Source code for qiskit_experiments.data_processing.mitigation.base_readout_mitigator
# This code is part of Qiskit.## (C) Copyright IBM 2021## This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory# of this source tree or at Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating# that they have been altered from the originals."""Base class for readout error mitigation."""fromabcimportABC,abstractmethodfromtypingimportOptional,List,Iterable,Tuple,Union,Callableimportnumpyasnpfromqiskit.result.countsimportCountsfromqiskit.result.distributions.quasiimportQuasiDistribution
[docs]@abstractmethoddefquasi_probabilities(self,data:Counts,qubits:Iterable[int]=None,clbits:Optional[List[int]]=None,shots:Optional[int]=None,)->QuasiDistribution:"""Convert counts to a dictionary of quasi-probabilities Args: data: Counts to be mitigated. qubits: the physical qubits measured to obtain the counts clbits. If None these are assumed to be qubits [0, ..., N-1] for N-bit counts. clbits: Optional, marginalize counts to just these bits. shots: Optional, the total number of shots, if None shots will be calculated as the sum of all counts. Returns: QuasiDistribution: A dictionary containing pairs of [output, mean] where "output" is the key in the dictionaries, which is the length-N bitstring of a measured standard basis state, and "mean" is the mean of non-zero quasi-probability estimates. """
[docs]@abstractmethoddefexpectation_value(self,data:Counts,diagonal:Union[Callable,dict,str,np.ndarray],qubits:Iterable[int]=None,clbits:Optional[List[int]]=None,shots:Optional[int]=None,)->Tuple[float,float]:"""Calculate the expectation value of a diagonal Hermitian operator. Args: data: Counts object to be mitigated. diagonal: the diagonal operator. This may either be specified as a string containing I,Z,0,1 characters, or as a real valued 1D array_like object supplying the full diagonal, or as a dictionary, or as Callable. qubits: the physical qubits measured to obtain the counts clbits. If None these are assumed to be qubits [0, ..., N-1] for N-bit counts. clbits: Optional, marginalize counts to just these bits. shots: Optional, the total number of shots, if None shots will be calculated as the sum of all counts. Returns: The mean and an upper bound of the standard deviation of operator expectation value calculated from the current counts. """