Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.readout_angle
# This code is part of Qiskit.## (C) Copyright IBM 2021.## This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory# of this source tree or at Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating# that they have been altered from the originals."""Readout Angle Experiment class."""fromtypingimportList,Optional,Sequencefromqiskit.circuitimportQuantumCircuitfromqiskit.qobj.utilsimportMeasLevelfromqiskit.providers.backendimportBackendfromqiskit_experiments.frameworkimportBaseExperiment,Optionsfromqiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis.readout_angle_analysisimport(ReadoutAngleAnalysis,)
[docs]classReadoutAngle(BaseExperiment):r""" An experiment to measure the angle between ground and excited state IQ clusters. # section: overview Design and analyze experiments for estimating readout angle of the qubit. The readout angle is the average of two angles: the angle of the IQ cluster center of the ground state, and the angle of the IQ cluster center of the excited state. Each experiment consists of the following steps: 1. Circuits generation: two circuits, the first circuit measures the qubit in the ground state, the second circuit sets the qubit in the excited state and measures it. Measurements are in level 1 (kerneled). 2. Backend execution: actually running the circuits on the device (or a simulator that supports level 1 measurements). The backend returns the cluster centers of the ground and excited states. 3. Analysis of results: return the average of the angles of the two centers. # section: analysis_ref :class:`ReadoutAngleAnalysis` # section: example .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: # backend from qiskit_experiments.test.pulse_backend import SingleTransmonTestBackend backend = SingleTransmonTestBackend(5.2e9,-.25e9, 1e9, 0.8e9, 1e4, noise=False, seed=199) .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization import ReadoutAngle exp = ReadoutAngle((0,), backend=backend) exp_data = display(exp_data.figure(0)) exp_data.analysis_results(dataframe=True) """@classmethoddef_default_run_options(cls)->Options:"""Default run options."""options=super()._default_run_options()options.meas_level=MeasLevel.KERNELEDoptions.meas_return="avg"returnoptionsdef__init__(self,physical_qubits:Sequence[int],backend:Optional[Backend]=None,):""" Initialize the readout angle experiment class Args: physical_qubits: a single-element sequence containing the qubit whose readout angle is to be estimated backend: Optional, the backend to run the experiment on. """# Initialize base experimentsuper().__init__(physical_qubits,analysis=ReadoutAngleAnalysis(),backend=backend)
[docs]defcircuits(self)->List[QuantumCircuit]:""" Return a list of experiment circuits Returns: The experiment circuits """circ0=QuantumCircuit(1,1)circ0.measure(0,0)circ0.metadata={"xval":0}circ1=QuantumCircuit(1,1)circ1.x(0)circ1.measure(0,0)circ1.metadata={"xval":1}return[circ0,circ1]