting on respective subsystems. Each global effect can be written as the tensor product of local effects, :math:`M_{k_1, k_2, ...} = M1_{k_1} \otimes M2_{k_2} \otimes \cdots`. Below is an example of how to construct an instance of this class. >>> from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator >>> from povm_toolbox.quantum_info import SingleQubitPOVM, MultiQubitPOVM, ProductPOVM >>> sqp = SingleQubitPOVM([Operator.from_label("0"), Operator.from_label("1")]) >>> mqp = MultiQubitPOVM( ... [ ... Operator.from_label("00"), ... Operator.from_label("01"), ... Operator.from_label("10"), ... Operator.from_label("11"), ... ] ... ) >>> product = ProductPOVM({(0,): sqp, (1, 3): mqp, (2,): sqp}) .. note:: For most cases, you may find that :meth:`ProductPOVM.from_list` works just fine and is easier to use. """ default_dual_class = ProductDual def _check_validity(self) -> None: """Check if frame axioms are fulfilled for all local frames. In addition to the checks performed by the super-class, the following errors may be raised. Raises: TypeError: if any internal frame is not a :class:`.MultiQubitPOVM` instance. """ for povm in self._frames.values(): if not isinstance(povm, MultiQubitPOVM): raise TypeError( "Expected the internal frame to be of type `MultiQubitPOVM` but found an object" f" of type `{type(povm)}` instead." ) povm._check_validity()
[docs] def draw_bloch( self, *, title: str = "", figure: Figure | None = None, axes: Axes | list[Axes] | None = None, figsize: tuple[float, float] | None = None, font_size: float | None = None, colorbar: bool = False, ) -> Figure: """Plot a Bloch sphere for each single-qubit POVM forming the product POVM. Args: title: a string that represents the plot title. figure: User supplied Matplotlib Figure instance for plotting Bloch sphere. axes: User supplied Matplotlib axes to render the bloch sphere. figsize: size of each individual Bloch sphere figure, in inches. font_size: Font size for the Bloch ball figures. colorbar: If ``True``, normalize the vectors on the Bloch sphere and add a colormap to keep track of the norm of the vectors. It can help to visualize the vector if they have a small norm. Returns: The resulting figure. Raises: NotImplementedError: if this product POVM contains a :class:`.MultiQubitPOVM` acting on more than a single qubit. """ # Number of subplots (one per qubit) num = self.num_subsystems # Check that all local POVMs are single-qubit POVMs if any([len(idx) > 1 for idx in self.sub_systems]): raise NotImplementedError # Determine the number of rows and columns for the figure n_cols = int(np.sqrt(num) * 4 / 3) n_rows = int(np.sqrt(num) * 3 / 4) or 1 while n_cols * n_rows < num: n_cols += 1 if n_cols * n_rows < num else 0 n_rows += 1 if n_cols * n_rows < num else 0 while (n_cols - 1) * n_rows >= num: n_cols -= 1 # Set default values if figsize is None: figsize = (5, 4) if colorbar else (5, 5) width, height = figsize width *= n_cols height *= n_rows title_font_size = font_size if font_size is not None else 16 # Plot figure fig = figure if figure is not None else plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)) for i, idx in enumerate(self.sub_systems): ax = ( axes[i] if isinstance(axes, list) else fig.add_subplot(n_rows, n_cols, i + 1, projection="3d") ) self[idx].draw_bloch( title="qubit " + ", ".join(map(str, idx)), figure=fig, axes=ax, figsize=figsize, font_size=font_size, colorbar=colorbar, ) fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=title_font_size, y=1.0) matplotlib_close_if_inline(fig) return fig