Source code for qiskit_experiments.framework.analysis_result_table

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""A table-like dataset for analysis results."""
from __future__ import annotations

import re
import threading
import uuid
import warnings
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from qiskit_experiments.database_service.exceptions import ExperimentEntryNotFound

[docs] class AnalysisResultTable: """A table-like dataset for analysis results. Default table columns are defined in the class attribute :attr:`.DEFAULT_COLUMNS`. The table is automatically expanded when an extra key is included in the input dictionary data. Missing columns in the input data are filled with a null value. Table row index (i.e. entry ID) is created by truncating the result_id string which is basically a UUID-4 string. A random unique ID is generated when the result_id is missing in the input data. Any operation on the table value via the instance methods guarantees thread safety. """ VALID_ID_REGEX = re.compile(r"\A(?P<short_id>\w{8})-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}\Z") DEFAULT_COLUMNS = [ "name", "experiment", "components", "value", "quality", "experiment_id", "result_id", "tags", "backend", "run_time", "created_time", ] def __init__(self): """Create new dataset.""" self._data = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.DEFAULT_COLUMNS) self._lock = threading.RLock()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, data: pd.DataFrame) -> "AnalysisResultTable": """Create new dataset with existing dataframe. Args: data: Bare dataframe object. Returns: A new AnalysisResults instance. """ instance = AnalysisResultTable() instance._data = pd.concat([instance._data, data]) return instance
@property def dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Dataframe object of analysis results.""" with self._lock: return self._data.copy(deep=False) @property def result_ids(self) -> list[str]: """Result IDs in current dataset.""" with self._lock: return list(self._data.result_id) @property def columns(self) -> list[str]: """All columns in current dataset.""" with self._lock: return list(self._data.columns)
[docs] def add_data( self, *, result_id: str | None = None, **data, ) -> str: """Add new data to this dataset. Args: result_id: A unique UUID-4 string for this data entry. The full string is used to identify the data in the experiment service database, and a short ID is created by truncating this string as a dataframe index. data: Arbitrary key-value pairs representing a single data entry. Missing values for default columns are filled with ``None``. Returns: Assigned analysis result ID. """ result_id = result_id or self._create_unique_hash() if matched := re.match(self.VALID_ID_REGEX, result_id): # Short unique index is generated from result id. # Showing full result id unnecessary occupies horizontal space of the html table. # This mechanism is inspired by the github commit hash. index ="short_id") else: warnings.warn( f"Result ID of {result_id} is not a valid UUID-4 string. ", UserWarning, ) index = result_id[:8] with self._lock: if index in self._data.index: raise ValueError( f"Table entry index {index} already exists. " "Please use another ID to avoid index collision." ) # Add missing columns to the table if missing := data.keys() - set(self._data.columns): for k in data: # Order sensitive if k in missing: loc = len(self._data.columns) self._data.insert(loc, k, value=None) # A hack to avoid unwanted dtype update. Appending new row with .loc indexer # performs enlargement and implicitly changes dtype. This often induces a confusion of # NaN (numeric container) and None (object container) for missing values. # Filling a row with None values before assigning actual values can keep column dtype, # but this behavior might change in future pandas version. # # Also see test.framework.test_data_table.TestBaseTable.test_type_* self._data.loc[index, :] = [None] * len(self._data.columns) template = dict.fromkeys(self.columns, None) template["result_id"] = result_id template.update(data) self._data.loc[index, :] = pd.array(list(template.values()), dtype=object) return index
[docs] def get_data( self, key: str | int | slice | None = None, columns: str | list[str] = "default", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get matched entries from this dataset. Args: key: Identifier of the entry of interest. columns: List of names or a policy (default, minimal, all) of data columns included in the returned data frame. Returns: Matched entries in a single data frame or series. """ if key is None: with self._lock: out = self._data.copy() else: uids = self._resolve_key(key) with self._lock: out = self._data.filter(items=uids, axis=0) if columns != "all": valid_columns = self._resolve_columns(columns) out = out[valid_columns] return out
[docs] def del_data( self, key: str | int, ) -> list[str]: """Delete matched entries from this dataset. Args: key: Identifier of the entry of interest. Returns: Deleted analysis result IDs. """ uids = self._resolve_key(key) with self._lock: self._data.drop(uids, inplace=True) return uids
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all table entries.""" with self._lock: self._data = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)
[docs] def copy(self): """Create new thread-safe instance with the same data. .. note:: This returns a new object with shallow copied data frame. """ with self._lock: # Hold the lock so that no data can be added new_instance = self.__class__() new_instance._data = self._data.copy(deep=False) return new_instance
def _create_unique_hash(self) -> str: with self._lock: n = 0 while n < 1000: tmp_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if tmp_id[:8] not in self._data.index: return tmp_id raise RuntimeError( "Unique result_id string cannot be prepared for this table within 1000 trials. " "Reduce number of entries, or manually provide a unique result_id." ) def _resolve_columns(self, columns: str | list[str]): with self._lock: extra_columns = [c for c in self._data.columns if c not in self.DEFAULT_COLUMNS] if columns == "default": return [ "name", "experiment", "components", "value", "quality", "backend", "run_time", ] + extra_columns if columns == "minimal": return [ "name", "components", "value", "quality", ] + extra_columns if not isinstance(columns, str): out = [] for column in columns: if column in self._data.columns: out.append(column) else: warnings.warn( f"Specified column {column} does not exist in this table.", UserWarning, ) return out raise ValueError( f"Column group {columns} is not valid name. Use either 'all', 'default', 'minimal'." ) def _resolve_key(self, key: int | slice | str) -> list[str]: with self._lock: if isinstance(key, int): if key >= len(self): raise ExperimentEntryNotFound(f"Analysis result {key} not found.") return [self._data.index[key]] if isinstance(key, slice): keys = list(self._data.index)[key] if len(keys) == 0: raise ExperimentEntryNotFound(f"Analysis result {key} not found.") return keys if isinstance(key, str): if key in self._data.index: return [key] # This key is name of entry loc = self._data["name"] == key if not any(loc): raise ExperimentEntryNotFound(f"Analysis result {key} not found.") return list(self._data.index[loc]) raise TypeError(f"Invalid key type {type(key)}. The key must be either int, slice, or str.")
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self._data)
def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._data.index def __json_encode__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: with self._lock: return { "class": "AnalysisResultTable", "data": self._data.to_dict(orient="index"), } @classmethod def __json_decode__(cls, value: dict[str, Any]) -> "AnalysisResultTable": if not value.get("class", None) == "AnalysisResultTable": raise ValueError("JSON decoded value for AnalysisResultTable is not valid class type.") instance = object.__new__(cls) instance._lock = threading.RLock() instance._data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( data=value.get("data", {}), orient="index", ).replace({np.nan: None}) return instance def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["_lock"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self._lock = threading.RLock()