Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.tphi

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Tphi Experiment class.

from typing import List, Optional, Union, Sequence
import numpy as np

from qiskit import QiskitError
from qiskit.providers import Backend
from qiskit_experiments.framework.composite.batch_experiment import BatchExperiment
from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization import (

[docs] class Tphi(BatchExperiment): r"""An experiment to measure the qubit dephasing rate in the :math:`x - y` plane. # section: overview :math:`T_\varphi`, or :math:`1/\Gamma_\varphi`, is the pure dephasing time in the :math:`x - y` plane of the Bloch sphere. We compute :math:`\Gamma_\varphi` by computing :math:`\Gamma_2`, the transverse relaxation rate, and subtracting :math:`\Gamma_1`, the longitudinal relaxation rate. It follows that :math:`1/T_\varphi = 1/T_2 - 1/2T_1`. The transverse relaxation rate can be estimated by either :math:`T_2` or :math:`T_2^*` experiments. In superconducting qubits, :math:`T_2^*` tends to be significantly smaller than :math:`T_1`, so :math:`T_2` is usually used. .. note:: In 0.5.0, this experiment changed from using :math:`T_2^*` as the default to :math:`T_2`. # section: analysis_ref :class:`.TPhiAnalysis` # section: example .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: # backend from qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider import FakeManilaV2 from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator from qiskit_aer.noise import NoiseModel noise_model = NoiseModel.from_backend(FakeManilaV2(), thermal_relaxation=True, gate_error=False, readout_error=False, ) backend = AerSimulator.from_backend(FakeManilaV2(), noise_model=noise_model) .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np import qiskit from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization import Tphi delays_t1 = np.arange(1e-6, 300e-6, 10e-6) delays_t2 = np.arange(1e-6, 50e-6, 2e-6) exp = Tphi(physical_qubits=(0, ), delays_t1=delays_t1, delays_t2=delays_t2, backend=backend ) exp_data = display(exp_data.figure(0)) display(exp_data.figure(1)) exp_data.analysis_results(dataframe=True) # section: reference .. ref_arxiv:: 1 1904.06560 # section: manual :doc:`/manuals/characterization/tphi` # section: see_also * :py:class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.T1` * :py:class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.T2Ramsey` * :py:class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.T2Hahn` """ def __init__( self, physical_qubits: Sequence[int], delays_t1: List[Union[List[float], np.array]], delays_t2: List[Union[List[float], np.array]], t2type: str = "hahn", osc_freq: float = 0.0, num_echoes: int = 1, backend: Optional[Backend] = None, ): """Initialize the experiment object. Args: physical_qubits: A single-element sequence containing the qubit under test. t2type: What type of T2/T2* experiment to use. Can be either "ramsey" for :class:`.T2Ramsey` to be used, or "hahn" for :class:`.T2Hahn`. Defaults to "hahn". delays_t1: Delay times of the T1 experiment. delays_t2: Delay times of the T2 experiment. osc_freq: The oscillation frequency induced for T2Ramsey. Only used when ``t2type`` is set to "ramsey". num_echoes: The number of echoes to perform for T2Hahn. Only used when ``t2type`` is set to "hahn". backend: Optional, the backend on which to run the experiment. Raises: QiskitError: If an invalid ``t2type`` is provided. """ exp_t1 = T1(physical_qubits=physical_qubits, delays=delays_t1, backend=backend) exp_options = {"delays_t1": delays_t1, "delays_t2": delays_t2} if t2type == "ramsey": exp_t2 = T2Ramsey( physical_qubits=physical_qubits, delays=delays_t2, backend=backend, osc_freq=osc_freq, ) exp_options["osc_freq"] = osc_freq elif t2type == "hahn": exp_t2 = T2Hahn( physical_qubits=physical_qubits, delays=delays_t2, backend=backend, num_echoes=num_echoes, ) exp_options["num_echoes"] = num_echoes else: raise QiskitError(f"Invalid T2 experiment type {t2type} specified.") analysis = TphiAnalysis([exp_t1.analysis, exp_t2.analysis]) # Create batch experiment super().__init__( [exp_t1, exp_t2], flatten_results=True, backend=backend, analysis=analysis, ) self.set_experiment_options(**exp_options)
[docs] def set_experiment_options(self, **fields): """Set the experiment options. Args: fields: The fields defining the options. Raises: QiskitError: Invalid input option. """ # propagate options to the sub-experiments. for key in fields: if key == "delays_t1": self.component_experiment(0).set_experiment_options(delays=fields["delays_t1"]) elif key == "delays_t2": self.component_experiment(1).set_experiment_options(delays=fields["delays_t2"]) elif key == "osc_freq" and isinstance(self.component_experiment(1), T2Ramsey): self.component_experiment(1).set_experiment_options(osc_freq=fields["osc_freq"]) elif key == "num_echoes" and isinstance(self.component_experiment(1), T2Hahn): self.component_experiment(1).set_experiment_options(num_echoes=fields["num_echoes"]) else: raise QiskitError(f"Tphi experiment does not support option {key}.")