Quantum neural networks (qiskit_machine_learning.neural_networks)

A neural network is a parametrized network which may be defined as a artificial neural network - classical neural network - or as parametrized quantum circuits - quantum neural network. Furthermore, neural networks can be defined with respect to a discriminative or generative task.

Neural networks may be used, for example, with the VQC algorithm.

See also the TorchConnector that allows the use of these neural networks in code written to PyTorch.

Neural Network Base Classes


Abstract Neural Network class providing forward and backward pass and handling batched inputs.

Neural networks


A neural network implementation based on the Estimator primitive.


A neural network implementation based on the Sampler primitive.

Metrics for neural networks


This class computes the global effective dimension for a Qiskit NeuralNetwork following the definition used in [1].


This class computes the local effective dimension for a Qiskit NeuralNetwork following the definition used in [1].