Source code for povm_toolbox.library.mutually_unbiased_bases_measurements

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from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import Generator
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from .randomized_projective_measurements import RandomizedProjectiveMeasurements

[docs] class MutuallyUnbiasedBasesMeasurements(RandomizedProjectiveMeasurements): """A mutually-unbiased-bases (MUB) POVM. This is a special case of a :class:`.RandomizedProjectiveMeasurements` (RPM) POVM. A MUB-POVM corresponds to an arbitrary rotated :class:`.LocallyBiasedClassicalShadows` (LBCS) POVM. That is, the MUB-POVMs can be seen as lying between RPM- and LBCS-POVMs. More precisely, the set of RPM-POVMs includes the set of MUB-POVMs which includes the set of LBCS-POVMs. The example below shows how you construct a MUB POVM. It plots a visual representation of the POVM's definition to exemplify the biased measurement probabilities and rotated measurement bases. .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> from povm_toolbox.library import MutuallyUnbiasedBasesMeasurements >>> povm = MutuallyUnbiasedBasesMeasurements( ... 2, ... bias=np.array([[0.1, 0.6, 0.3], [0.5, 0.25, 0.25]]), ... angles=np.array([[np.pi/4, np.pi/4, np.pi/4], [np.pi/3, np.pi/6, np.pi/3]]), ... ) >>> print(povm) MutuallyUnbiasedBasesMeasurements(num_qubits=2, bias=array([[0.1 , 0.6 , 0.3 ], [0.5 , 0.25, 0.25]]), angles=array([[0.78539816, 0.78539816, 0.78539816], [1.04719755, 0.52359878, 1.04719755]])) >>> povm.definition().draw_bloch() <Figure size 1000x500 with 2 Axes> """ def __init__( self, num_qubits: int, bias: np.ndarray, angles: np.ndarray, *, measurement_layout: list[int] | None = None, # TODO: add | Layout measurement_twirl: bool = False, shot_repetitions: int = 1, insert_barriers: bool = False, seed: int | Generator | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a mutually-unbiased-bases (MUB) POVM. Args: num_qubits: the number of qubits. bias: can be either 1D or 2D. If 1D, it should contain float values indicating the bias for measuring in each of the PVMs. I.e., its length equals the number of PVMs (3). These floats should sum to 1. If 2D, it will have a new set of biases for each qubit. angles: can be either 1D or 2D. If 1D, it should be of length 3 and contain float values to indicate the three Euler angles to rotate the locally-biased classical shadows (LBCS) measurement in the Bloch sphere representation. If 2D, it will have a new set of angles for each qubit. The angles are expected in the order ``theta``, ``phi``, ``lam`` which are the parameters of the :class:`~.qiskit.circuit.library.UGate` instance used to rotate the LBCS measurement effects. Note that this differs from the angles expected during the initialization of a :class:`.RandomizedProjectiveMeasurements` instance, where the angles are expected to be pairs of angles ``(theta, phi)`` for each projective measurement forming the overall randomized measurement. measurement_layout: optional list of indices specifying on which qubits the POVM acts. See :attr:`.measurement_layout` for more details. measurement_twirl: whether to randomly twirl the measurements. For each single-qubit projective measurement, random twirling is equivalent to randomly flipping the measurement. This is equivalent to randomly taking the opposite Bloch vector in the Bloch sphere representation. shot_repetitions: number of times the measurement is repeated for each sampled PVM. More precisely, a new PVM is sampled for all ``shots`` (i.e. the number of times as specified by the user via the ``shots`` argument of the method :meth:``). Then, the parameter ``shot_repetitions`` states how many times we repeat the measurement for each sampled PVM (default is 1). Therefore, the effective total number of measurement shots is ``shots`` multiplied by ``shot_repetitions``. insert_barriers: whether to insert a barrier between the composed circuits. This is not done by default but can prove useful when visualizing the composed circuit. seed: optional seed to fix the :class:`numpy.random.Generator` used to sample PVMs. The MUB measurements are sampled according to the probability distribution(s) specified by ``bias``. The user can also directly provide a random generator. If ``None``, a random seed will be used. Raises: ValueError: if the shape of ``bias`` is not valid. ValueError: if the shape of ``angles`` is not valid. """ if bias.shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError( "The last dimension of ``bias`` is expected to be of length 3, but has" f" length {bias.shape[-1]} instead." ) if angles.shape == (3,): theta, phi, lam = angles processed_angles = self._process_angles(theta, phi, lam) elif angles.shape == (num_qubits, 3): processed_angles = np.zeros((num_qubits, 6)) for i, angles_qubit_i in enumerate(angles): theta, phi, lam = angles_qubit_i processed_angles[i] = self._process_angles(theta, phi, lam) else: raise ValueError( "``angles`` is expected to have shape (3,) or (``num_qubits``, 3)" f" but has shape {angles.shape} instead." ) self.rotation_angles: np.ndarray = angles """The angles indicating the rotation to obtain the MUB from an otherwise LBCS POVM.""" super().__init__( num_qubits=num_qubits, bias=bias, angles=processed_angles, measurement_twirl=measurement_twirl, measurement_layout=measurement_layout, shot_repetitions=shot_repetitions, insert_barriers=insert_barriers, seed=seed, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the string representation of a MutuallyUnbiasedBasesMeasurements instance.""" return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(num_qubits={self.num_qubits}, bias={self.bias!r}, " f"angles={self.rotation_angles!r})" ) @staticmethod def _process_angles(theta: float, phi: float, lam: float) -> np.ndarray: """Transform the three Euler angles into two for each of the rotated X,Y,Z measurements. One way to obtain the rotated measurements would be to first (optionally) rotate the Z-measurement into an X- or Y-measurement when applicable and then apply in all cases the fixed rotation defined by :class:`~.qiskit.circuit.library.UGate` with parameters ``theta``, ``phi`` and ``lam``. However, it means to have two subsequent rotations and therefore two unitary gates are added to the circuits. Instead, we can look at the final orientation of the rotated measurements and apply a direct rotation from the canonical Z-measurement to the respective rotated measurements. Then, only one parametrized rotation gate is needed and two angles for each rotated measurement. The rotation defined by :class:`~.qiskit.circuit.library.UGate` with parameter ``theta``, ``phi`` and ``lam`` is equivalent - in the Bloch sphere representation - to the sequence of intrinsic rotations z-y'-z'' for angles ``phi``, ``theta`` and ``lam`` respectively (note the changed order of the angles). Args: theta: rotation around the y' axis. phi: rotation around the z axis. lam: rotation around the z'' axis. Returns: Flatten array of theta and phi angles of the respective rotated measurements. """ # In the Bloch sphere representation, a UGate(theta, phi, lam) is # equivalent to the following sequence of intrinsic rotations: r = Rotation.from_euler("ZYZ", [phi, theta, lam]) # get the Bloch vectors from the rotated Z-,X-,Y-measurements resp. bloch_vectors = r.apply([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) # compute rotation angles from [0,0,1] (i.e. Bloch sphere representation of |0>) to the # respective Bloch vectors thetas = np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(bloch_vectors[:, :2], axis=1), bloch_vectors[:, 2]) phis = np.arctan2(bloch_vectors[:, 1], bloch_vectors[:, 0]) return (np.vstack((thetas, phis)).T).flatten()