Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.quantum_volume.qv_analysis

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Quantum Volume analysis class.

import math
import warnings
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import uncertainties
from qiskit_experiments.exceptions import AnalysisError
from qiskit_experiments.framework import (
from qiskit_experiments.visualization import BasePlotter, MplDrawer

[docs] class QuantumVolumePlotter(BasePlotter): """Plotter for QuantumVolumeAnalysis .. note:: This plotter only supports one series, named ``hops``, which it expects to have an ``individual`` data key containing the individual heavy output probabilities for each circuit in the experiment. Additional series will be ignored. """
[docs] @classmethod def expected_series_data_keys(cls) -> List[str]: """Returns the expected series data keys supported by this plotter. Data Keys: individual: Heavy-output probability fraction for each individual circuit """ return ["individual"]
[docs] @classmethod def expected_supplementary_data_keys(cls) -> List[str]: """Returns the expected figures data keys supported by this plotter. Data Keys: depth: The depth of the quantun volume circuits used in the experiment """ return ["depth"]
[docs] def set_supplementary_data(self, **data_kwargs): """Sets supplementary data for the plotter. Args: data_kwargs: See :meth:`expected_supplementary_data_keys` for the expected supplementary data keys. """ # Hook method to capture the depth for inclusion in the plot title if "depth" in data_kwargs: self.set_figure_options( figure_title=( f"Quantum Volume experiment for depth {data_kwargs['depth']}" " - accumulative hop" ), ) super().set_supplementary_data(**data_kwargs)
@classmethod def _default_figure_options(cls) -> Options: options = super()._default_figure_options() options.xlabel = "Number of Trials" options.ylabel = "Heavy Output Probability" options.figure_title = "Quantum Volume experiment - accumulative hop" options.series_params = { "hop": {"color": "gray", "symbol": "."}, "threshold": {"color": "black", "linestyle": "dashed", "linewidth": 1}, "hop_cumulative": {"color": "r"}, "hop_twosigma": {"color": "lightgray"}, } return options @classmethod def _default_options(cls) -> Options: options = super()._default_options()["figsize"] = (6.4, 4.8)["axis_label_size"] = 14["symbol_size"] = 2 return options def _plot_figure(self): (hops,) = self.data_for("hops", ["individual"]) trials = np.arange(1, 1 + len(hops)) hop_accumulative = np.cumsum(hops) / trials hop_twosigma = 2 * (hop_accumulative * (1 - hop_accumulative) / trials) ** 0.5 self.drawer.line( trials, hop_accumulative, name="hop_cumulative", label="Cumulative HOP", legend=True, ) self.drawer.hline( 2 / 3, name="threshold", label="Threshold", legend=True, ) self.drawer.scatter( trials, hops, name="hop", label="Individual HOP", legend=True, linewidth=1.5, ) self.drawer.filled_y_area( trials, hop_accumulative - hop_twosigma, hop_accumulative + hop_twosigma, alpha=0.5, legend=True, name="hop_twosigma", label="2σ", ) self.drawer.set_figure_options( ylim=( max(hop_accumulative[-1] - 4 * hop_twosigma[-1], 0), min(hop_accumulative[-1] + 4 * hop_twosigma[-1], 1), ), )
[docs] class QuantumVolumeAnalysis(BaseAnalysis): r"""A class to analyze quantum volume experiments. # section: overview Calculate the quantum volume of the analysed system. The quantum volume is determined by the largest successful circuit depth. A depth is successful if it has `mean heavy-output probability` > 2/3 with confidence level > 0.977 (corresponding to z_value = 2), and at least 100 trials have been ran. we assume the error (standard deviation) of the heavy output probability is due to a binomial distribution. The standard deviation for binomial distribution is :math:`\sqrt{(np(1-p))}`, where :math:`n` is the number of trials and :math:`p` is the success probability. """ @classmethod def _default_options(cls) -> Options: """Return default analysis options. Analysis Options: plot (bool): Set ``True`` to create figure for fit result. ax (AxesSubplot): Optional. A matplotlib axis object to draw. plotter (BasePlotter): Plotter object to use for figure generation. """ options = super()._default_options() options.plot = True = None options.plotter = QuantumVolumePlotter(MplDrawer()) return options def _run_analysis(self, experiment_data): data = num_trials = len(data) depth = None heavy_output_prob_exp = [] for data_trial in data: trial_depth = data_trial["metadata"]["depth"] if depth is None: depth = trial_depth elif trial_depth != depth: raise AnalysisError("QuantumVolume circuits do not all have the same depth.") heavy_output = self._calc_ideal_heavy_output( data_trial["metadata"]["ideal_probabilities"], trial_depth ) heavy_output_prob_exp.append( self._calc_exp_heavy_output_probability(data_trial, heavy_output) ) hop_result, qv_result = self._calc_quantum_volume(heavy_output_prob_exp, depth, num_trials) if self.options.plot: self.options.plotter.set_series_data("hops", individual=hop_result.extra["HOPs"]) self.options.plotter.set_supplementary_data(depth=hop_result.extra["depth"]) figures = [self.options.plotter.figure()] else: figures = None return [hop_result, qv_result], figures @staticmethod def _calc_ideal_heavy_output(probabilities_vector, depth): """ Calculate the bit strings of the heavy output for the ideal simulation Args: ideal_data (dict): the simulation result of the ideal circuit Returns: list: the bit strings of the heavy output """ format_spec = f"{{0:0{depth}b}}" # Keys are bit strings and values are probabilities of observing those strings all_output_prob_ideal = { format_spec.format(b): float(np.real(probabilities_vector[b])) for b in range(2**depth) } median_probabilities = float(np.real(np.median(probabilities_vector))) heavy_strings = list( filter( lambda x: all_output_prob_ideal[x] > median_probabilities, list(all_output_prob_ideal.keys()), ) ) return heavy_strings @staticmethod def _calc_exp_heavy_output_probability(data, heavy_outputs): """ Calculate the probability of measuring heavy output string in the data Args: data (dict): the result of the circuit execution heavy_outputs (list): the bit strings of the heavy output from the ideal simulation Returns: int: heavy output probability """ circ_shots = sum(data["counts"].values()) # Calculate the number of heavy output counts in the experiment heavy_output_counts = sum(data["counts"].get(value, 0) for value in heavy_outputs) # Calculate the experimental heavy output probability return heavy_output_counts / circ_shots @staticmethod def _calc_z_value(mean, sigma): """Calculate z value using mean and sigma. Args: mean (float): mean sigma (float): standard deviation Returns: float: z_value in standard normal distribution. """ if sigma == 0: # Assign a small value for sigma if sigma = 0 sigma = 1e-10 warnings.warn("Standard deviation sigma should not be zero.") z_value = (mean - 2 / 3) / sigma return z_value @staticmethod def _calc_confidence_level(z_value): """Calculate confidence level using z value. Accumulative probability for standard normal distribution in [-z, +infinity] is 1/2 (1 + erf(z/sqrt(2))), where z = (X - mu)/sigma = (hmean - 2/3)/sigma Args: z_value (float): z value in in standard normal distribution. Returns: float: confidence level in decimal (not percentage). """ confidence_level = 0.5 * (1 + math.erf(z_value / 2**0.5)) return confidence_level def _calc_quantum_volume(self, heavy_output_prob_exp, depth, trials): """ Calc the quantum volume of the analysed system. quantum volume is determined by the largest successful depth. A depth is successful if it has `mean heavy-output probability` > 2/3 with confidence level > 0.977 (corresponding to z_value = 2), and at least 100 trials have been ran. we assume the error (standard deviation) of the heavy output probability is due to a binomial distribution. standard deviation for binomial distribution is sqrt(np(1-p)), where n is the number of trials and p is the success probability. Returns: dict: quantum volume calculations - the quantum volume, whether the results passed the threshold, the confidence of the result, the heavy output probability for each trial, the mean heavy-output probability, the error of the heavy output probability, the depth of the circuit, the number of trials ran """ quantum_volume = 1 success = False mean_hop = np.mean(heavy_output_prob_exp) sigma_hop = (mean_hop * ((1.0 - mean_hop) / trials)) ** 0.5 z = 2 threshold = 2 / 3 + z * sigma_hop z_value = self._calc_z_value(mean_hop, sigma_hop) confidence_level = self._calc_confidence_level(z_value) if confidence_level > 0.977: quality = "good" else: quality = "bad" # Must have at least 100 trials if trials < 100: warnings.warn("Must use at least 100 trials to consider Quantum Volume as successful.") if mean_hop > threshold and trials >= 100: quantum_volume = 2**depth success = True hop_result = AnalysisResultData( "mean_HOP", value=uncertainties.ufloat(nominal_value=mean_hop, std_dev=sigma_hop), quality=quality, extra={ "HOPs": heavy_output_prob_exp, "two_sigma": 2 * sigma_hop, "depth": depth, "trials": trials, }, ) qv_result = AnalysisResultData( "quantum_volume", value=quantum_volume, quality=quality, extra={ "success": success, "confidence": confidence_level, "depth": depth, "trials": trials, }, ) return hop_result, qv_result