# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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Batch Experiment class.
from typing import List, Optional, Dict
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.providers import Job, Backend, Options
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import SamplerV2 as Sampler
from .composite_experiment import CompositeExperiment, BaseExperiment
from .composite_analysis import CompositeAnalysis
class BatchExperiment(CompositeExperiment):
"""Combine multiple experiments into a batch experiment.
Batch experiments combine individual experiments on any subset of qubits
into a single composite experiment which appends all the circuits from
each component experiment into a single batch of circuits to be executed
as one experiment job.
Analysis of batch experiments is performed using the
:class:`~qiskit_experiments.framework.CompositeAnalysis` class which handles
sorting the composite experiment circuit data into individual child
:class:`ExperimentData` containers for each component experiment which are
then analyzed using the corresponding analysis class for that component
See :class:`~qiskit_experiments.framework.CompositeAnalysis`
documentation for additional information.
def __init__(
experiments: List[BaseExperiment],
backend: Optional[Backend] = None,
flatten_results: bool = True,
analysis: Optional[CompositeAnalysis] = None,
experiment_type: Optional[str] = None,
"""Initialize a batch experiment.
experiments: a list of experiments.
backend: Optional, the backend to run the experiment on.
flatten_results: If True flatten all component experiment results
into a single ExperimentData container, including
nested composite experiments. If False save each
component experiment results as a separate child
ExperimentData container. This kwarg is ignored
if the analysis kwarg is used.
analysis: Optional, the composite analysis class to use. If not
provided this will be initialized automatically from the
supplied experiments.
# Generate qubit map
self._qubit_map = OrderedDict()
logical_qubit = 0
for expr in experiments:
for physical_qubit in expr.physical_qubits:
if physical_qubit not in self._qubit_map:
self._qubit_map[physical_qubit] = logical_qubit
logical_qubit += 1
qubits = tuple(self._qubit_map.keys())
def circuits(self):
return self._batch_circuits(to_transpile=False)
def _transpiled_circuits(self):
return self._batch_circuits(to_transpile=True)
def _batch_circuits(self, to_transpile=False):
batch_circuits = []
# Generate data for combination
for index, expr in enumerate(self._experiments):
if self.physical_qubits == expr.physical_qubits or to_transpile:
qubit_mapping = None
qubit_mapping = [self._qubit_map[qubit] for qubit in expr.physical_qubits]
if isinstance(expr, BatchExperiment):
# Batch experiments don't contain their own native circuits.
# If to_transpile is True then the circuits will be transpiled at the non-batch
# experiments.
# Fetch the circuits from the sub-experiments.
expr_circuits = expr._batch_circuits(to_transpile)
elif to_transpile:
expr_circuits = expr._transpiled_circuits()
expr_circuits = expr.circuits()
for circuit in expr_circuits:
# Update metadata
circuit.metadata = {
"experiment_type": self._type,
"composite_metadata": [circuit.metadata],
"composite_index": [index],
# Remap qubits if required
if qubit_mapping:
circuit = self._remap_qubits(circuit, qubit_mapping)
return batch_circuits
def _remap_qubits(self, circuit, qubit_mapping):
"""Remap qubits if physical qubit layout is different to batch layout"""
num_qubits = self.num_qubits
num_clbits = circuit.num_clbits
new_circuit = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits, num_clbits, name="batch_" + circuit.name)
new_circuit.metadata = circuit.metadata
new_circuit.append(circuit, qubit_mapping, list(range(num_clbits)))
return new_circuit
def _run_jobs_recursive(
circuits: List[QuantumCircuit],
truncated_metadata: List[Dict],
sampler: Sampler = None,
) -> List[Job]:
# The truncated metadata is a truncation of the original composite metadata.
# During the recursion, the current experiment (self) will be at the head of the truncated
# metadata.
if self.experiment_options.separate_jobs:
# A dictionary that maps sub-experiments to their circuits
circs_by_subexps = defaultdict(list)
for circ_iter, (circ, tmd) in enumerate(zip(circuits, truncated_metadata)):
# For batch experiments the composite index is always a list of length 1,
# because unlike parallel experiment, each circuit originates from a single
# sub-experiment.
circ_index = tmd["composite_index"][0]
# For batch experiments the composite metadata is always a list of length 1,
# because unlike parallel experiment, each circuit originates from a single
# sub-experiment.
truncated_metadata[circ_iter] = tmd["composite_metadata"][0]
jobs = []
for index, exp in enumerate(self.component_experiment()):
# Currently all the sub-experiments must use the same set of run options,
# even if they run in different jobs
if isinstance(exp, BatchExperiment):
new_jobs = exp._run_jobs_recursive(
circs_by_subexps[index], truncated_metadata, sampler, **run_options
new_jobs = exp._run_jobs(circs_by_subexps[index], sampler, **run_options)
jobs = super()._run_jobs(circuits, sampler, **run_options)
return jobs
def _run_jobs(
self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit], sampler: Sampler = None, **run_options
) -> List[Job]:
truncated_metadata = [circ.metadata for circ in circuits]
jobs = self._run_jobs_recursive(circuits, truncated_metadata, sampler, **run_options)
return jobs
def _default_experiment_options(cls) -> Options:
"""Default experiment options.
Experiment Options:
separate_jobs (Boolean): Whether to route different sub-experiments to different jobs.
options = super()._default_experiment_options()
options.separate_jobs = False
return options