# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
"""A Pulse simulation backend based on Qiskit-Dynamics"""
import datetime
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit import CircuitInstruction
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import RZGate, SXGate, XGate
from qiskit.circuit.measure import Measure
from qiskit.circuit.parameter import Parameter
from qiskit.providers import BackendV2, QubitProperties
from qiskit.providers.models import PulseDefaults # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from qiskit.providers.models.pulsedefaults import Command
from qiskit.providers.options import Options
from qiskit.pulse import Schedule, ScheduleBlock
from qiskit.pulse.transforms import block_to_schedule
from qiskit.qobj.pulse_qobj import PulseQobjInstruction
from qiskit.qobj.utils import MeasLevel, MeasReturnType
from qiskit.quantum_info.states import DensityMatrix, Statevector
from qiskit.result import Result, Counts
from qiskit.transpiler import InstructionProperties, Target
from qiskit_experiments.data_processing.discriminator import BaseDiscriminator
from qiskit_experiments.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit_experiments.framework.package_deps import HAS_DYNAMICS, version_is_at_least
from qiskit_experiments.test.utils import FakeJob
class PulseBackend(BackendV2):
r"""Abstract base class for pulse simulation backends in Qiskit Experiments.
This backend is designed for the tests in Qiskit Experiments as well as for the
tutorials in Qiskit Experiments. The backend has a Qiskit Dynamics pulse simulator
which allows it to simulate pulse schedules that are included in the calibrations
attached to quantum circuits. In addition, sub-classes should implement a set of default
schedules so that circuits that do not provide calibrations can also run, much like
the hardware backends. In addition, the backends are also capable of simulating level-
one (IQ data) and level-two (counts) data. Subclasses of these backends can have an
optional discriminator so that they can produce counts based on sampled IQ data. If
a discriminator is not provided then the counts will be produced from a statevector
or density matrix.
.. warning::
Some of the functionality in this backend may move to Qiskit Dynamics and/or be
refactored. These backends are not intended as a general pulse-simulator backend
but rather to test the experiments and write short tutorials to demonstrate an
experiment without having to run on hardware.
def __init__(
static_hamiltonian: np.ndarray,
hamiltonian_operators: np.ndarray,
static_dissipators: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
dt: float = 0.1 * 1e-9,
seed: int = 0,
atol: float = None,
rtol: float = None,
"""Initialize a backend with model information.
static_hamiltonian: Time-independent term in the Hamiltonian.
hamiltonian_operators: List of time-dependent operators
static_dissipators: Constant dissipation operators. Defaults to None.
dt: Sample rate for simulating pulse schedules. Defaults to 0.1*1e-9.
solver_method: Numerical solver method to use. Check qiskit_dynamics for available
methods. Defaults to "RK23".
seed: An optional seed given to the random number generator. If this argument is not
set then the seed defaults to 0.
atol: Absolute tolerance during solving.
rtol: Relative tolerance during solving.
from qiskit_dynamics import Solver
description="A PulseBackend simulator",
# subclasses must implements default pulse schedules
self._defaults = None
self._target = Target(dt=dt, granularity=16)
# The RNG to sample IQ data.
self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
# The instance to convert pulse schedules to signals for Qiskit Dynamics.
self.converter = None
self.solver_method = solver_method
self.solve_kwargs = {}
if atol:
self.solve_kwargs["atol"] = atol
if rtol:
self.solve_kwargs["rtol"] = rtol
self.static_hamiltonian = static_hamiltonian
self.hamiltonian_operators = hamiltonian_operators
self.static_dissipators = static_dissipators
self.solver = Solver(
self.model_dim = self.solver.model.dim
if self.static_dissipators is None:
self.y_0 = np.eye(self.model_dim)
self.ground_state = np.array([1.0] + [0.0] * (self.model_dim - 1))
self.y_0 = np.eye(self.model_dim**2)
self.ground_state = np.array([1.0] + [0.0] * (self.model_dim**2 - 1))
self._simulated_pulse_unitaries = {}
# An internal cache of schedules to unitaries. The key is a hashed string representation.
self._schedule_cache = {}
# An optional discriminator that is used to create counts from IQ data.
self._discriminator = None
def target(self):
"""Contains information for circuit transpilation."""
return self._target
def max_circuits(self):
return None
def defaults(self):
"""return backend pulse defaults"""
return self._defaults
def discriminator(self) -> BaseDiscriminator:
"""Return the discriminator for the IQ data."""
return self._discriminator
def discriminator(self, discriminator: BaseDiscriminator):
"""Set the discriminator."""
self._discriminator = discriminator
def _default_options(cls) -> Options:
"""Returns the default options of the backend."""
return Options(
def default_pulse_unitaries(self) -> Dict[Tuple, np.array]:
"""Return the default unitary matrices of the backend."""
return self._simulated_pulse_unitaries
def default_pulse_unitaries(self, unitaries: Dict[Tuple, np.array]):
"""Set the default unitary pulses this allows the tests to simulate the pulses only once."""
self._simulated_pulse_unitaries = unitaries
def _get_info(
circuit: QuantumCircuit, instruction: CircuitInstruction
) -> Tuple[Tuple[int], Tuple[float], str]:
"""Returns information that uniquely describes a circuit instruction.
circuit: The quantum circuit in which the instruction is located. This is needed to
access the register in the circuit.
instruction: A gate or operation in a QuantumCircuit
Tuple of qubit index, gate parameters and instruction name.
p_dict = instruction.operation
qubit = tuple(int(circuit.qregs[0].index(qbit)) for qbit in instruction.qubits)
params = tuple(float(val) for val in p_dict.params)
return qubit, params, p_dict.name
def _iq_data(
probability: np.ndarray,
shots: int,
centers: List[Tuple[float, float]],
width: float,
phase: Optional[float] = None,
) -> Tuple[List, List]:
"""Generates IQ data for each physical level.
probability: probability of occupation
shots: Number of shots
centers: The central I and Q points for each level
width: Width of IQ data distribution
phase: Phase of IQ data, by default 0. Defaults to None.
(I,Q) data.
counts_n = self._rng.multinomial(shots, probability / sum(probability), size=1).T
full_i, full_q = [], []
for idx, count_i in enumerate(counts_n):
full_i.append(self._rng.normal(loc=centers[idx][0], scale=width, size=count_i))
full_q.append(self._rng.normal(loc=centers[idx][1], scale=width, size=count_i))
full_i = list(chain.from_iterable(full_i))
full_q = list(chain.from_iterable(full_q))
if phase is not None:
complex_iq = (full_i + 1.0j * full_q) * np.exp(1.0j * phase)
full_i, full_q = complex_iq.real, complex_iq.imag
full_iq = 1e16 * np.array([[full_i], [full_q]]).T
return full_iq.tolist()
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def _iq_cluster_centers(self, circuit: Optional[QuantumCircuit] = None) -> List[Tuple[float]]:
"""A function to provide the points for the IQ centers when doing readout.
Subclasses can override this function, for instance, to provide circuit dependent
IQ cluster centers. If this function is not overridden then the IQ cluster centers returned
are evenly distributed on the unit sphere in the IQ plane with |0> located at IQ point (0, 1).
circuit: provided so that sub-classes that implement their own IQ simulation
by overriding this method can access circuit-level data (e.g. for
ReadoutSpectroscopy simulation).
Coordinates for IQ centers.
theta = 2 * np.pi / self.model_dim
return [(np.cos(idx * theta), np.sin(idx * theta)) for idx in range(self.model_dim)]
def _state_to_measurement_data(
state: np.ndarray,
shots: int,
meas_level: MeasLevel,
meas_return: MeasReturnType,
memory: bool,
circuit: QuantumCircuit,
) -> Tuple[Union[Union[Dict, Counts, Tuple[List, List]], Any], Optional[Any]]:
"""Convert State objects to IQ data or Counts.
The counts are produced by sampling from the state vector if no discriminator is
present. Otherwise, IQ shots are generated and then discriminated based on the
state: Quantum state information.
shots: Number of repetitions of each circuit, for sampling.
meas_level: Measurement level 1 returns IQ data. 2 returns counts.
meas_return: "single" returns information from every shot. "avg" returns average
measurement output (averaged over number of shots).
circuit: The circuit is provided so that :meth:`iq_data` can leverage any circuit-level
information that it might need to generate the IQ shots.
Measurement output as either counts or IQ data depending on the run input.
QiskitError: If unsuported measurement options are provided.
memory_data = None
if self.static_dissipators is not None:
state = state.reshape(self.model_dim, self.model_dim)
state = DensityMatrix(state / np.trace(state))
state = Statevector(state / np.linalg.norm(state))
if meas_level == MeasLevel.CLASSIFIED:
if self._discriminator is None:
if memory:
memory_data = state.sample_memory(shots)
measurement_data = dict(zip(*np.unique(memory_data, return_counts=True)))
memory_data = memory_data.tolist()
measurement_data = state.sample_counts(shots)
centers = self._iq_cluster_centers(circuit=circuit)
iq_data = self._iq_data(state.probabilities(), shots, centers, 0.2)
memory_data = self._discriminator.predict(iq_data)
measurement_data = dict(zip(*np.unique(memory_data, return_counts=True)))
elif meas_level == MeasLevel.KERNELED:
centers = self._iq_cluster_centers(circuit=circuit)
measurement_data = self._iq_data(state.probabilities(), shots, centers, 0.2)
if meas_return == "avg":
measurement_data = np.average(np.array(measurement_data), axis=0).tolist()
raise QiskitError(f"Unsupported measurement level {meas_level}.")
return measurement_data, memory_data
def solve(self, schedule: Union[ScheduleBlock, Schedule], qubits: Tuple[int]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Solves for qubit dynamics under the action of a pulse instruction
schedule: Pulse signal
qubits: (remove after multi-qubit gates is implemented)
Time-evolution unitary operator
if len(qubits) > 1:
raise QiskitError("Multi qubit gates are not yet implemented.")
if isinstance(schedule, ScheduleBlock):
schedule = block_to_schedule(schedule)
signal = self.converter.get_signals(schedule)
time_f = schedule.duration * self.dt
unitary = self.solver.solve(
t_span=[0.0, time_f],
return unitary
def run(self, run_input: Union[QuantumCircuit, List[QuantumCircuit]], **run_options) -> FakeJob:
"""Run method takes circuits as input and returns FakeJob with IQ data or counts.
run_input: Circuits to run.
run_options: Any option that affects the way that the circuits are run. The options
that are currently supported are ``shots``, ``meas_level``, ``meas_return``,
and ``memory``.
FakeJob with simulation data.
shots = self.options.get("shots", self._options.shots)
meas_level = self.options.get("meas_level", self._options.meas_level)
meas_return = self.options.get("meas_return", self._options.meas_return)
memory = self.options.get("memory", self._options.memory)
result = {
"backend_name": f"{self.__class__.__name__}",
"backend_version": self.backend_version,
"qobj_id": 0,
"job_id": 0,
"success": True,
"results": [],
if isinstance(run_input, QuantumCircuit):
run_input = [run_input]
for circuit in run_input:
unitaries = {}
# 1. Parse the calibrations and simulate any new schedule. Add U to the unitaries.
for name, schedule in circuit.calibrations.items():
for (qubits, params), schedule_block in schedule.items():
schedule_key = hash(repr(schedule))
# Simulate the schedule if not in the cache.
if schedule_key not in self._schedule_cache:
self._schedule_cache[schedule_key] = self.solve(schedule_block, qubits)
unitaries[(name, qubits, params)] = self._schedule_cache[schedule_key]
# 2. Copy over any remaining instructions to the dict of unitaries.
for key, unitary in self.default_pulse_unitaries.items():
if key not in unitaries:
unitaries[key] = unitary
# 3. Multiply the unitaries of the circuit instructions onto the ground state.
state_t = self.ground_state.copy()
for instruction in circuit.data:
qubits, params, inst_name = self._get_info(circuit, instruction)
if inst_name in ["barrier", "measure"]:
if inst_name == "rz":
# Ensures that the action in the qubit space is preserved.
unitary = np.diag([np.exp(1.0j * idx * params[0] / 2) for idx in [-1, 1, 3]])
unitary = unitaries[(inst_name, qubits, params)]
state_t = unitary @ state_t
# 4. Convert the probabilities to IQ data or counts.
measurement_data, memory_data = self._state_to_measurement_data(
state_t, shots, meas_level, meas_return, memory, circuit
run_result = {
"shots": shots,
"success": True,
"header": {"metadata": circuit.metadata},
"meas_level": meas_level,
"meas_return": meas_return,
"data": {},
if meas_level == MeasLevel.CLASSIFIED:
run_result["data"]["counts"] = measurement_data
if memory_data is not None:
run_result["data"]["memory"] = memory_data
if meas_level == MeasLevel.KERNELED:
run_result["data"]["memory"] = measurement_data
return FakeJob(self, Result.from_dict(result))
class SingleTransmonTestBackend(PulseBackend):
r"""A backend that corresponds to a three level anharmonic transmon qubit.
The Hamiltonian of the system is
.. math::
H = \hbar \sum_{j=1,2} \left[\omega_j |j\rangle\langle j| +
\mathcal{E}(t) \lambda_j (\sigma_j^+ + \sigma_j^-)\right]
Here, :math:`\omega_j` is the transition frequency from level :math:`0` to level
:math:`j`. :math:`\mathcal{E}(t)` is the drive field and :math:`\sigma_j^\pm` are
the raising and lowering operators between levels :math:`j-1` and :math:`j`.
def __init__(
qubit_frequency: float = 5e9,
anharmonicity: float = -0.25e9,
lambda_1: float = 1e9,
lambda_2: float = 0.8e9,
gamma_1: float = 1e4,
noise: bool = True,
atol: float = None,
rtol: float = None,
"""Initialise backend with hamiltonian parameters
qubit_frequency: Frequency of the qubit (0-1). Defaults to 5e9.
anharmonicity: Qubit anharmonicity $\\alpha$ = f12 - f01. Defaults to -0.25e9.
lambda_1: Strength of 0-1 transition. Defaults to 1e9.
lambda_2: Strength of 1-2 transition. Defaults to 0.8e9.
gamma_1: Relaxation rate (1/T1) for 1-0. Defaults to 1e4.
noise: Defaults to True. If True then T1 dissipation is included in the pulse-simulation.
The strength is given by ``gamma_1``.
atol: Absolute tolerance during solving.
rtol: Relative tolerance during solving.
from qiskit_dynamics.pulse import InstructionToSignals
qubit_frequency_02 = 2 * qubit_frequency + anharmonicity
ket0 = np.array([[1, 0, 0]]).T
ket1 = np.array([[0, 1, 0]]).T
ket2 = np.array([[0, 0, 1]]).T
sigma_m1 = ket0 @ ket1.T.conj()
sigma_m2 = ket1 @ ket2.T.conj()
sigma_p1 = sigma_m1.T.conj()
sigma_p2 = sigma_m2.T.conj()
p1 = ket1 @ ket1.T.conj()
p2 = ket2 @ ket2.T.conj()
drift = 2 * np.pi * (qubit_frequency * p1 + qubit_frequency_02 * p2)
control = [
2 * np.pi * (lambda_1 * (sigma_p1 + sigma_m1) + lambda_2 * (sigma_p2 + sigma_m2))
r_frame = 2 * np.pi * qubit_frequency * (p1 + 2 * p2)
t1_dissipator = np.sqrt(gamma_1) * sigma_m1
self.anharmonicity = anharmonicity
self.rabi_rate_01 = 8.589
self.rabi_rate_12 = 6.876
if noise is True:
if version_is_at_least("qiskit-dynamics", "0.5.0"):
solver_args = {
"array_library": "numpy",
"vectorized": True,
solver_args = {
"evaluation_mode": "dense_vectorized",
static_dissipators = [t1_dissipator]
if version_is_at_least("qiskit-dynamics", "0.5.0"):
solver_args = {
"array_library": "numpy",
solver_args = {
"evaluation_mode": "dense",
static_dissipators = None
rwa_cutoff_freq=1.9 * qubit_frequency,
self._defaults = PulseDefaults.from_dict( # pylint: disable=no-member
"qubit_freq_est": [qubit_frequency / 1e9],
"meas_freq_est": [0],
"buffer": 0,
"pulse_library": [],
"cmd_def": [
"name": "x",
"qubits": [0],
"sequence": [
"amp": (0.5 + 0j) / self.rabi_rate_01,
"beta": 5,
"duration": 160,
"sigma": 40,
"name": "sx",
"qubits": [0],
"sequence": [
"amp": (0.25 + 0j) / self.rabi_rate_01,
"beta": 5,
"duration": 160,
"sigma": 40,
self._target = Target(
measure_props = {
(0,): InstructionProperties(duration=0, error=0),
x_props = {
(0,): InstructionProperties(duration=160e-10, error=0),
sx_props = {
(0,): InstructionProperties(duration=160e-10, error=0),
rz_props = {
(0,): InstructionProperties(duration=0.0, error=0),
self._phi = Parameter("phi")
self._target.add_instruction(Measure(), measure_props)
self._target.add_instruction(XGate(), x_props)
self._target.add_instruction(SXGate(), sx_props)
self._target.add_instruction(RZGate(self._phi), rz_props)
self.converter = InstructionToSignals(self.dt, carriers={"d0": qubit_frequency})
default_schedules = [
self._defaults.instruction_schedule_map.get("x", (0,)),
self._defaults.instruction_schedule_map.get("sx", (0,)),
self._simulated_pulse_unitaries = {
(schedule.name, (0,), ()): self.solve(schedule, (0,)) for schedule in default_schedules