Source code for qiskit_experiments.framework.provider_interfaces
# This code is part of Qiskit.## (C) Copyright IBM 2021.## This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory# of this source tree or at Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating# that they have been altered from the originals."""Definitions of interfaces for classes working with circuit executionQiskit Experiments tries to maintain the flexibility to work with multipleproviders of quantum circuit execution, like Qiskit IBM Runtime, QiskitDynamics, and Qiskit Aer. These different circuit execution providers do notfollow exactly the same interface. This module provides definitions of thesubset of the interfaces that Qiskit Experiments needs in order to analyzeexperiment results."""from__future__importannotationsfromtypingimportProtocol,Unionfromqiskit.resultimportResultfromqiskit.primitivesimportPrimitiveResultfromqiskit.providersimportBackend,JobStatus
[docs]classBaseJob(Protocol):"""Required interface definition of a job class as needed for experiment data"""
[docs]defcancel(self):"""Cancel the job"""raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]defjob_id(self)->str:"""Return the ID string for the job"""raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]defresult(self)->Result|PrimitiveResult:"""Return the job result data"""raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]defstatus(self)->JobStatus|str:"""Return the status of the job"""raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]classExtendedJob(BaseJob,Protocol):"""Job interface with methods to support all of experiment data's features"""
[docs]defbackend(self)->Backend:"""Return the backend associated with a job"""raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]deferror_message(self)->str|None:"""Returns the reason the job failed"""raiseNotImplementedError
Job=Union[BaseJob,ExtendedJob]"""Union type of job interfaces supported by Qiskit Experiments"""
[docs]classBaseProvider(Protocol):"""Interface definition of a provider class as needed for experiment data"""
[docs]defjob(self,job_id:str)->Job:"""Retrieve a job object using its job ID Args: job_id: Job ID. Returns: The retrieved job """raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]classIBMProvider(BaseProvider,Protocol):"""Provider interface needed for supporting features like IBM Quantum This interface is the subset of :class:`~qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService` needed for all features of Qiskit Experiments. Another provider could implement this interface to support these features as well. """
[docs]defactive_account(self)->dict[str,str]|None:"""Return the IBM Quantum account information currently in use This method returns the current account information in a dictionary format. It is used to copy the credentials for use with ``qiskit-ibm-experiment`` without requiring specifying the credentials for the provider and ``qiskit-ibm-experiment`` separately It should include ``"url"`` and ``"token"`` as keys for the authentication to work. Returns: A dictionary with information about the account currently in the session. """raiseNotImplementedError
Provider=Union[BaseProvider,IBMProvider]"""Union type of provider interfaces supported by Qiskit Experiments"""