Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.randomized_benchmarking.rb_analysis

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Standard RB analysis class.
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

import lmfit
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError

import qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis as curve
from qiskit_experiments.exceptions import AnalysisError
from qiskit_experiments.framework import AnalysisResultData, ExperimentData
from qiskit_experiments.framework.analysis_result import AnalysisResult

    from uncertainties import UFloat

# A dictionary key of qubit aware quantum instruction; type alias for better readability
QubitGateTuple = Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], str]

[docs] class RBAnalysis(curve.CurveAnalysis): r"""A class to analyze randomized benchmarking experiments. # section: overview This analysis takes only single series. This series is fit by the exponential decay function. From the fit :math:`\alpha` value this analysis estimates the error per Clifford (EPC). When analysis option ``gate_error_ratio`` is provided, this analysis also estimates errors of individual gates assembling a Clifford gate. In computation of two-qubit EPC, this analysis can also decompose the contribution from the underlying single qubit depolarizing channels when ``epg_1_qubit`` analysis option is provided [1]. # section: fit_model .. math:: F(x) = a \alpha^x + b # section: fit_parameters defpar a: desc: Height of decay curve. init_guess: Determined by :math:`1 - b`. bounds: [0, 1] defpar b: desc: Base line. init_guess: Determined by :math:`(1/2)^n` where :math:`n` is number of qubit. bounds: [0, 1] defpar \alpha: desc: Depolarizing parameter. init_guess: Determined by :func:`~.guess.rb_decay`. bounds: [0, 1] # section: reference .. ref_arxiv:: 1 1712.06550 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( models=[ lmfit.models.ExpressionModel( expr="a * alpha ** x + b", name="rb_decay", ) ] ) self._gate_counts_per_clifford = None self._physical_qubits = None @classmethod def _default_options(cls): """Default analysis options. Analysis Options: gate_error_ratio (Optional[Dict[str, float]]): A dictionary with gate name keys and error ratio values used when calculating EPG from the estimated EPC. The default value will use standard gate error ratios. If you don't know accurate error ratio between your basis gates, you can skip analysis of EPGs by setting this options to ``None``. epg_1_qubit (List[AnalysisResult]): Analysis results from previous RB experiments for individual single qubit gates. If this is provided, EPC of 2Q RB is corrected to exclude the depolarization of underlying 1Q channels. """ default_options = super()._default_options() default_options.plotter.set_figure_options( xlabel="Clifford Length", ylabel="P(0)", ) default_options.plot_raw_data = True default_options.result_parameters = ["alpha"] default_options.gate_error_ratio = "default" default_options.epg_1_qubit = None default_options.average_method = "sample" return default_options def _generate_fit_guesses( self, user_opt: curve.FitOptions, curve_data: curve.ScatterTable, ) -> Union[curve.FitOptions, List[curve.FitOptions]]: """Create algorithmic initial fit guess from analysis options and curve data. Args: user_opt: Fit options filled with user provided guess and bounds. curve_data: Formatted data collection to fit. Returns: List of fit options that are passed to the fitter function. """ user_opt.bounds.set_if_empty( a=(0, 1), alpha=(0, 1), b=(0, 1), ) b_guess = 1 / 2 ** len(self._physical_qubits) alpha_guess = curve.guess.rb_decay(curve_data.x, curve_data.y, b=b_guess) a_guess = (curve_data.y[0] - b_guess) / (alpha_guess ** curve_data.x[0]) user_opt.p0.set_if_empty( b=b_guess, a=a_guess, alpha=alpha_guess, ) return user_opt def _create_analysis_results( self, fit_data: curve.CurveFitResult, quality: str, **metadata, ) -> List[AnalysisResultData]: """Create analysis results for important fit parameters. Args: fit_data: Fit outcome. quality: Quality of fit outcome. Returns: List of analysis result data. """ outcomes = super()._create_analysis_results(fit_data, quality, **metadata) num_qubits = len(self._physical_qubits) # Calculate EPC alpha = fit_data.ufloat_params["alpha"] scale = (2**num_qubits - 1) / (2**num_qubits) epc = scale * (1 - alpha) outcomes.append( AnalysisResultData( name="EPC", value=epc, chisq=fit_data.reduced_chisq, quality=quality, extra=metadata, ) ) # Correction for 1Q depolarizing channel if EPGs are provided if self.options.epg_1_qubit and num_qubits == 2: epc = _exclude_1q_error( epc=epc, qubits=self._physical_qubits, gate_counts_per_clifford=self._gate_counts_per_clifford, extra_analyses=self.options.epg_1_qubit, ) outcomes.append( AnalysisResultData( name="EPC_corrected", value=epc, chisq=fit_data.reduced_chisq, quality=quality, extra=metadata, ) ) # Calculate EPG if self._gate_counts_per_clifford is not None and self.options.gate_error_ratio: epg_dict = _calculate_epg( epc=epc, qubits=self._physical_qubits, gate_error_ratio=self.options.gate_error_ratio, gate_counts_per_clifford=self._gate_counts_per_clifford, ) if epg_dict: for gate, epg_val in epg_dict.items(): outcomes.append( AnalysisResultData( name=f"EPG_{gate}", value=epg_val, chisq=fit_data.reduced_chisq, quality=quality, extra=metadata, ) ) return outcomes def _initialize( self, experiment_data: ExperimentData, ): """Initialize curve analysis with experiment data. This method is called ahead of other processing. Args: experiment_data: Experiment data to analyze. Raises: AnalysisError: When circuit metadata for ops count is missing. """ super()._initialize(experiment_data) if self.options.gate_error_ratio is not None: # If gate error ratio is not False, EPG analysis is enabled. # Here analysis prepares gate error ratio and gate counts for EPC to EPG conversion. # If gate count dictionary is not set it will compute counts from circuit metadata. avg_gpc = defaultdict(float) n_circs = len( for circ_result in try: count_ops = circ_result["metadata"]["count_ops"] except KeyError as ex: raise AnalysisError( "'count_ops' key is not found in the circuit metadata. " "This analysis cannot compute error per gates. " "Please disable this with 'gate_error_ratio=False'." ) from ex nclif = circ_result["metadata"]["xval"] + 1 for (qinds, gate), count in count_ops: formatted_key = tuple(sorted(qinds)), gate avg_gpc[formatted_key] += count / nclif / n_circs self._gate_counts_per_clifford = dict(avg_gpc) if self.options.gate_error_ratio == "default": # Gate error dict is computed for gates appearing in counts dictionary # Error ratio among gates is determined based on the predefined lookup table. # This is not always accurate for every quantum backends. gate_error_ratio = {} for qinds, gate in self._gate_counts_per_clifford.keys(): if set(qinds) != set(experiment_data.metadata["physical_qubits"]): continue gate_error_ratio[gate] = _lookup_epg_ratio(gate, len(qinds)) self.set_options(gate_error_ratio=gate_error_ratio) # Get qubit number self._physical_qubits = experiment_data.metadata["physical_qubits"]
def _lookup_epg_ratio(gate: str, n_qubits: int) -> Union[None, int]: """A helper method to look-up preset gate error ratio for given basis gate name. In the table the error ratio is defined based on the count of typical assembly gate in the gate decomposition. For example, "u3" gate can be decomposed into two "sx" gates. In this case, the ratio of "u3" gate error becomes 2. .. note:: This table is not aware of the actual waveform played on the hardware, and the returned error ratio is just a guess. To be precise, user can always set "gate_error_ratio" option of the experiment. Args: gate: Name of the gate. n_qubits: Number of qubits measured in the RB experiments. Returns: Corresponding error ratio. Raises: QiskitError: When number of qubit is more than three. """ # Gate count in (X, SX)-based decomposition. VZ gate contribution is ignored. # Amplitude or duration modulated pulse implementation is not considered. standard_1q_ratio = { "u1": 0.0, "u2": 1.0, "u3": 2.0, "u": 2.0, "p": 0.0, "x": 1.0, "y": 1.0, "z": 0.0, "t": 0.0, "tdg": 0.0, "s": 0.0, "sdg": 0.0, "sx": 1.0, "sxdg": 1.0, "rx": 2.0, "ry": 2.0, "rz": 0.0, "id": 0.0, "h": 1.0, } # Gate count in (CX, CSX)-based decomposition, 1q gate contribution is ignored. # Amplitude or duration modulated pulse implementation is not considered. standard_2q_ratio = { "swap": 3.0, "rxx": 2.0, "rzz": 2.0, "cx": 1.0, "cy": 1.0, "cz": 1.0, "ch": 1.0, "ecr": 1.0, "crx": 2.0, "cry": 2.0, "crz": 2.0, "csx": 1.0, "cu1": 2.0, "cp": 2.0, "cu": 2.0, "cu3": 2.0, } if n_qubits == 1: return standard_1q_ratio.get(gate, None) if n_qubits == 2: return standard_2q_ratio.get(gate, None) raise QiskitError( f"Standard gate error ratio for {n_qubits} qubit RB is not provided. " "Please explicitly set 'gate_error_ratio' option of the experiment." ) def _calculate_epg( epc: Union[float, "UFloat"], qubits: Sequence[int], gate_error_ratio: Dict[str, float], gate_counts_per_clifford: Dict[QubitGateTuple, float], ) -> Dict[str, Union[float, "UFloat"]]: """A helper method to compute EPGs of basis gates from fit EPC value. Args: epc: Error per Clifford. qubits: List of qubits used in the experiment. gate_error_ratio: A dictionary of assumed ratio of errors among basis gates. gate_counts_per_clifford: Basis gate counts per Clifford gate. Returns: A dictionary of gate errors keyed on the gate name. """ norm = 0 for gate, r_epg in gate_error_ratio.items(): formatted_key = tuple(sorted(qubits)), gate norm += r_epg * gate_counts_per_clifford.get(formatted_key, 0.0) epgs = {} for gate, r_epg in gate_error_ratio.items(): epgs[gate] = r_epg * epc / norm return epgs def _exclude_1q_error( epc: Union[float, "UFloat"], qubits: Tuple[int, int], gate_counts_per_clifford: Dict[QubitGateTuple, float], extra_analyses: Optional[List[AnalysisResult]], ) -> Union[float, "UFloat"]: """A helper method to exclude contribution of single qubit gates from 2Q EPC. Args: epc: EPC from 2Q RB experiment. qubits: Index of two qubits used for 2Q RB experiment. gate_counts_per_clifford: Basis gate counts per 2Q Clifford gate. extra_analyses: Analysis results containing depolarizing parameters of 1Q RB experiments. Returns: Corrected 2Q EPC. """ # Extract EPC of non-measured qubits from previous experiments epg_1qs = {} for analysis_data in extra_analyses: if ( not"EPG_") or len(analysis_data.device_components) > 1 or not str(analysis_data.device_components[0]).startswith("Q") ): continue qind = analysis_data.device_components[0].index gate =[4:] formatted_key = (qind,), gate epg_1qs[formatted_key] = analysis_data.value if not epg_1qs: return epc # Convert 2Q EPC into depolarizing parameter alpha alpha_c_2q = 1 - 4 / 3 * epc # Estimate composite alpha of 1Q channels alpha_i = [1.0, 1.0] for q_gate_tup, epg in epg_1qs.items(): n_gate = gate_counts_per_clifford.get(q_gate_tup, 0.0) aind = qubits.index(q_gate_tup[0][0]) alpha_i[aind] *= (1 - 2 * epg) ** n_gate alpha_c_1q = 1 / 5 * (alpha_i[0] + alpha_i[1] + 3 * alpha_i[0] * alpha_i[1]) # Corrected 2Q channel EPC return 3 / 4 * (1 - (alpha_c_2q / alpha_c_1q))