Source code for povm_toolbox.post_processor.povm_post_processor

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from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any, cast

import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp

from povm_toolbox.quantum_info.base import BaseDual, BasePOVM
from povm_toolbox.sampler import POVMPubResult

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class POVMPostProcessor: """The canonical POVM result post-processor. This post-processor implementation provides a straight-forward interface for computing the expectation values (and standard deviations) of any Pauli-based observable. It is initialized with a :class:`.POVMPubResult` as shown below: >>> from povm_toolbox.library import ClassicalShadows >>> from povm_toolbox.sampler import POVMSampler >>> from povm_toolbox.post_processor import POVMPostProcessor >>> from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit >>> from qiskit.primitives import StatevectorSampler >>> from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp >>> circ = QuantumCircuit(2) >>> _ = circ.h(0) >>> _ =, 1) >>> povm = ClassicalShadows(2, seed=42) >>> sampler = StatevectorSampler(seed=42) >>> povm_sampler = POVMSampler(sampler) >>> job =[circ], povm=povm, shots=16) >>> result = job.result() >>> post_processor = POVMPostProcessor(result[0]) >>> post_processor.get_expectation_value(SparsePauliOp("ZI")) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP (-0.75, 0.33541019662496846) Additionally, this post-processor also supports the customization of the Dual frame in which the decomposition weights of the provided observable are obtained. Check out `this how-to guide <../how_tos/dual_optimizer.ipynb>`_ for more details on how to do this. """ def __init__( self, povm_sample: POVMPubResult, dual: BaseDual | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the POVM post-processor. Args: povm_sample: a result from a POVM sampler run. dual: the Dual frame that will be used to obtain the decomposition weights of an observable when computing its expectation value. For more details, refer to :meth:`get_decomposition_weights`. When this is ``None``, the standard "state-average" Dual frame will be constructed from the POVM stored in the ``povm_sample``'s :attr:`.POVMPubResult.metadata`. Raises: ValueError: If the provided ``dual`` is not a dual frame to the POVM stored in the ``povm_samples``'s :attr:`.POVMPubResult.metadata`. """ self._povm = povm_sample.metadata.povm_implementation.definition() self._counts = cast(np.ndarray, povm_sample.get_counts()) if (dual is not None) and (not dual.is_dual_to(self._povm)): raise ValueError( "The ``dual`` argument is not valid. It is not a dual" " frame to the POVM stored in ``povm_sample``." ) self._dual = dual @property def povm(self) -> BasePOVM: """Return the POVM definition that was used to sample outcomes.""" return self._povm @property def counts(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return the histogram of the POVM outcomes via :meth:`.POVMPubResult.get_counts`.""" return self._counts @property def dual(self) -> BaseDual: """Return the Dual frame that is used. .. warning:: If the dual frame is not already built, accessing this property could be computationally demanding. """ if self._dual is None: dual_class = self.povm.default_dual_class self._dual = dual_class.build_dual_from_frame(self.povm) return self._dual @dual.setter def dual(self, new_dual: BaseDual): if not new_dual.is_dual_to(self.povm): raise ValueError( "The provided ``dual`` instance is not valid. It is not a dual" " frame to the POVM used to obtained the post-processing results." ) self._dual = new_dual
[docs] def get_decomposition_weights( self, observable: SparsePauliOp, outcome_set: set[Any], ) -> dict[Any, float]: r"""Get the decomposition weights of ``observable`` into the elements of :attr:`povm`. Given an observable :math:`O` which is in the span of a POVM (here, :attr:`povm`), one can write :math:`O` as the weighted sum of the POVM effects, :math:`O = \sum_k w_k M_k` for real weights :math:`w_k` and where :math:`k` labels the outcomes. See also :meth:`.BaseDual.get_omegas`. Args: observable: the observable to be decomposed into the POVM effects. outcome_set: set of outcome labels indicating which decomposition weights are queried. An outcome of a :class:`.ProductPOVM` is labeled by a tuple of integers for instance. For a :class:`.MultiQubitPOVM`, an outcome is simply labeled by an integer. Returns: A dictionary mapping outcome labels to decomposition weights. """ return dict(self.dual.get_omegas(observable, outcome_set)) # type: ignore
[docs] def get_expectation_value( self, observable: SparsePauliOp, *, loc: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | tuple[float, float]: """Return the expectation value and standard deviation of the given ``observable``. Args: observable: the observable whose expectation value is queried. loc: this argument is relevant if multiple sets of parameter values were supplied to the sampler in the same :class:`.POVMSamplerPub`. The index ``loc`` then corresponds to the set of parameter values that was supplied to the sampler through the Pub. If ``None``, the expectation value (and standard deviation) for each set of circuit parameters is returned. Returns: A tuple of (estimated) expectation value(s) and standard deviation(s). If a single value was queried (via ``loc``), both of these will be a ``float``. Otherwise, they will be instances of :class:`numpy.ndarray`. """ if loc is not None: return self._single_exp_value_and_std(observable, loc=loc) if self.counts.shape == (1,): return self._single_exp_value_and_std(observable, loc=0) exp_val = np.zeros(shape=self.counts.shape, dtype=float) std = np.zeros(shape=self.counts.shape, dtype=float) for idx in np.ndindex(self.counts.shape): exp_val[idx], std[idx] = self._single_exp_value_and_std(observable, loc=idx) return exp_val, std
def _single_exp_value_and_std( self, observable: SparsePauliOp, *, loc: int | tuple[int, ...], ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Return the expectation value and standard deviation of the given ``observable``. Args: observable: the observable whose expectation value is queried. loc: index of the results to use. The index corresponds to the set of parameter values that was supplied to the sampler through a :class:`.POVMSamplerPub`. If the circuit was not parametrized, the index ``loc`` should be 0. Returns: A tuple of (estimated) expectation value and standard deviation. """ count = self.counts[loc] shots = sum(count.values()) # TODO: performance gains to be made when computing the omegas here ? # like storing the dict of computed omegas and updating the dict with the # missing values that were still never computed. omegas = self.get_decomposition_weights(observable, set(count.keys())) exp_val = 0.0 std = 0.0 for outcome in count: exp_val += count[outcome] * omegas[outcome] std += count[outcome] * omegas[outcome] ** 2 # Normalize exp_val /= shots std /= shots try: std = float(np.sqrt((std - exp_val**2) / (shots - 1))) except ZeroDivisionError: "Encountered a division by zero, due to `shots` being 1. Cannot compute a standard " "deviation in this case." ) std = float("NaN") return exp_val, std