Source code for qiskit_experiments.framework.composite.composite_experiment

# This code is part of Qiskit.
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Composite Experiment abstract base class.

from typing import List, Sequence, Optional, Union
from abc import abstractmethod
import warnings
from qiskit.providers.backend import Backend
from qiskit_experiments.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit_experiments.framework import BaseExperiment
from .composite_analysis import CompositeAnalysis

[docs] class CompositeExperiment(BaseExperiment): """Composite Experiment base class""" def __init__( self, experiments: List[BaseExperiment], physical_qubits: Sequence[int], backend: Optional[Backend] = None, experiment_type: Optional[str] = None, flatten_results: bool = True, analysis: Optional[CompositeAnalysis] = None, ): """Initialize the composite experiment object. Args: experiments: a list of experiment objects. physical_qubits: list of physical qubits for the experiment. backend: Optional, the backend to run the experiment on. experiment_type: Optional, composite experiment subclass name. flatten_results: If True flatten all component experiment results into a single ExperimentData container, including nested composite experiments. If False save each component experiment results as a separate child ExperimentData container. This kwarg is ignored if the analysis kwarg is used. analysis: Optional, the composite analysis class to use. If not provided this will be initialized automatically from the supplied experiments. Raises: QiskitError: If the provided analysis class is not a CompositeAnalysis instance. """ self._experiments = experiments self._num_experiments = len(experiments) if analysis is None: analysis = CompositeAnalysis( [exp.analysis for exp in self._experiments], flatten_results=flatten_results ) super().__init__( physical_qubits, analysis=analysis, backend=backend, experiment_type=experiment_type, )
[docs] @abstractmethod def circuits(self): pass
[docs] def set_transpile_options(self, **fields): super().set_transpile_options(**fields) # Recursively set transpile options of component experiments for exp in self._experiments: exp.set_transpile_options(**fields)
@property def num_experiments(self): """Return the number of sub experiments""" return self._num_experiments
[docs] def component_experiment(self, index=None) -> Union[BaseExperiment, List[BaseExperiment]]: """Return the component Experiment object. Args: index (int): Experiment index, or ``None`` if all experiments are to be returned. Returns: BaseExperiment: The component experiment(s). """ if index is None: return self._experiments return self._experiments[index]
@property def analysis(self) -> Union[CompositeAnalysis, None]: """Return the analysis instance for the experiment""" return self._analysis @analysis.setter def analysis(self, analysis: Union[CompositeAnalysis, None]) -> None: """Set the analysis instance for the experiment""" if analysis is not None and not isinstance(analysis, CompositeAnalysis): raise TypeError("Input is not a None or a CompositeAnalysis subclass.") self._analysis = analysis
[docs] def copy(self) -> "BaseExperiment": """Return a copy of the experiment""" ret = super().copy() # Recursively call copy of component experiments ret._experiments = [exp.copy() for exp in self._experiments] # Check if the analysis in CompositeAnalysis was a reference to the # original component experiment analyses and if so update the copies # to preserve this relationship if isinstance(self.analysis, CompositeAnalysis): for i, orig_exp in enumerate(self._experiments): if orig_exp.analysis is self.analysis._analyses[i]: # Update copies analysis with reference to experiment analysis ret.analysis._analyses[i] = ret._experiments[i].analysis return ret
[docs] def set_run_options(self, **fields): super().set_run_options(**fields) for subexp in self._experiments: subexp.set_run_options(**fields)
def _set_backend(self, backend): super()._set_backend(backend) for subexp in self._experiments: subexp._set_backend(backend) def _finalize(self): # NOTE: When CompositeAnalysis is updated to support level-1 # measurements this method should be updated to validate that all # sub-experiments have the same meas level and meas return types, # and update the composite experiment run option to that value. # # In addition, we raise an error if we detect inconsistencies in # the usage of BatchExperiment separate_job experiment option. for i, subexp in enumerate(self._experiments): # Validate set and default run options in component experiment # against and component experiment run options and raise a # warning if any are different and will be overridden overridden_keys = [] sub_vals = [] comp_vals = [] for key, sub_val in subexp.run_options.__dict__.items(): comp_val = getattr(self.run_options, key, None) if sub_val != comp_val: overridden_keys.append(key) sub_vals.append(sub_val) comp_vals.append(comp_val) if overridden_keys: warnings.warn( f"Component {i} {subexp.experiment_type} experiment run options" f" {overridden_keys} values {sub_vals} will be overridden with" f" {self.experiment_type} values {comp_vals}.", UserWarning, ) # Update sub-experiment options with actual run option values so # they can be used by that sub experiments _finalize method. subexp.set_run_options(**dict(zip(overridden_keys, comp_vals))) if not self.experiment_options.get( "separate_jobs", False ) and subexp.experiment_options.get("separate_jobs", False): raise QiskitError( "It is not allowed to request to separate jobs in a child experiment," " if its parent does not separate jobs as well" ) # Call sub-experiments finalize method subexp._finalize() def _metadata(self): """Add component experiment metadata""" metadata = super()._metadata() metadata["component_types"] = [ sub_exp.experiment_type for sub_exp in self.component_experiment() ] metadata["component_metadata"] = [ sub_exp._metadata() for sub_exp in self.component_experiment() ] return metadata