# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import cast
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix, SparsePauliOp, Statevector
from povm_toolbox.post_processor.povm_post_processor import POVMPostProcessor
from povm_toolbox.quantum_info import ProductDual, ProductPOVM
from povm_toolbox.quantum_info.base import BaseDual
def dual_from_empirical_frequencies(
povm_post_processor: POVMPostProcessor,
loc: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None,
bias: list[float] | float | None = None,
ansatz: list[SparsePauliOp | DensityMatrix | Statevector]
| SparsePauliOp
| DensityMatrix
| Statevector
| None = None,
) -> BaseDual:
"""Return the Dual frame of ``povm`` based on the frequencies of the sampled outcomes.
Given outcomes sampled from a :class:`.ProductPOVM`, each local Dual frame is parametrized with
the alpha-parameters set as the marginal outcome frequencies. For stability, the (local)
empirical frequencies can be biased towards the (marginal) outcome probabilities of an
``ansatz`` state.
povm_post_processor: the :class:`.POVMPostProcessor` object from which to extract the
:attr:`.POVMPostProcessor.povm` and the empirical frequencies to build the Dual frame.
loc: index of the results to use. This is relevant if multiple sets of parameter values were
supplied to the sampler in the same Pub. If ``None``, it is assumed that the supplied
circuit was not parametrized or that a unique set of parameter values was supplied. In
this case, ``loc`` is trivially set to 0.
bias: the strength of the bias towards the outcome distribution of the ``ansatz`` state. If
it is a ``float``, the same bias is applied to each (local) sub-system. If it is a list
of ``float``, a specific bias is applied to each sub-system. If ``None``, the bias for
each sub-system is set to be the number of outcomes of the POVM acting on this
ansatz: list of quantum states for each local sub-system. If a single (local) quantum state
is supplied, it is used for all sub-systems. From these states, the local outcome
probability distributions are computed for each sub-system. The empirical marginal
frequencies are biased towards these distributions. If None, the fully mixed state is
used for each sub-system.
NotImplementedError: if :attr:`.POVMPostProcessor.povm` is not a :class:`.ProductPOVM`
ValueError: if ``loc`` is ``None`` and :attr:`.POVMPostProcessor.counts` stores more than a
single counter (i.e., multiple sets of parameter values were supplied to the sampler in
a single Pub).
ValueError: if ``bias`` is a list but its length does not match the number of local POVMs
forming the product POVM.
ValueError: if ``ansatz`` is a list but its length does not match the number of local POVMs
forming the product POVM.
The Dual frame based on the empirical outcome frequencies from the post-processed result.
povm = povm_post_processor.povm
if not isinstance(povm, ProductPOVM):
raise NotImplementedError("This method is only implemented for `ProductPOVM` objects.")
if loc is None:
if povm_post_processor.counts.shape == (1,):
loc = (0,)
raise ValueError(
"`loc` has to be specified if the POVM post-processor stores"
" more than one counter (i.e., if multiple sets of parameter"
" values were supplied to the sampler in a single pub). The"
f" array of counters is of shape {povm_post_processor.counts.shape}."
counts = povm_post_processor.counts[loc]
if isinstance(bias, list) and len(bias) != len(povm.sub_systems):
raise ValueError(
f"A list of biases was submitted but its length ({len(bias)})"
f" does not match the number of local POVMs ({len(povm.sub_systems)})."
if isinstance(ansatz, list) and len(ansatz) != len(povm.sub_systems):
raise ValueError(
"A list of ansatz local states was submitted but its length"
f" ({len(ansatz)}) does not match the number of local POVMs"
f" ({len(povm.sub_systems)})."
marginals = [np.zeros(subsystem_shape) for subsystem_shape in povm.shape]
# Computing marginals
shots = sum(counts.values())
for outcome, count in counts.items():
for i, k_i in enumerate(outcome):
marginals[i][k_i] += count / shots
alphas = []
# Computing alphas for each subsystem
for i, sub_system in enumerate(povm.sub_systems):
sub_povm = povm[sub_system]
dim = sub_povm.dimension
ansatz_state = (
DensityMatrix(np.eye(dim) / dim)
if ansatz is None
else (ansatz[i] if isinstance(ansatz, list) else ansatz)
sub_bias = (
sub_povm.num_outcomes if bias is None else (bias[i] if isinstance(bias, list) else bias)
sub_alphas = shots * marginals[i] + sub_bias * cast(
np.ndarray, sub_povm.get_prob(ansatz_state)
alphas.append(tuple(sub_alphas / (shots + sub_bias)))
# Building ProductDual from frequencies
return ProductDual.build_dual_from_frame(povm, alphas=tuple(alphas))