# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
from typing_extensions import override
from typing import override # pragma: no cover
from .base import BaseDual, BaseFrame
from .multi_qubit_dual import MultiQubitDual
from .product_frame import ProductFrame
class ProductDual(ProductFrame[MultiQubitDual], BaseDual):
r"""Class to represent a set of product Dual operators.
A product Dual :math:`D` is made of local Duals :math:`D1, D2, ...` acting on respective
subsystems. Each global effect can be written as the tensor product of local effects,
:math:`D_{k_1, k_2, ...} = D1_{k_1} \otimes D2_{k__2} \otimes \cdots`.
def is_dual_to(self, frame: BaseFrame) -> bool:
if isinstance(frame, ProductFrame) and set(self.sub_systems) == set(frame.sub_systems):
return all([self[idx].is_dual_to(frame[idx]) for idx in self.sub_systems])
# TODO: maybe differentiate two distinct cases:
# 1) the subsystems are not the same, e.g. ``self`` acts on (0,) and (1,) but ``frame``
# acts on (0,) and (2,). Then we should raise an ValueError
# 2) the subsystems are the same but differently allocated, e.g. ``self`` acts on (0,) and
# (1,2) but ``frame`` on (0,1) and (2,). ``self`` could still be a valid dual frame but
# we have not implemented the check for this. Then we should raise an
# NotImplementedError.
raise NotImplementedError
def build_dual_from_frame(
cls, frame: BaseFrame, alphas: tuple[tuple[float, ...] | None, ...] | None = None
) -> ProductDual:
dual_operators = {}
if isinstance(frame, ProductFrame):
if alphas is None:
alphas = len(frame.sub_systems) * (None,)
elif len(alphas) != len(frame.sub_systems):
raise ValueError(
f"The number of sets of alpha-parameters ({len(alphas)}) does not match"
f" the number of sub-systems ({len(frame.sub_systems)})."
for sub_system, sub_alphas in zip(frame.sub_systems, alphas):
dual_operators[sub_system] = MultiQubitDual.build_dual_from_frame(
frame[sub_system], sub_alphas
return cls(dual_operators)
raise NotImplementedError