- class NeuralNetworkClassifier(neural_network, loss='squared_error', one_hot=False, optimizer=None, warm_start=False, initial_point=None, callback=None)[source]¶
Implements a basic quantum neural network classifier. Implements Scikit-Learn compatible methods for classification and extends
. See Scikit-Learn for more details.- Parameters:
neural_network (NeuralNetwork) – An instance of an quantum neural network. If the neural network has a one-dimensional output, i.e., neural_network.output_shape=(1,), then it is expected to return values in [-1, +1] and it can only be used for binary classification. If the output is multi-dimensional, it is assumed that the result is a probability distribution, i.e., that the entries are non-negative and sum up to one. Then there are two options, either one-hot encoding or not. In case of one-hot encoding, each probability vector resulting a neural network is considered as one sample and the loss function is applied to the whole vector. Otherwise, each entry of the probability vector is considered as an individual sample and the loss function is applied to the index and weighted with the corresponding probability.
loss (str | Loss) – A target loss function to be used in training. Default is squared_error, i.e. L2 loss. Can be given either as a string for ‘absolute_error’ (i.e. L1 Loss), ‘squared_error’, ‘cross_entropy’, or as a loss function implementing the Loss interface.
one_hot (bool) – Determines in the case of a multi-dimensional result of the neural_network how to interpret the result. If True it is interpreted as a single one-hot-encoded sample (e.g. for ‘CrossEntropy’ loss function), and if False as a set of individual predictions with occurrence probabilities (the index would be the prediction and the value the corresponding frequency, e.g. for absolute/squared loss). In case of a one-dimensional categorical output, this option determines how to encode the target data (i.e. one-hot or integer encoding).
optimizer (Optimizer | Minimizer | None) – An instance of an optimizer or a callable to be used in training. Refer to
for more information on the callable protocol. When None defaults toSLSQP
.warm_start (bool) – Use weights from previous fit to start next fit.
initial_point (np.ndarray) – Initial point for the optimizer to start from.
callback (Callable[[np.ndarray, float], None] | None) – a reference to a user’s callback function that has two parameters and returns
. The callback can access intermediate data during training. On each iteration an optimizer invokes the callback and passes current weights as an array and a computed value as a float of the objective function being optimized. This allows to track how well optimization / training process is going on.
- Raises:
QiskitMachineLearningError – unknown loss, invalid neural network
- callback¶
Return the callback.
- fit_result¶
Returns a resulting object from the optimization procedure. Please refer to the documentation of the OptimizerResult class for more details.
- Raises:
QiskitMachineLearningError – If the model has not been fit.
- initial_point¶
Returns current initial point
- loss¶
Returns the underlying neural network.
- neural_network¶
Returns the underlying neural network.
- num_classes¶
The number of classes found in the most recent fit.
If called before
, this will returnNone
- optimizer¶
Returns an optimizer to be used in training.
- warm_start¶
Returns the warm start flag.
- weights¶
Returns trained weights as a numpy array. The weights can be also queried by calling model.fit_result.x, but in this case their representation depends on the optimizer used.
- Raises:
QiskitMachineLearningError – If the model has not been fit.
- fit(X, y)¶
Fit the model to data matrix X and target(s) y.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
returns a trained model.
- Return type:
- Raises:
QiskitMachineLearningError – In case of invalid data (e.g. incompatible with network)
- classmethod load(file_name)¶
Loads a model from the file. If the loaded model is not an instance of the class whose method was called, then a warning is raised. Nevertheless, the loaded model may be a valid model.
- predict(X)[source]¶
Perform classification on samples in X.
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – Input features. For a callable kernel (an instance of
), the shape should be(m_samples, n_features)
. For a pre-computed kernel, the shape should be(m_samples, n_samples)
. Here,m_*
denotes the set to be predicted, andn_*
denotes the size of the training set. In the case of a pre-computed kernel, the kernel values inX
must be calculated with respect to the elements of the set to be predicted and the training set.- Returns:
- An array of shape
, representing the predicted class labels for each sample in
- An array of shape
- Return type:
- Raises:
If the
method is called before the model has been fit.
If the pre-computed kernel matrix has the wrong shape and/or dimension.
- predict_proba(X)[source]¶
Extracts the predicted probabilities for each class based on the output of a neural network.
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – Input features. For a callable kernel (an instance of
), the shape should be(m_samples, n_features)
. For a pre-computed kernel, the shape should be(m_samples, n_samples)
. Here,m_*
denotes the set to be predicted, andn_*
denotes the size of the training set. In the case of a pre-computed kernel, the kernel values inX
must be calculated with respect to the elements of the set to be predicted and the training set.- Returns:
- An array of shape
(n_samples, n_classes)
representing the predicted class probabilities (in the range
) for each sample inX
- An array of shape
- Return type:
- save(file_name)¶
Saves this model to the specified file. Internally, the model is serialized via
. All parameters are saved, including a primitive instance that is referenced by internal objects. That means if a model is loaded from a file and is used, for instance, for inference, the same primitive will be used even if a cloud primitive was used.- Parameters:
file_name (str) – a file name or path where to save the model.