# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""The analysis class for the Ramsey XY experiment."""
from typing import List, Union
import lmfit
import numpy as np
import qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis as curve
class RamseyXYAnalysis(curve.CurveAnalysis):
r"""Ramsey XY analysis based on a fit to a cosine function and a sine function.
# section: fit_model
Analyze a Ramsey XY experiment by fitting the X and Y series to a cosine and sine
function, respectively. The two functions share the frequency and amplitude parameters.
.. math::
y_X = {\rm amp}e^{-x/\tau}\cos\left(2\pi\cdot{\rm freq}_i\cdot x\right) + {\rm base} \\
y_Y = {\rm amp}e^{-x/\tau}\sin\left(2\pi\cdot{\rm freq}_i\cdot x\right) + {\rm base}
# section: fit_parameters
defpar \rm amp:
desc: Amplitude of both series.
init_guess: Half of the maximum y value less the minimum y value. When the
oscillation frequency is low, it uses an averaged difference of
Ramsey X data - Ramsey Y data.
bounds: [0, 2 * average y peak-to-peak]
defpar \tau:
desc: The exponential decay of the curve.
init_guess: The initial guess is obtained by fitting an exponential to the
square root of (X data)**2 + (Y data)**2.
bounds: [0, inf]
defpar \rm base:
desc: Base line of both series.
init_guess: Roughly the average of the data. When the oscillation frequency is low,
it uses an averaged data of Ramsey Y experiment.
bounds: [min y - average y peak-to-peak, max y + average y peak-to-peak]
defpar \rm freq:
desc: Frequency of both series. This is the parameter of interest.
init_guess: The frequency with the highest power spectral density.
bounds: [-inf, inf]
defpar \rm phase:
desc: Common phase offset.
init_guess: 0
bounds: [-pi, pi]
def __init__(self):
expr="amp * exp(-x / tau) * cos(2 * pi * freq * x + phase) + base",
expr="amp * exp(-x / tau) * sin(2 * pi * freq * x + phase) + base",
def _default_options(cls):
"""Return the default analysis options.
See :meth:`~qiskit_experiment.curve_analysis.CurveAnalysis._default_options` for
descriptions of analysis options.
default_options = super()._default_options()
default_options.data_subfit_map = {
"X": {"series": "X"},
"Y": {"series": "Y"},
ylabel="Signal (arb. units)",
default_options.result_parameters = ["freq"]
return default_options
def _generate_fit_guesses(
user_opt: curve.FitOptions,
curve_data: curve.ScatterTable,
) -> Union[curve.FitOptions, List[curve.FitOptions]]:
"""Create algorithmic initial fit guess from analysis options and curve data.
user_opt: Fit options filled with user provided guess and bounds.
curve_data: Formatted data collection to fit.
List of fit options that are passed to the fitter function.
ramx_data = curve_data.filter(series="X")
ramy_data = curve_data.filter(series="Y")
# At very low frequency, y value of X (Y) curve stay at P=1.0 (0.5) for all x values.
# Computing y peak-to-peak with combined data gives fake amplitude of 0.25.
# Same for base, i.e. P=0.75 is often estimated in this case.
full_y_ptp = np.ptp(curve_data.y)
avg_y_ptp = 0.5 * (np.ptp(ramx_data.y) + np.ptp(ramy_data.y))
max_y = np.max(curve_data.y)
min_y = np.min(curve_data.y)
amp=(0, full_y_ptp * 2),
tau=(0, np.inf),
base=(min_y - avg_y_ptp, max_y + avg_y_ptp),
phase=(-np.pi, np.pi),
if avg_y_ptp < 0.5 * full_y_ptp:
# When X and Y curve don't oscillate, X (Y) usually stays at P(1) = 1.0 (0.5).
# So peak-to-peak of full data is something around P(1) = 0.75, while
# single curve peak-to-peak is almost zero.
avg_x = np.average(ramx_data.y)
avg_y = np.average(ramy_data.y)
amp=np.abs(avg_x - avg_y),
tau=100 * np.max(curve_data.x),
return user_opt
base_guess_x = curve.guess.constant_sinusoidal_offset(ramx_data.y)
base_guess_y = curve.guess.constant_sinusoidal_offset(ramy_data.y)
base_guess = 0.5 * (base_guess_x + base_guess_y)
amp=0.5 * full_y_ptp,
# Guess the exponential decay by combining both curves
ramx_unbiased = ramx_data.y - user_opt.p0["base"]
ramy_unbiased = ramy_data.y - user_opt.p0["base"]
decay_data = ramx_unbiased**2 + ramy_unbiased**2
if np.ptp(decay_data) < 0.95 * 0.5 * full_y_ptp:
# When decay is less than 95 % of peak-to-peak value, ignore decay and
# set large enough tau value compared with the measured x range.
user_opt.p0.set_if_empty(tau=1000 * np.max(curve_data.x))
user_opt.p0.set_if_empty(tau=-1 / curve.guess.exp_decay(ramx_data.x, decay_data))
# Guess the oscillation frequency, remove offset to eliminate DC peak
freq_guess_x = curve.guess.frequency(ramx_data.x, ramx_unbiased)
freq_guess_y = curve.guess.frequency(ramy_data.x, ramy_unbiased)
freq_val = 0.5 * (freq_guess_x + freq_guess_y)
# FFT might be up to 1/2 bin off
df = 2 * np.pi / (np.min(np.diff(ramx_data.x)) * ramx_data.x.size)
freq_guesses = [freq_val - df, freq_val + df, freq_val]
# Ramsey XY is frequency sign sensitive.
# Since experimental data is noisy, correct sign is hardly estimated with phase velocity.
# Try both positive and negative frequency to find the best fit.
opts = []
for sign in (1, -1):
for freq_guess in freq_guesses:
opt = user_opt.copy()
opt.p0.set_if_empty(freq=sign * freq_guess)
return opts
def _evaluate_quality(self, fit_data: curve.CurveFitResult) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Algorithmic criteria for whether the fit is good or bad.
A good fit has:
- a reduced chi-squared lower than three and greater than zero,
- an error on the frequency smaller than the frequency.
fit_freq = fit_data.ufloat_params["freq"]
criteria = [
0 < fit_data.reduced_chisq < 3,
if all(criteria):
return "good"
return "bad"