Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis.readout_angle_analysis

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
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Readout Angle Analysis class.

from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np

from qiskit_experiments.framework import BaseAnalysis, AnalysisResultData, Options
from qiskit_experiments.framework.matplotlib import get_non_gui_ax

[docs] class ReadoutAngleAnalysis(BaseAnalysis): """ A class to analyze readout angle experiments """ @classmethod def _default_options(cls) -> Options: """Return default analysis options. Analysis Options: plot (bool): Set ``True`` to create figure for fit result. ax (AxesSubplot): Optional. A matplotlib axis object to draw. """ options = super()._default_options() options.plot = True = None return options def _run_analysis(self, experiment_data): angles = [] radii = [] centers = [] for i in range(2): center = complex(*["memory"][0]) angles.append(np.angle(center)) radii.append(np.absolute(center)) centers.append(center) angle = (angles[0] + angles[1]) / 2 if (np.abs(angles[0] - angles[1])) % (2 * np.pi) > np.pi: angle += np.pi extra_results = {} extra_results["readout_angle_0"] = angles[0] extra_results["readout_angle_1"] = angles[1] extra_results["readout_radius_0"] = radii[0] extra_results["readout_radius_1"] = radii[1] analysis_results = [ AnalysisResultData(name="readout_angle", value=angle, extra=extra_results) ] if self.options.plot: ax = self._format_plot(centers, figures = [ax.get_figure()] else: figures = None return analysis_results, figures @staticmethod def _format_plot(centers: List[complex], ax: Optional["matplotlib.pyplot.AxesSubplot"] = None): """Format the readout_angle plot Args: centers: the two centers of the level 1 measurements for 0 and for 1. ax: matplotlib axis to add plot to. Returns: AxesSubPlot: the matplotlib axes containing the plot. """ largest_extent = ( np.max([np.max(np.abs(np.real(centers))), np.max(np.abs(np.imag(centers)))]) * 1.1 ) ax = get_non_gui_ax() ax.plot(np.real(centers[0]), np.imag(centers[0]), "ro", markersize=24) ax.plot(np.real(centers[1]), np.imag(centers[1]), "bo", markersize=24) ax.set_xlim([-largest_extent, largest_extent]) ax.set_ylim([-largest_extent, largest_extent]) ax.set_xlabel("I [arb.]") ax.set_ylabel("Q [arb.]") ax.set_title("Centroid Positions") ax.legend(["0", "1"]) return ax