Source code for qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis.utils

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Utils in curve analysis."""

from typing import Union, Optional, List, Dict, Tuple, Callable
import time

import asteval
import lmfit
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from qiskit.utils import detach_prefix
from uncertainties import UFloat, wrap as wrap_function
from uncertainties import unumpy

from qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis.curve_data import CurveFitResult
from qiskit_experiments.exceptions import AnalysisError, QiskitError
from qiskit_experiments.framework import AnalysisResultData
from qiskit_experiments.framework.deprecation import deprecate_func

UNUMPY_FUNCS = {fn: getattr(unumpy, fn) for fn in unumpy.__all__}

[docs] def is_error_not_significant( val: Union[float, UFloat], fraction: float = 1.0, absolute: Optional[float] = None, ) -> bool: """Check if the standard error of given value is not significant. Args: val: Input value to evaluate. This is assumed to be float or ufloat. fraction: Valid fraction of the nominal part to its standard error. This function returns ``False`` if the nominal part is smaller than the error by this fraction. absolute: Use this value as a threshold if given. Returns: ``True`` if the standard error of given value is not significant. """ if isinstance(val, float): return True threshold = absolute if absolute is not None else fraction * val.nominal_value if np.isnan(val.std_dev) or val.std_dev < threshold: return True return False
[docs] def analysis_result_to_repr(result: AnalysisResultData) -> str: """A helper function to create string representation from analysis result data object. Args: result: Analysis result data. Returns: String representation of the data. Raises: AnalysisError: When the result data is not likely fit parameter. """ if not isinstance(result.value, (float, UFloat)): raise AnalysisError(f"Result data {} is not a valid fit parameter data type.") unit = result.extra.get("unit", None) def _format_val(value): # Return value with unit with prefix, i.e. 1000 Hz -> 1 kHz. if unit: try: val, val_prefix = detach_prefix(value, decimal=3) except ValueError: val = value val_prefix = "" return f"{val: .3g}", f" {val_prefix}{unit}" if np.abs(value) < 1e-3 or np.abs(value) > 1e3: return f"{value: .4e}", "" return f"{value: .4g}", "" if isinstance(result.value, float): # Only nominal part n_repr, n_unit = _format_val(result.value) value_repr = n_repr + n_unit else: # Nominal part n_repr, n_unit = _format_val(result.value.nominal_value) # Standard error part if result.value.std_dev is not None and np.isfinite(result.value.std_dev): s_repr, s_unit = _format_val(result.value.std_dev) if n_unit == s_unit: value_repr = f" {n_repr} \u00B1 {s_repr}{n_unit}" else: value_repr = f" {n_repr + n_unit} \u00B1 {s_repr + s_unit}" else: value_repr = n_repr + n_unit return f"{} = {value_repr}"
[docs] def convert_lmfit_result( result: lmfit.minimizer.MinimizerResult, models: List[lmfit.Model], xdata: np.ndarray, ydata: np.ndarray, residuals: np.ndarray, ) -> CurveFitResult: """A helper function to convert LMFIT ``MinimizerResult`` into :class:`.CurveFitResult`. :class:`.CurveFitResult` is a dataclass that can be serialized with the experiment JSON decoder. In addition, this class converts LMFIT ``Parameter`` objects into ufloats so that extra parameter computation in the analysis post-processing can perform accurate error propagation with parameter correlation. Args: result: Output from LMFIT ``minimize``. models: Model used for the fitting. Function description is extracted. xdata: X values used for the fitting. ydata: Y values used for the fitting. residuals: The residuals of the ydata from the model. Returns: QiskitExperiments :class:`.CurveFitResult` object. """ model_descriptions = {} for model in models: if hasattr(model, "expr"): func_repr = model.expr else: signature = ", ".join(model.independent_vars + model.param_names) func_repr = f"F({signature})" model_descriptions[model._name] = func_repr if result is None: return CurveFitResult( model_repr=model_descriptions, success=False, x_data=xdata, y_data=ydata, ) covar = getattr(result, "covar", None) if covar is not None and np.any(np.diag(covar) < 0): covar = None return CurveFitResult( method=result.method, model_repr=model_descriptions, success=result.success, nfev=result.nfev, message=result.message, dof=result.nfree, init_params={name: param.init_value for name, param in result.params.items()}, chisq=result.chisqr, reduced_chisq=result.redchi, aic=result.aic, bic=result.bic, params={name: param.value for name, param in result.params.items()}, var_names=result.var_names, x_data=xdata, y_data=ydata, weighted_residuals=result.residual, residuals=residuals, covar=covar, )
[docs] def eval_with_uncertainties( x: np.ndarray, model: lmfit.Model, params: Dict[str, UFloat], ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute Y values with error propagation. Args: x: X values. model: LMFIT model. params: Fitter parameters in correlated ufloats. Returns: Y values with uncertainty (uarray). """ sub_params = {name: params[name] for name in model.param_names} if hasattr(model, "expr"): # If the model has string expression, we regenerate unumpy fit function. # Note that propagating the error through the function requires computation of # derivatives, which is done by uncertainties.wrap (or perhaps manually). # However, usually computation of derivative is heavy computing overhead, # and it is better to use hard-coded derivative functions if it is known. # The unumpy functions provide such derivatives, and it's much faster. # Here we parse the expression with ASTEVAL, and replace the mapping to # the functions in Python's math or numpy with one in unumpy module. # Benchmarking with RamseyXY experiment with 100 data points, # this yields roughly 60% computation time reduction. interpreter = asteval.Interpreter() astcode = interpreter.parse(model.expr.strip()) # Replace function with unumpy version interpreter.symtable.update(UNUMPY_FUNCS) # Add parameters interpreter.symtable.update(sub_params) # Add x values interpreter.symtable["x"] = x interpreter.start_time = time.time() try: return except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # User provided function does not support ufloats. # Likely using not defined function in unumpy. # This falls into normal derivative computation. pass wrapfunc = np.vectorize(wrap_function(model.func)) return wrapfunc(x=x, **sub_params)
[docs] def shot_weighted_average( yvals: np.ndarray, yerrs: np.ndarray, shots: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Compute shot based variance and weighted average of the categorized data frame. Sample is weighted by the shot number. Args: yvals: Y values to average. yerrs: Y errors to average. shots: Number of shots used to obtain Y value and error. Returns: Averaged Y value, Y error, and total shots. """ if len(yvals) == 1: return yvals[0], yerrs[0], shots[0] if any(s is pd.NA for s in shots): # Shot number is unknown return np.mean(yvals), np.nan, pd.NA total_shots = np.sum(shots) weights = shots / total_shots avg_yval = np.sum(weights * yvals) avg_yerr = np.sqrt(np.sum(weights**2 * yerrs**2)) return avg_yval, avg_yerr, total_shots
[docs] def inverse_weighted_variance( yvals: np.ndarray, yerrs: np.ndarray, shots: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[float, float, int]: """Compute inverse weighted variance and weighted average of the categorized data frame. Sample is weighted by the inverse of the data variance. Args: yvals: Y values to average. yerrs: Y errors to average. shots: Number of shots used to obtain Y value and error. Returns: Averaged Y value, Y error, and total shots. """ if len(yvals) == 1: return yvals[0], yerrs[0], shots[0] total_shots = np.sum(shots) weights = 1 / yerrs**2 yvar = 1 / np.sum(weights) avg_yval = yvar * np.sum(weights * yvals) avg_yerr = np.sqrt(yvar) return avg_yval, avg_yerr, total_shots
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def sample_average( yvals: np.ndarray, yerrs: np.ndarray, shots: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[float, float, int]: """Compute sample based variance and average of the categorized data frame. Original variance of the data is ignored and variance is computed with the y values. Args: yvals: Y values to average. yerrs: Y errors to average (ignored). shots: Number of shots used to obtain Y value and error. Returns: Averaged Y value, Y error, and total shots. """ if len(yvals) == 1: return yvals[0], 0.0, shots[0] total_shots = np.sum(shots) avg_yval = np.mean(yvals) avg_yerr = np.sqrt(np.mean((avg_yval - yvals) ** 2) / len(yvals)) return avg_yval, avg_yerr, total_shots
[docs] @deprecate_func( since="0.9", additional_msg="The curve data representation has been replaced by the `DataFrame` format.", package_name="qiskit-experiments", ) def filter_data(data: List[Dict[str, any]], **filters) -> List[Dict[str, any]]: """Return the list of filtered data Args: data: list of data dicts. filters: kwargs for filtering based on metadata values. Returns: The list of filtered data. If no filters are provided this will be the input list. """ if not filters: return data filtered_data = [] for datum in data: include = True metadata = datum["metadata"] for key, val in filters.items(): if key not in metadata or metadata[key] != val: include = False break if include: filtered_data.append(datum) return filtered_data
[docs] @deprecate_func( since="0.9", additional_msg="The curve data representation has been replaced by the `DataFrame` format.", package_name="qiskit-experiments", ) def mean_xy_data( xdata: np.ndarray, ydata: np.ndarray, sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, shots: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, method: str = "sample", ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]: r"""Return (x, y_mean, sigma) data. The mean is taken over all :math:`y` data values with the same :math:`x` data value using the specified method. For each :math:`x` the mean :math:`\overline{y}` and variance :math:`\sigma^2` are computed as * ``"sample"`` (default): *Sample mean and variance* * :math:`\overline{y} = \sum_{i=1}^N y_i / N`, * :math:`\sigma^2 = \sum_{i=1}^N ((\overline{y} - y_i)^2) / N` * ``"iwv"``: *Inverse-weighted variance* * :math:`\overline{y} = (\sum_{i=1}^N y_i / \sigma_i^2 ) \sigma^2` * :math:`\sigma^2 = 1 / (\sum_{i=1}^N 1 / \sigma_i^2)` * ``"shots_weighted_variance"``: *Sample mean and variance with weights from shots* * :math:`\overline{y} = \sum_{i=1}^N n_i y_i / M`, * :math:`\sigma^2 = \sum_{i=1}^N (n_i \sigma_i / M)^2`, where :math:`n_i` is the number of shots per data point and :math:`M = \sum_{i=1}^N n_i` is a total number of shots from different circuit execution at the same :math:`x` value. If ``shots`` is not provided, this applies uniform weights to all values. Args: xdata: 1D or 2D array of xdata from curve_fit_data or multi_curve_fit_data ydata: array of ydata returned from curve_fit_data or multi_curve_fit_data sigma: Optional, array of standard deviations in ydata. shots: Optional, array of shots used to get a data point. method: The method to use for computing y means and standard deviations sigma (default: "sample"). Returns: tuple: ``(x, y_mean, sigma, shots)``, where ``x`` is an arrays of unique x-values, ``y`` is an array of sample mean y-values, ``sigma`` is an array of sample standard deviation of y values, and ``shots`` are the total number of experiment shots used to evaluate the data point. If ``shots`` in the function call is ``None``, the numbers appear in the returned value will represent just a number of duplicated x value entries. Raises: QiskitError: If the "ivw" method is used without providing a sigma. """ x_means = np.unique(xdata, axis=0) y_means = np.zeros(x_means.size) y_sigmas = np.zeros(x_means.size) y_shots = np.zeros(x_means.size) if shots is None or any(np.isnan(shots)): # this will become standard average shots = np.ones_like(xdata) # Sample mean and variance method if method == "sample": for i in range(x_means.size): # Get positions of y to average idxs = xdata == x_means[i] ys = ydata[idxs] ns = shots[idxs] # Compute sample mean and sample standard error of the mean y_means[i] = np.mean(ys) y_sigmas[i] = np.sqrt(np.mean((y_means[i] - ys) ** 2) / ys.size) y_shots[i] = np.sum(ns) return x_means, y_means, y_sigmas, y_shots # Inverse-weighted variance method if method == "iwv": if sigma is None: raise QiskitError( "The inverse-weighted variance method cannot be used with `sigma=None`" ) for i in range(x_means.size): # Get positions of y to average idxs = xdata == x_means[i] ys = ydata[idxs] ns = shots[idxs] # Compute the inverse-variance weighted y mean and variance weights = 1 / sigma[idxs] ** 2 y_var = 1 / np.sum(weights) y_means[i] = y_var * np.sum(weights * ys) y_sigmas[i] = np.sqrt(y_var) y_shots[i] = np.sum(ns) return x_means, y_means, y_sigmas, y_shots # Quadrature sum of variance if method == "shots_weighted": for i in range(x_means.size): # Get positions of y to average idxs = xdata == x_means[i] ys = ydata[idxs] ss = sigma[idxs] ns = shots[idxs] weights = ns / np.sum(ns) # Compute sample mean and sum of variance with weights based on shots y_means[i] = np.sum(weights * ys) y_sigmas[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(weights**2 * ss**2)) y_shots[i] = np.sum(ns) return x_means, y_means, y_sigmas, y_shots # Invalid method raise QiskitError(f"Unsupported method {method}")
[docs] @deprecate_func( since="0.9", additional_msg="The curve data representation has been replaced by the `DataFrame` format.", package_name="qiskit-experiments", ) def multi_mean_xy_data( series: np.ndarray, xdata: np.ndarray, ydata: np.ndarray, sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, shots: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, method: str = "sample", ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Take mean of multi series data set. See :func:`.mean_xy_data`. Args: series: Series index. xdata: 1D or 2D array of xdata from curve_fit_data or multi_curve_fit_data ydata: array of ydata returned from curve_fit_data or multi_curve_fit_data sigma: Optional, array of standard deviations in ydata. shots: Optional, array of shots used to get a data point. method: The method to use for computing y means and standard deviations sigma (default: "sample"). Returns: Tuple of ``(series, xdata, ydata, sigma, shots)``. """ series_vals = np.unique(series) series_means = [] xdata_means = [] ydata_means = [] sigma_means = [] shots_sums = [] # Get x, y, sigma data for series and process mean data for series_val in series_vals: idxs = series == series_val sigma_i = sigma[idxs] if sigma is not None else None shots_i = shots[idxs] if shots is not None else None x_mean, y_mean, sigma_mean, shots_sum = mean_xy_data( xdata[idxs], ydata[idxs], sigma=sigma_i, shots=shots_i, method=method ) series_means.append(np.full(x_mean.size, series_val, dtype=int)) xdata_means.append(x_mean) ydata_means.append(y_mean) sigma_means.append(sigma_mean) shots_sums.append(shots_sum) # Concatenate lists return ( np.concatenate(series_means), np.concatenate(xdata_means), np.concatenate(ydata_means), np.concatenate(sigma_means), np.concatenate(shots_sums), )
[docs] @deprecate_func( since="0.9", additional_msg="The curve data representation has been replaced by the `DataFrame` format.", package_name="qiskit-experiments", ) def data_sort( series: np.ndarray, xdata: np.ndarray, ydata: np.ndarray, sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, shots: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Sort data. Input x values may not be lined up in order, since experiment may accept user input array, or data may be concatenated with previous scan. This sometimes confuses the algorithmic generation of initial guesses especially when guess depends on derivative. This returns data set that is sorted by xdata and series in ascending order. Args: series: Series index. xdata: 1D or 2D array of xdata. ydata: Array of ydata. sigma: Optional, array of standard deviations in ydata. shots: Optional, array of shots used to get a data point. Returns: Tuple of (series, xdata, ydata, sigma, shots) sorted in ascending order of xdata and series. """ if sigma is None: sigma = np.full(series.size, np.nan, dtype=float) if shots is None: shots = np.full(series.size, np.nan, dtype=float) sorted_data = sorted(zip(series, xdata, ydata, sigma, shots), key=lambda d: (d[0], d[1])) return np.asarray(sorted_data).T
[docs] def level2_probability(data: Dict[str, any], outcome: str) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Return the outcome probability mean and variance. Args: data: A data dict containing count data. outcome: bitstring for desired outcome probability. Returns: tuple: (p_mean, p_var) of the probability mean and variance estimated from the counts. .. note:: This assumes a binomial distribution where :math:`K` counts of the desired outcome from :math:`N` shots the mean probability is :math:`p = K / N` and the variance is :math:`\\sigma^2 = p (1-p) / N`. """ counts = data["counts"] shots = sum(counts.values()) p_mean = counts.get(outcome, 0.0) / shots p_var = p_mean * (1 - p_mean) / shots return p_mean, p_var
[docs] def probability(outcome: str) -> Callable: """Return probability data processor callback used by the analysis classes.""" def data_processor(data): return level2_probability(data, outcome) return data_processor