Source code for povm_toolbox.post_processor.median_of_means
# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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from __future__ import annotations
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
from typing_extensions import override
from typing import override # pragma: no cover
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import Generator, default_rng
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
from povm_toolbox.post_processor.povm_post_processor import POVMPostProcessor
from povm_toolbox.quantum_info.base import BaseDual
from povm_toolbox.sampler import POVMPubResult
class MedianOfMeans(POVMPostProcessor):
r"""A POVM result post-processor which uses a 'median of means' estimator.
Given ``num_shots=num_batches*batch_size`` samples, we partition the
samples into ``num_batches`` batches. We compute the mean of each batch,
:math:`\hat{o}_j`, and then output the median of the means, :math:`\hat{o}
=\mathrm{median}\{\hat{o}_1, ..., \hat{o}_{\mathrm{num\_batches}}\}`.
It can be shown that
.. math::
\lvert \mathrm{Tr}[\mathcal{O} \rho] - \hat{o} \rvert \leq \epsilon
\quad \textrm{with probability at least } 1-\delta \, ,
where :math:`\delta = 2 \exp{(-\mathrm{num\_batches}/2)}` and :math:`\epsilon
= \sqrt{\frac{34}{\mathrm{batch\_size}} } \lVert \mathcal{O} - \frac{\mathrm{Tr}
[\mathcal{O}]}{2^N} \mathbb{I} \rVert_\textrm{shadow}`. For more details, see
the work of H.-Y. Huang, R. Kueng, and J. Preskill, "*Predicting Many Properties
of a Quantum System from Very Few Measurements*", Nature Physics 16, 1050 (2020).
The interface of this post-processor is essentially identical to the one of its
baseclass (see :class:`.POVMPostProcessor` for more details). For completeness,
here is an example how to use it:
>>> from povm_toolbox.library import ClassicalShadows
>>> from povm_toolbox.sampler import POVMSampler
>>> from povm_toolbox.post_processor import MedianOfMeans
>>> from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
>>> from qiskit.primitives import StatevectorSampler
>>> from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
>>> circ = QuantumCircuit(2)
>>> _ = circ.h(0)
>>> _ =, 1)
>>> povm = ClassicalShadows(2, seed=42)
>>> sampler = StatevectorSampler(seed=42)
>>> povm_sampler = POVMSampler(sampler)
>>> job =[circ], povm=povm, shots=16)
>>> result = job.result()
>>> post_processor = MedianOfMeans(result[0], num_batches=4, seed=42)
>>> post_processor.get_expectation_value(SparsePauliOp("ZI")) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
(-0.75, 2.9154759474226504)
def __init__(
povm_sample: POVMPubResult,
dual: BaseDual | None = None,
num_batches: int | None = None,
upper_delta_confidence: float | None = None,
seed: int | Generator | None = None,
) -> None:
r"""Initialize the median-of-means post-processor.
povm_sample: a result from a POVM sampler run.
dual: the Dual frame that will be used to obtain the decomposition weights of an
observable when computing its expectation value. For more details, refer to
:meth:`get_decomposition_weights`. When this is ``None``, the default
"state-average" Dual frame will be constructed from the POVM stored in the
``povm_sample``'s :attr:`.POVMPubResult.metadata`.
num_batches: number of batches, i.e. number of samples means, used in the median-of-means
estimator. This value will be overridden if a ``delta_confidence`` argument is supplied.
upper_delta_confidence: an upper bound for the confidence parameter :math:`\delta` used to
determine the necessary number of batches as :math:`\mathrm{num\_batches} = \lceil 2
\log{(2/\delta)} \rceil`. It will override any ``num_batches`` supplied argument. If
both ``num_batches`` and ``delta_confidence`` are ``None``, ``delta_confidence`` is
set to 0.05. Note that this argument is actually an upper bound for the true
:math:`\delta`-parameter which is given by :math:`\delta=2 \exp(-\mathrm{num\_batches}/2)`.
seed: optional seed to fix the :class:`numpy.random.Generator` used to generate the
batches. The user can also directly provide a random generator. If ``None``, a
random seed will be used.
ValueError: If the provided ``dual`` is not a dual frame to the POVM stored in the
``povm_samples``'s :attr:`.POVMPubResult.metadata`.
TypeError: If the type of ``seed`` is not valid.
super().__init__(povm_sample=povm_sample, dual=dual)
self.num_batches: int
"""Number of batches, i.e. number of samples means, used in the median-of-means estimator."""
if isinstance(upper_delta_confidence, float) or num_batches is None:
self.delta_confidence = upper_delta_confidence or 0.05
self.num_batches = num_batches
if seed is None:
seed = default_rng()
elif isinstance(seed, int):
seed = default_rng(seed)
elif not isinstance(seed, Generator):
raise TypeError(f"The type of `seed` ({type(seed)}) is not valid.")
self.seed = seed
def delta_confidence(self) -> float:
r"""The confidence parameter :math:`\delta=2 \exp(-` ``num_batches`` :math:`/2)`."""
return float(2 * np.exp(-0.5 * self.num_batches))
def delta_confidence(self, delta: float) -> None:
r"""Set the upper bound for the confidence parameter :math:`\delta`.
It is used to determine the necessary number of batches as :math:`\mathrm{
num\_batches} = \lceil 2 \log{(2/\delta)} \rceil`. Then, the actual value
of the :math:`\delta`-parameter is given by :math:`\delta=2 \exp(-\mathrm{
self.num_batches = int(np.ceil(2 * np.log(2 / delta)))
def _single_exp_value_and_std(
self, observable: SparsePauliOp, *, loc: int | tuple[int, ...]
) -> tuple[float, float]:
count = self.counts[loc]
shots = sum(count.values())
omegas = self.get_decomposition_weights(observable, set(count.keys()))
# get the samples and randomize their order
sampled_weights = np.zeros(shots)
idx = 0
for outcome in count:
sampled_weights[idx : idx + count[outcome]] = omegas[outcome]
idx += count[outcome]
sampled_weights = self.seed.permutation(sampled_weights)
# compute the batch size
batch_size = shots // self.num_batches
batches = sampled_weights[: self.num_batches * batch_size].reshape(
(batch_size, self.num_batches)
# if the numbers of shots is not a multiple of number of batches, some batches
# will have ``batch_size`` samples and some will have ``batch_size+1`` samples
# such that all samples are used.
if shots % self.num_batches != 0:
last_samples = np.full((1, self.num_batches), np.nan)
last_samples[:, : shots % self.num_batches] = sampled_weights[
self.num_batches * batch_size :
batches = np.concatenate((batches, last_samples))
# compute the median of means estimate
median_of_means = float(np.median(np.nanmean(batches, axis=0)))
# compute the coefficient in front of the shadow norm in the formula to compute
# the confidence parameter ``delta``.
coefficient_epsilon = float(np.sqrt(34 / batch_size))
return median_of_means, coefficient_epsilon