Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis.tphi_analysis

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Tphi Analysis class.

from typing import List, Tuple

from qiskit_experiments.framework import ExperimentData, AnalysisResultData
from qiskit_experiments.framework.composite.composite_analysis import CompositeAnalysis
from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis import (
from qiskit_experiments.exceptions import QiskitError

[docs] class TphiAnalysis(CompositeAnalysis): r"""A class to analyze :math:`T_\phi` experiments. # section: see_also * :py:class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis.T1Analysis` * :py:class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis.T2HahnAnalysis` * :py:class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis.T2RamseyAnalysis` """ def __init__(self, analyses=None): if analyses is None: analyses = [T1Analysis(), T2HahnAnalysis()] # Validate analyses kwarg if ( len(analyses) != 2 or not isinstance(analyses[0], T1Analysis) or not isinstance(analyses[1], (T2RamseyAnalysis, T2HahnAnalysis)) ): raise QiskitError( "Invalid component analyses for Tphi, analyses must be a pair of " "T1Analysis and T2HahnAnalysis or T2RamseyAnalysis instances." ) super().__init__(analyses, flatten_results=True) def _run_analysis( self, experiment_data: ExperimentData ) -> Tuple[List[AnalysisResultData], List["matplotlib.figure.Figure"]]: r"""Run analysis for :math:`T_\phi` experiment. It invokes CompositeAnalysis._run_analysis that will invoke _run_analysis for the two sub-experiments. Based on the results, it computes the result for :math:`T_phi`. """ # Run composite analysis and extract T1 and T2 results analysis_results, figures = super()._run_analysis(experiment_data) t1_result = next(filter(lambda res: == "T1", analysis_results)) t2_result = next(filter(lambda res: in {"T2star", "T2"}, analysis_results)) # Calculate Tphi from T1 and T2 tphi = 1 / (1 / t2_result.value - 1 / (2 * t1_result.value)) quality_tphi = ( "good" if (t1_result.quality == "good" and t2_result.quality == "good") else "bad" ) tphi_result = AnalysisResultData( name="T_phi", value=tphi, chisq=None, quality=quality_tphi, extra={"unit": "s"}, ) # Return combined results analysis_results = [tphi_result] + analysis_results return analysis_results, figures