# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
from typing_extensions import Self
from typing import Self # pragma: no cover
if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
from typing_extensions import override
from typing import override # pragma: no cover
import numpy as np
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator, SparsePauliOp
from povm_toolbox.utilities import matrix_to_double_ket
from .base import BaseFrame
class MultiQubitFrame(BaseFrame[int]):
"""Class that collects all information that any frame of multiple qubits should specify.
This is a representation of an operator-valued vector space frame. The effects are specified as
a list of :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Operator`.
.. note::
This is a base class which collects functionality common to various subclasses. As an
end-user you would not use this class directly. Check out :mod:`povm_toolbox.quantum_info`
for more general information.
def __init__(self, list_operators: list[Operator]) -> None:
"""Initialize from explicit operators.
list_operators: list that contains the explicit frame operators. The length of the list
is the number of operators of the frame.
ValueError: if the frame operators do not have a correct shape. They should all be
hermitian and of the same dimension.
self._num_operators: int
self._dimension: int
self._operators: list[Operator]
self._pauli_operators: list[dict[str, complex]] | None
self._array: np.ndarray
self._informationally_complete: bool
self.operators = list_operators
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return the string representation of a :class:`.MultiQubitFrame` instance."""
f_subsystems = f"(num_qubits={self.num_subsystems})" if self.num_subsystems > 1 else ""
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}{f_subsystems}<{self.num_operators}> at {hex(id(self))}"
def informationally_complete(self) -> bool:
"""If the frame spans the entire Hilbert space."""
return self._informationally_complete
def dimension(self) -> int:
"""The dimension of the Hilbert space on which the effects act."""
return self._dimension
def num_operators(self) -> int:
"""The number of effects of the frame."""
return self._num_operators
def operators(self) -> list[Operator]:
"""Return the list of frame operators."""
return self._operators
def operators(self, new_operators: list[Operator]):
"""Set the frame operators."""
self._num_operators = len(new_operators)
self._dimension = new_operators[0].dim[0]
for frame_op in new_operators:
if not (self._dimension == frame_op.dim[0] and self._dimension == frame_op.dim[1]):
raise ValueError(
f"Frame operators need to be square ({frame_op.dim[0]},{frame_op.dim[1]}) and "
"all of the same dimension."
self._operators = new_operators
self._pauli_operators = None
self._array = np.ndarray((self.dimension**2, self.num_operators), dtype=complex)
for k, frame_op in enumerate(new_operators):
self._array[:, k] = matrix_to_double_ket(frame_op.data)
self._informationally_complete = bool(
np.linalg.matrix_rank(self._array) == self.dimension**2
def pauli_operators(self) -> list[dict[str, complex]]:
"""Convert the internal frame operators to Pauli form.
.. warning::
The conversion to Pauli form can be computationally intensive.
The frame operators in Pauli form. Each frame operator is returned as a dictionary
mapping Pauli labels to coefficients.
QiskitError: when the frame operators could not be converted to Pauli form (e.g. when
they are not N-qubit operators).
if self._pauli_operators is None:
self._pauli_operators = [
dict(SparsePauliOp.from_operator(op).label_iter()) for op in self.operators
except QiskitError as exc:
raise QiskitError(
f"Failed to convert frame operators to Pauli form: {exc.message}"
) from exc
return self._pauli_operators
def _check_validity(self) -> None:
"""Check if frame axioms are fulfilled.
ValueError: if any one of the frame operators is not hermitian.
for k, op in enumerate(self.operators):
if not np.allclose(op, op.adjoint(), atol=1e-5):
raise ValueError(f"The {k}-the frame operator is not hermitian.")
def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Operator | list[Operator]:
"""Return a frame operator or a list of frame operators.
index: indicate the operator(s) to be returned.
The operator or list of operators corresponding to the index.
return self.operators[index]
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of operators of the frame."""
return self.num_operators
def __array__(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the array representation of the frame.
The array has a shape :math:`(``self.dimension``**2, ``self.num_operators``)`.
return self._array
def analysis(
hermitian_op: SparsePauliOp | Operator,
frame_op_idx: int | set[int] | None = None,
) -> float | dict[int, float] | np.ndarray:
if isinstance(hermitian_op, SparsePauliOp):
hermitian_op = hermitian_op.to_operator()
op_vectorized = np.conj(matrix_to_double_ket(hermitian_op.data))
if isinstance(frame_op_idx, int):
return float(np.dot(op_vectorized, self._array[:, frame_op_idx]).real)
if isinstance(frame_op_idx, set):
return {
idx: float(np.dot(op_vectorized, self._array[:, idx]).real) for idx in frame_op_idx
if frame_op_idx is None:
return np.array(np.dot(op_vectorized, self._array).real)
raise TypeError(
"The optional `frame_op_idx` can either be a single or set of integers, not a "
def from_vectors(cls, frame_vectors: np.ndarray) -> Self:
r"""Initialize a frame from non-normalized bloch vectors.
The non-normalized Bloch vectors are given by :math:`|\tilde{\psi}_k \rangle =
\sqrt{\gamma_k} |\psi_k \rangle`. The resulting frame operators are :math:`F_k = \gamma_k
|\psi_k \rangle \langle \psi_k |` where :math:`\gamma_k` is the trace of the :math:`k`'th
frame operator.
frame_vectors: list of vectors :math:`|\tilde{\psi_k} \rangle`. The length of the list
corresponds to the number of operators of the frame. Each vector is of shape
:math:`(\mathrm{dim},)` where :math:`\mathrm{dim}` is the :attr:`.dimension` of the
Hilbert space on which the frame acts.
The frame corresponding to the vectors.
return cls([Operator(np.outer(vec, vec.conj())) for vec in frame_vectors])