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Configurable stylesheet for :class:`BasePlotter` and :class:`BaseDrawer`.

[docs] class PlotStyle(dict): """A stylesheet for :class:`BasePlotter` and :class:`BaseDrawer`. This style class is used by :class:`BasePlotter` and :class:`BaseDrawer`. The default style for Qiskit Experiments is defined in :meth:`default_style`. Style parameters are stored as dictionary entries, grouped by graphics or figure component. For example, style parameters relating to textboxes have the prefix ``textbox_``. For default style parameter names and their values, see the :meth:`default_style` method. .. rubric:: Example .. code-block:: python # Create custom style custom_style = PlotStyle( { "legend_loc": "upper right", "textbox_rel_pos": (1, 1), "textbox_text_size": 14, } ) # Create full style instance by combining with default style. full_style = PlotStyle.merge(PlotStyle.default_style(), custom_style) ## Query style parameters # Returns "upper right" full_style["legend_loc"] # Returns the value provided in ``PlotStyle.default_style()`` full_style["axis_label_size"] """
[docs] @classmethod def default_style(cls) -> "PlotStyle": # Ignore pylint warnings as `Style Parameters` doesn't contain method parameters. # pylint: disable=differing-param-doc,differing-type-doc """The default style across Qiskit Experiments. The following is a description of the default style parameters are what they are used for. Style Parameters: figsize (Tuple[int,int]): The size of the figure ``(width, height)``, in inches. legend_loc (Optional[str]): The location of the legend in axis coordinates. If None, location is automatically determined by the drawer. tick_label_size (int): The font size for tick labels. axis_label_size (int): The font size for axis labels. symbol_size (float): The size of symbols for points/markers, proportional to the area of the drawn graphic. errorbar_capsize (float): The size of end-caps for error-bars. textbox_rel_pos (Tuple[float,float]): The relative position ``(horizontal, vertical)`` of textboxes, as a percentage of the canvas dimensions. textbox_text_size (int): The font size for textboxes. Returns: The default plot style used by Qiskit Experiments. """ style = { # size of figure (width, height) "figsize": (8, 5), # Tuple[int, int] # legend location (vertical, horizontal) or None. "legend_loc": None, # str # size of tick label "tick_label_size": 14, # int # size of axis label "axis_label_size": 16, # int # relative position of a textbox "textbox_rel_pos": (0.5, -0.25), # Tuple[float, float] # size of textbox text "textbox_text_size": 12, # int # size of caps for error-bars "errorbar_capsize": 4, # float # Default size of symbols, used for graphics where symbols are drawn for points. "symbol_size": 6.0, # float } return cls(**style)
[docs] @classmethod def merge(cls, style1: "PlotStyle", style2: "PlotStyle") -> "PlotStyle": """Merge ``style2`` into ``style1`` as a new PlotStyle instance. This method merges an additional style ``style2`` into a base instance ``style1``, returning the merged style instance instead of modifying the inputs. Args: style1: Base PlotStyle instance. style2: Additional PlotStyle instance. Returns: Merged style instance. """ return PlotStyle({**style1, **style2})