Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.randomized_benchmarking.interleaved_rb_analysis

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Interleaved RB analysis class.
from typing import List, Union

import lmfit
import numpy as np

import qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis as curve
from qiskit_experiments.framework import AnalysisResultData, ExperimentData

[docs] class InterleavedRBAnalysis(curve.CurveAnalysis): r"""A class to analyze interleaved randomized benchmarking experiment. # section: overview This analysis takes only two series for standard and interleaved RB curve fitting. From the fit :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\alpha_c` value this analysis estimates the error per Clifford (EPC) of the interleaved gate. The EPC estimate is obtained using the equation .. math:: r_{\mathcal{C}}^{\text{est}} = \frac{\left(d-1\right)\left(1-\alpha_{\overline{\mathcal{C}}}/\alpha\right)}{d} The systematic error bounds are given by .. math:: E = \min\left\{ \begin{array}{c} \frac{\left(d-1\right)\left[\left|\alpha-\alpha_{\overline{\mathcal{C}}}\right| +\left(1-\alpha\right)\right]}{d} \\ \frac{2\left(d^{2}-1\right)\left(1-\alpha\right)} {\alpha d^{2}}+\frac{4\sqrt{1-\alpha}\sqrt{d^{2}-1}}{\alpha} \end{array} \right. See Ref. [1] for more details. # section: fit_model The fit is based on the following decay functions: Fit model for standard RB .. math:: F(x) = a \alpha^{x} + b Fit model for interleaved RB .. math:: F(x) = a (\alpha_c \alpha)^{x_2} + b # section: fit_parameters defpar a: desc: Height of decay curve. init_guess: Determined by :math:`1 - b`. bounds: [0, 1] defpar b: desc: Base line. init_guess: Determined by :math:`(1/2)^n` where :math:`n` is number of qubit. bounds: [0, 1] defpar \alpha: desc: Depolarizing parameter. init_guess: Determined by :meth:`.rb_decay` with standard RB curve. bounds: [0, 1] defpar \alpha_c: desc: Ratio of the depolarizing parameter of interleaved RB to standard RB. init_guess: Determined by alpha of interleaved RB curve divided by one of standard RB curve. Both alpha values are estimated by :meth:`.rb_decay`. bounds: [0, 1] # section: reference .. ref_arxiv:: 1 1203.4550 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( models=[ lmfit.models.ExpressionModel( expr="a * alpha ** x + b", name="standard", ), lmfit.models.ExpressionModel( expr="a * (alpha_c * alpha) ** x + b", name="interleaved", ), ] ) self._num_qubits = None @classmethod def _default_options(cls): """Default analysis options.""" default_options = super()._default_options() default_options.data_subfit_map = { "standard": {"interleaved": False}, "interleaved": {"interleaved": True}, } default_options.result_parameters = ["alpha", "alpha_c"] default_options.average_method = "sample" return default_options def _generate_fit_guesses( self, user_opt: curve.FitOptions, curve_data: curve.ScatterTable, ) -> Union[curve.FitOptions, List[curve.FitOptions]]: """Create algorithmic initial fit guess from analysis options and curve data. Args: user_opt: Fit options filled with user provided guess and bounds. curve_data: Formatted data collection to fit. Returns: List of fit options that are passed to the fitter function. """ user_opt.bounds.set_if_empty( a=(0, 1), alpha=(0, 1), alpha_c=(0, 1), b=(0, 1), ) b_guess = 1 / 2**self._num_qubits # for standard RB curve std_curve = curve_data.filter(series="standard") alpha_std = curve.guess.rb_decay(std_curve.x, std_curve.y, b=b_guess) a_std = (std_curve.y[0] - b_guess) / (alpha_std ** std_curve.x[0]) # for interleaved RB curve int_curve = curve_data.filter(series="interleaved") alpha_int = curve.guess.rb_decay(int_curve.x, int_curve.y, b=b_guess) a_int = (int_curve.y[0] - b_guess) / (alpha_int ** int_curve.x[0]) alpha_c = min(alpha_int / alpha_std, 1.0) user_opt.p0.set_if_empty( b=b_guess, a=np.mean([a_std, a_int]), alpha=alpha_std, alpha_c=alpha_c, ) return user_opt def _create_analysis_results( self, fit_data: curve.CurveFitResult, quality: str, **metadata, ) -> List[AnalysisResultData]: """Create analysis results for important fit parameters. Args: fit_data: Fit outcome. quality: Quality of fit outcome. Returns: List of analysis result data. """ outcomes = super()._create_analysis_results(fit_data, quality, **metadata) nrb = 2**self._num_qubits scale = (nrb - 1) / nrb alpha = fit_data.ufloat_params["alpha"] alpha_c = fit_data.ufloat_params["alpha_c"] # Calculate epc_est (=r_c^est) - Eq. (4): epc = scale * (1 - alpha_c) # Calculate the systematic error bounds - Eq. (5): systematic_err_1 = scale * (abs(alpha.n - alpha_c.n) + (1 - alpha.n)) systematic_err_2 = ( 2 * (nrb * nrb - 1) * (1 - alpha.n) / (alpha.n * nrb * nrb) + 4 * (np.sqrt(1 - alpha.n)) * (np.sqrt(nrb * nrb - 1)) / alpha.n ) systematic_err = min(systematic_err_1, systematic_err_2) systematic_err_l = epc.n - systematic_err systematic_err_r = epc.n + systematic_err outcomes.append( AnalysisResultData( name="EPC", value=epc, chisq=fit_data.reduced_chisq, quality=quality, extra={ "EPC_systematic_err": systematic_err, "EPC_systematic_bounds": [max(systematic_err_l, 0), systematic_err_r], **metadata, }, ) ) return outcomes def _initialize( self, experiment_data: ExperimentData, ): """Initialize curve analysis with experiment data. This method is called ahead of other processing. Args: experiment_data: Experiment data to analyze. """ super()._initialize(experiment_data) # Get qubit number self._num_qubits = len(experiment_data.metadata["physical_qubits"])